Professional Practice & Building Codes: Topic: Architects Act 1972

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The Council of Architecture (COA) has been constituted by the Government of India under the
provisions of the Architects Act, 1972, enacted by the Parliament of India, which came into force
on 1st September, 1972.
 An act to provide for the registration of architects and for matters connected there with.
 It has come into force from 31st may 1972 and extends to the whole India.
 It contains 4 chapters with 45 sections along with one schedule.

The Act provides for:

1. Registration of Architects,
2. Standards of education,

3.Recognized qualifications and standards of practice to be complied with, by the practicing

They have regulations / guidelines in the following areas:
 Architects Professional conduct regulations,1989, amended in 2003
 Architects professional guidelines
 Architectural competition guidelines.
 Standards of Architectural Education- Regulations,1983
The act is divided into, mainly four chapters

This chapter deals with the enactment of the Architects Act and the title of Architect etc.
1. This Act may be called the Architects Act, 1972.
2. It extends to the whole of India.

3.It shall come in to force on such date as the Central Government may, by notification in
the Official Gazette, appoint.
2) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,
a. "Architect" means a person whose name is for the time being entered in the register;
b. "Council" means the Council of Architecture constituted under Section 3;

c."Indian Institute of Architects" means the Indian Institute of Architects registered under
the Societies Registration Act, 1860;
d."Recognized qualification" means any qualification in architecture for the time being
included in the Schedule or notified under section 15;
e. "Register" means the register of architects maintained under section 23;
f. "Regulation" means a regulation made under this Act by the Council;
g. "Rule" means a rule made under this Act by the Central Government.


“A Council to be known as the Council of Architecture, which shall be a body corporate,
having perpetual succession and a common seal, with power to acquire, hold and dispose of
property, both movable and immovable, and to contract, and may by that name sue or be
 The Head Office of the Council shall be at Delhi or at such other place as the Central
Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify.
 Five architects possessing recognized qualifications elected by the Indian Institute of
Architects from among its members.
 Two persons nominated by the All India Council for Technical Education established
by the Resolution of the Government of India.
 Five persons elected form among themselves by heads of architectural institutions in
India imparting full-time instruction for recognized qualifications.
 he Chief Architects in the Ministries of the Central Government to which the
Government business relating to defence and railways has been allotted and head of
the Architectural Organization in the Central Public Works Department, ex officio.
 Two persons nominated by the Institution of Engineers (India) from among its
 An architect from each State nominated by the Government of that state.
 One person nominated by the Central Government. & an elected President or Vice-
President of the Council shall hold office for a term of three years or till he ceases to
be a member of the Council, whichever is earlier
4. The President and the Vice-President of the Council shall be elected by the members of the
Council from among themselves. One person nominated by the Institution of Surveyors of India
from among its members.
9.The Council shall meet at least once in every six months at such time and place and shall
observe such rules of procedure in regard to the transaction of business at its meetings as may be
prescribed by regulations.
 Unless otherwise prescribed by regulations, nine members of the Council shall
form a quorum, and all the acts of the Council shall be decided by a majority of
the members present and voting.
 In the case of an equal division of votes, the President, or in his absence, the Vice-
President or, in the absence of both, the member presiding over the meeting, shall
have and exercise a second or casting vote.
12. The Council shall
 Appoint a Registrar who shall act as its Secretary and who may also act, if so decided by
the Council, as its treasurer.
 Appoint such other officers and employees as the Council deems necessary to enable it to
carry out its functions under this Act.
 With the previous sanction of the Central Government, fix the pay and allowances and
other conditions of service of officers and other employees of the Council.
18.Every authority in India which grants a recognised qualification shall furnish such
information as the Council may, from time to time, require as to the courses of study and
examinations to be undergone in order to obtain such qualification, as to the ages at which such
courses of study and examinations are required to be undergone and such qualification is
conferred and generally as to the requisites for obtaining such qualification.
19.The Executive Committee shall, subject to regulations, if any, made by the Council, appoint
such number of inspectors as it may deem requisite to inspect any college or institution where
architectural education is given or to attend any examination held by any college or institution
for the purpose of recommending to the Central Government recognition of architectural
qualifications granted by that college or institution.

19. (2). The inspectors shall not interfere with the conduct of any training or examination, but
shall report to the Executive Committee on the adequacy of the standards of architectural
education including staff, equipment, accommodation, training and such other facilities as may
be prescribed by regulations for giving such education or on the sufficiency of every examination
which they attend.

19.3. The Executive Committee shall forward a copy of such report to the college or institution
and shall also forward copies with remarks, if any, of the college or institution thereon, to the
Central Government.

1. When upon report by the Executive Committee it appears to the Council

 that the courses of study and examination to be undergone in, or the proficiency required
from the candidates at any examination held by, any college or institution, or
 That the staff, equipment, accommodation, training and other facilities for staff and
training provided in such college or institution.
20.2. After considering such representation the appropriate Government shall forward it along
with such remarks as it may choose to make to the college or institution concerned, with an
intimation of the period within which the college or institution, as the case may be, may submit
its explanation to the appropriate Government.
21.The Council may prescribe the minimum standards of architectural education required for
granting recognised qualifications by colleges or institutions in India.
 22.1. The Council may by regulations prescribe standards of professional conduct and
etiquette and a code of ethics for architects.
 22.2. Regulations made by the Council under sub-section (1) may specify which
violations thereof shall constitute infamous conduct in any professional respect, that is to
say, professional misconduct, and such provision shall have effect notwithstanding
anything contained in any law for the time being in force.


23.1. The Central Government shall, as soon as may be, cause to be prepared in the manner
hereinafter provided a register of architects for India.
2.The Council shall upon its constitution assume the duty of maintaining the register in
accordance with the provisions of this Act.
3. The register shall include the following particulars, namely:-
 The full name with date of birth, nationality and residential address of the
 His qualification for registration, and the date on which he obtained that qualification and
the authority which conferred it.
 The date of his first admission to the register.
 His professional address and such further particulars as may be prescribed by rules.

25.A person shall be entitled on payment of such fees as may be prescribed by rules to have his
name entered in the register, if he resides or carries on the profession of architect in India and
 holds a recognised qualification, or
 does not hold such a qualification but, being a citizen of India, has been engaged in
practice as an architect for a period of not less than five years prior to the date appointed
under sub-section (2) of section 24, 24.2. The Central Government shall, by the same or a
like notification, appoint a date on or before which application for registration, which
shall be accompanied by such fee as may be prescribed by rules, shall be made to the
Registration Tribunal.

36. If any person whose name is not for the time being entered in the register falsely represents
that it is so entered, or uses in connection with his name or title any words or letters
reasonably calculated to suggest that his name is so entered, he shall be punishable with fine
which may extend to Rs.1000/-
1.After the expiry of one year from the date appointed under sub-section (2) of section 24, no
person other than a registered architect, or a firm of architects shall use the title and style of
2.If any person contravenes the provisions of sub-section (1), he shall be punishable on first
conviction with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees and on any subsequent conviction
with imprisonment which may extend to six months or with fine not exceeding one thousand
rupees or with both.
44.1. The Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, make rules to carry
out the purposes of this Act.
3.The Council may, with the approval of the central Government, *[by notification in the
Official Gazette] make regulations not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, or the rules
made there under to carry out the purposes of this Act. In particular and without prejudice to the
generality of the foregoing power, such REGULATIONS may provide for –
 The management of the property of the Council.
 The powers and duties of the President and the Vice- President of the Council.
 The summoning and holding of meetings of the Council and the Executive Committee or
any other committee constituted under section 10.
 The functions of the Executive Committee or of any other committee constituted under
section 10.
 The courses and periods of study and of practical training, if any, to be undertaken, the
subjects of examinations and standards of proficiency therein to be obtained in any
college or institution for grant of recognised qualifications.
 Any other matter which is to be or may be provided by regulations under this Act and in
respect of which no rules have been made.
 The standards of professional conduct and etiquette and code of ethics to be observed by
 The conduct of professional examinations, qualifications of examiners
and the conditions of admission to such examinations.
 The standards of staff, equipment, accommodation, training and other facilities for
architectural education.
 The appointment, powers and duties of inspector.

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