Written Communication

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Introduction :

 Oral communication
comes naturally.
 Writing is a result of long practice
and patience in learning.
 Whatever has been written that
becomes permanent.
Why Written
Communication ???
 It is not possible to think without it for

 Sometimes face-to-face
communication is not possible.
Selecting The Words That
Reader Will Understand :
 Use familiar words :
> Try in place of endeavor.
> End in place of terminate.
 Choose the short over long word
 Bringing writing to life with words.
> Tycoon – Eminently successful business person
> Bear Market – Generally declining market
 Use the technical words with caution.
> Technical - The antiquated mechanisms
were utilized for the experimentation
> Simple - The old machine were used for
Emphasis On Short Sentences:
 Long sentences are hard to read.
 Avoid cluttering phrase
At the present time Now
In very few cases Seldom
In near future Soon
 Avoid illogical construction.
 Avoid round about construction.
> Round about – The price increase will afford
the company an opportunity to retire the debt.
> Direct and to the point – The price increase will
enable the company to retire the debt.

 Avoid unnecessary repetitions.

> Needless repetition - Modern, up-to-date
equipment will be used.
> Repitions eliminated – Modern equipment will
be used.
Care In Paragraphs Design:

 “Paragraph Unity”
 Short Paragraphs.
Psychological Effects Of Long & Short
Why ?
 Communications is an
important factor & medium
in any relationship
 Individuals usually prefer face
to face verbal communication.
 Verbal communication
is not always the
most effective method of
 Written communication
can be the solution to this.

 But if the written message

is as confusing as the
verbal massage the X
same result is reached.

 So, the importance of skills in written

communication is must.
What ? (Skills Required)
 It requires a set of skills to write…
 Writing skills are as essential as other
 Check grammar, punctuation, spelling.
 Make sentences & paragraphs
 Follow the principle of sound orgn
 Precise, clear and well-defined words.
 Paragraphs as minimum units.
 Simple and short words and omit
unnecessary words.
When & Where?
 It constitutes a material and moral
link between group.
 Continuous understanding and
strengthen the ties among people.
 Written communication is important
in administration.
 For Planning, orgn, supervision,
follow-up, control, evaluation.
The first task for writing effectively is
to identify the purpose of the
communication. There are mainly two
purposes of communication in
business situations.

1. To Inform and
2. To Persuade
 “Farming provides most of the food we eat.
Our chief food crops are cereals or grains.
Cereals include maize, rice and wheat. We
also grow barely and gram.”
 Or let us analyze the information given in
an other Example-
“Files are our deadly enemies because
they feed on dirt and rubbish. When they
come and crawl over meat, sweetmeats
and cakes with their dirty legs, they leave
all kinds of germs behind and thus poison
our food.”
Purpose Of Writing :
To inform and convince any party, i.e.,
internal or external, about decisions
and the reasons behind those decisions.
To develop employees, workers or
managers clear understanding of their
roles and future growth opportunities in
the organisation.
To empower employees with information
on development and activities.
Informative Writing :
 It should focus on the subject under
 It should primarily inform rather than
persuade the reader.
 It should offer complete and exact infn.
 Information should be as certained.
 It should present information logically
and clearly.
 It should make good reading.
Introduction To Persuade :
Writing to persuade bridges the gap
between the mind of the writer and
that of his reader. Across this
bridge, the writer must send
information and ideas of interest to
the reader. This will force the
reader to think or to act.
Persuasive Writing :
 It should focus on the reader.
 It basically seeks to convince
rather than inform.
 It should support its view point by
giving information or valid reasons.
 It should clearly follows a logical
arrangement of thought and
 It should finally evoke the intended
response from the reader.
Introduction :

An Audience is a group of reader who

reads a particular piece of writing. As a
writer, you should anticipate the needs
or expectations of your audience in
order to convey information or argue
for a particular claim. You need to
know your audience before you
start writing.
Categories :
Audience comes in all categories and
types. Sometimes you have to write a letter
who is at lower level than you or few times
you find reader at higher level than that of
you. Generally it can be divided into two
caterogies :
 Academic
 Non-Academic
Types :
 Who are they ?
 What level of information ?
 The context in which they will be
reading a piece of writing.
 You will need to analyze your
audience in order to write
Knowing the knowledge level of
your audience will help you to
determine how to write, how much
information to include, how long to
make your text, how subjective or
objective you should be, and how
formal or informal your text should

Clarity of writing doesn’t only means

that the words and handwriting must
be good but the clarity of writing is
from starting of the communication.
From starting of the communication all
the things must be clear. i.e., From
ideas to the composition in written
communication must be clear.






Transformation of thoughts into language is
not enough under the guiding principles of
written commn. But it needs some thing
special Format or composition in writing.
 Format
 Type of writing
 Fonts
 Sentences
 Paragraphs
 Types of written form
 Creativity
Effectiveness of written
communication is achieved by
following the principles of –

 Clarity
 Accuracy
 Brevity
Accuracy :

 Correctness of words
 Technical accuracy of language
 Punctuation
 Words often confused when writing
Correctness Of Words :
The correctness is determined by the
appropriateness of words for the subject,
audience and purpose of a particular
piece of writing.
For Example:-
Wrong :- Deal is between you and i.
Correct :- Deal is between you and me.
Technical Accuracy Of

 Concord
 Dangling Modifier
 Prepositions
 Concord :
The rule of agreement between words in
gender , numbers , case or person.

Example :-
> Either she or her brothers are coming.
> One of my parents lives abroad.
> A number of trees have fallen in the parks.
 Dangling Modifier :
A Dangling modifier is a word or phrase
that modifies a word not clearly
mentioned in the sentence.
Example :-
> Expecting a big audience , a large
number of chairs were ordered.
> Having arrived late for class , a
written apology was demanded.
 Prepositions:
> She has a strong feeling towards us.
> She has a strong feeling against us.
> The meeting begins at 3.00 P.M.
> Diwali is on Sunday.
> Most doctors do not like to live in
> People prefers to stay in the suburbs.
> Our house is on the sea side.
Punctuation :
Punctuation determines the meaning of
the sentence and paragraph. Sometimes
even the meaning of a word gets change
by punctuation mark.
Example :-
> Wrong :- It is necessary to keep
practicing ones communication skills.
> Correct :- It is necessary to keep
practicing one’s communication skills.
Words Often Confused
When Writing
Example :-
> Advice, Advise ( Advice is a noun,
Advise is a verb.)
> All right, Alright ( All right are two
words, not one . Alright is an
incorrect form.)
> Use to ( This is incorrect . Instead
write used to.)
Brevity :
 To achieve brevity avoid wordiness
> Wordy:- I need cards that are of formal type
> Concise:- I need formal cards.

 Language and Tone

> Standard English
> Tone
 Levels of formality.
> Informal
> Semi-formal
> Strictly formal

 Natural language.
You Attitude
We Attitude You Attitude
> I was happy to hear > Thank you for your
that my letter of assurance that
June 3, provided you adequate
you adequate information.
> We have 4 different > You have a choice
saving schemes in of four savings
which our schemes in which
customers can you can invest
invest their savings. your savings.
Advantages :
 It provides us records, references etc.
 It builds up the legal defences for the
 It builds up the image of the company.
 It makes up accuracy and dependability.
 It is permanent.
 Responsibility can be easily assigned.
Limitations :
 It costs a lot to the organisation.
 It is time consuming.
 It becomes ineffective for the
uneducated people.
 Absence of immediate
We Try To Light On –

 Written communication is a creative

 Essentials of effective written
 So, the written business
communication is backbone of any

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