Agroecological Zones of Myanmr 191021

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Agro-ecological Zones

of Myanmar
Myint Thaung
Annual Rainfall
the Central dry zone - average annual
rainfall of 30 inches (762 mm) ;
the Coastal region - average annual rainfall
of 200 inches (5080 mm).
Deltaic area - average annual rainfall of
about 100 inches (2540 mm)
Central Myanmar – the mean maximum
temperature about 100°F (37.8°C) in March and
Northern part of Myanmar - the mean minimum
temperature of 40°F (4.4°C) to 50°F (10.0°C) in
January and February.
Agroecological zones

Northern mountainous (NM)

Eastern plateau (EP) zone
Semi-arid (SA) zone
Western hilly (WH) zone
Western coastal (WC) zone
Southern coastal (SC) zone
Southern plain (SP) zone
Ayeyarwady delta (AD) zone
Mountainous Region covers the north and west of the country
-high mountains (up to 5,800 meters above sea level), dense
forest, and uplands.
Shan Plateau consisting of rolling hills and uplands at an
elevation of about 2,000 meters.
Central Dry Zone, with the lowest annual rainfall; an extended
dry season; and infertile, sandy soils.
Delta Region is a vast fertile area that is at the confluence of
three major river systems: it has the highest land productivity;
moderately high rainfall; generally flat topography; and an
excellent environment for agriculture, especially rice production
Coastal Region the highest annual rainfall (exceeding 4,000
millimeters per annum) and is highly suitable for growing
perennial crops such as coconut, oil palm, and rubber.
Myanmar is situated in the tropical climate region and
highly vulnerable to impacts from climate change.
From 1961-1990 to 1981-2010, the maximum
temperature has increased whereas the minimum
temperature has decreased.
The normal annual mean maximum temperature
increased by 0.5 °C from 1961-1990 to 1981-2010.
Monthly normal rainfall was about 200 mm in May, >
300 mm in September, > 400 in June, July and August
Seasonality of the Crop (Cropping Calendar) in Sagaing
(Irrigated Lowland)
Sowing Time

No Cropping Patterns
July gus Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apri May jun

1 MR - C- SR Monsoon Rice Chickpea Summer Rice

2 MR - BG - SR Monsoon Rice Black Gram Summer Rice

3 MR - O -SR Monsoon Rice Onion Summer Rice

4 MR - C- SR Monsoon Rice Chickpea
MR - Summer
BG - SR Monsoon Rice Black Gram
5 Rice
Seasonality of the Crop (Cropping Calendar) in Sagaing
(Rain-fed Lowland)
Sowing Time

No Cropping Patterns
July gus t Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apri May Jun
1 MR- C-SR Monsoon Rice Chickpea

2 MR-C-S Monsoon Rice Chickpea Sesame

3 MR-W-GG Monsoon Rice Wheat Green Gram

4 MR-C-GG Monsoon Rice Chickpea Green Gram

5 MR-SR Monsoon Rice Summer Rice

6 MR-C Monsoon Rice Chickpea

7 MR- BG Monsoon Rice Black Gram

Table.1. Agricultural Zoning and Characteristics
Item Zone I Zone II Zone III Zone IV
Hilly and Central Dry Delta Area Coastal Area
Mountainous Zone Area
Administrative Kachin State Sagaing Region Ayeyarwady Mon State
Area Kayah State Magway Region Region Tanintharyi
Chin State Mandalay Region Yangon Region Region
Shan State Bago Region Rakhine State
Climate -Rainy season -Summer (Mar. to -Rainy season
(Mid-May to Mid- May (Mid-May to Mid- - Annual rainfall
Oct.) -Rainy season Oct.) (3,000 - 5,000
-Dry season (Mid- (Mid-May to -Dry season (Mid- mm) Mid-May) Oct.), Oct. to Mid-May)
- Annual Rainfall -Winter (Nov. to -Annual rainfall
(1,000 to Feb.) (2,200 to 28,000
2,000mm) -Annual rainfall mm)
(700 to 1,000
Table.1. Agricultural Zoning and Characteristics
Item Zone I Zone II Zone III Zone IV
Hilly Dry Zone Delta Area Coastal Area

Topography and - High mountains, -Flat topography, -Low land

Land Use range and forests semi-dry to dry consists of -Cultivated areas
-Some areas high condition Ayeyarwady delta of coastal regions
rainfall, rivers -Paddy cultivation and Sittaung delta of Mon,
developed by irrigation -Area 3.1 million Tanintharyi,
-Crop cultivation water. Rain-fed ha, paddy Rakhine
in valley areas, paddy monoculture
shift-cultivation in lands are found
hilly areas in some areas.
Major Crops and -Rice wheat, -Rice, groundnut, -Rice, pulses -Rice, rubber, oil
Potential maize, sorghum sesame, pulses, -60% of total rice palm oil
vegetables, oil seeds etc., production is -Rice sufficiency
sugarcane various crops are produced in this area
-Soil types and sown. zone -Potential area for
topography is development
suitable for agro- rubber, coconut
forestry and oil palm
Table.1. Agricultural Zoning and Characteristics
Item Zone I Zone II Zone III Zone IV
Hilly Dry Zone Delta Area Coastal Area
Issues for Forest land is To increase This zone Flood
Agricultural degraded by crop production cannot be protection and
Production shifting depend upon classified as drainage
cultivation. Soil the improving problematic one improvement
erosion, exist- ing for agricultural are required.
sediment and irrigation production, but
deficit of water networks and more renovation
resources are maintenance on flooding and
found. canals drainage
Few fertile land Production of protection
and low sesame depends becomes
potential to on weather necessary
manage the condition.
. large scale Rice deficit is
farming observed in
some areas

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