Module 3 - Assessment Calendar

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Module 3

Skills Development Training on SMV Updating

And Conduct of General Revision
Local Assessment Regulations No. 1-2007
November 05, 2007

Supplemental Regulations for the Effective Implementation

of Local Assessment Regulations No. 1-04 dated 01 October
2004 otherwise known as the “Manual on Real Property
Appraisal and Assessment Operations” and other Applicable
Laws, Rules and Regulations
Local Assessment Regulations No. 1-2007
November 05, 2007

SECTION 1. Coverage. – These Regulations shall apply to

the BLGF Central and Regional Offices, Provincial, City and
Municipal Assessors and the Treasurers and Others
Local Assessment Regulations No. 1-2007
November 05, 2007

SECTION 2. Submission of Proposed Schedule of market

Values (SMV) – Prior to submission to and enactment into an
Ordinance by the concerned Sanggunian, all proposed SMV
prepared by Assessor’s pursuant to Section 212 of R.A. No.
7160 shall be submitted to the BLGF Regional Office
concerned for review as to compliance with the Manual and
other applicable laws, rules and regulations. For LGUs within
Metropolitan Manila Area, the proposed SMVs shall be
submitted to the BLGF Central Office.
Local Assessment Regulations No. 1-2007
November 05, 2007

SECTION 3. Certification – Within fifteen (15) working days

from receipt of the proposed SMV, the BLGF Central Office
and Regional Office shall issue a Certification (LAR No. ____
Form No. 1 and Form No. 2 respectively) to the effect that the
proposed SMV shall have complied with the Manual and other
applicable laws, rules and regulations. In case of non–
compliance, the BLGF shall issue a written advice to the
concerned assessor for correction or modification of then
proposed SMV for re submission to the BLGF. The said
certification shall be a prerequisite to the submission of the
proposed SMV to the Sanggunian concerned.
Local Assessment Regulations No. 1-2007
November 05, 2007


This is to certify that the proposed Schedule of Market Values

(SMV), submitted by (name of asessor), (Prov./City of _____), complies
with Local Government Code of 1991 (R.A. No. 7160), Philippine
Valuation Standards (PVS) issued under DOF Order No. 37-09, Mass
Appraisal Guidebook (MAG) issued under DOF Order No. 10-2010, and
Manual on Real Property Appraisal and Assessment Operations
(MRPAAO) issued under DOF Local Assessment Regulations (LAR No.
1-04) and DOF Local Assessment Regulations (LAR No. 1-2007) and
other existing rules, regulations and guidelines.

Issued this ____ day of _________.

Executive Director/Regional Director

Assessment Calendar

ACTIVITY LGU Official/s Responsible Period

1. Acceptance of sworn The Provincial and City Jan. 1 to June of
statements declaring the true Assessors and Municipal the first year
values of real property to be Assessor within Metro Manila
filed by real property Area.

2. Analysis of data that have The Provincial and City Jul. 1 to Sept. 30 of
been gathered and Assessors and Municipal the first year
preparation of the preliminary Assessor within Metro Manila
Schedule of Market Values. Area.

3. Drafting of Proposed Schedule The Provincial and City

of Market Values Assessors and Municipal
Assessor within Metro Manila

NOTE: The first three (3) activities are part of mass appraisal process in SMV Development
preparatory to the conduct of General Revision of Real Property Assessment.
Assessment Calendar

ACTIVITY LGU Official/s Responsible Period

4. Submission of Proposed SMV The Provincial and City
to the BLGF Regional Office Assessors and Municipal
concerned for review as to Assessor within Metro Manila
compliance with the Manual Area.
and other applicable laws,
rules and regulations. For
LGUs within Metropolitan
Manila Area, the proposed
SMVs shall be submitted to
the BLGF Central Office.

5. Review as to compliance Local Assessment Operations

with the manual and other Officers and Property
applicable laws, rules and Appraisers of BLGF Regional
regulations and Central Office.
Assessment Calendar

ACTIVITY LGU Official/s Responsible Period

6. Certification from the BLGF Executive Director for Central Within One Month
Central and Regional Office Office and Regional Director for after the
to the effect that the Regional Office submission of
proposed SMV shall have proposed SMV
complied with the Manual
and other applicable laws,
rules and regulations.

7. Submission of the Schedule The Provincial and City Not later than
of Market Values to the Assessors and Municipal October 30 of the
Sanggunian concerned and Assessor within Metro Manila first year
conduct of public hearing. Area.

8. Enactment of Ordinance The Sangguniang Panlalawigan Not later than

adopting the Schedule of of Sangguniang Panlungsod or January 31 of the
Market Values Sangguniang Bayan second year
Assessment Calendar

ACTIVITY LGU Official/s Responsible Period

9. Publication of the Schedule in The Provincial and City Not later than
a newspaper of general Assessors and Municipal February 28 of the
circulation in the locality or Assessor within Metro Manila second year
postig in the Provincial Area.
Capitol, City or Municipal Hall
and in two (2) conspicuous
public places

10. Preparation of Field Appriasal The Provincial and City Not later than
and Assessment Sheets, Tax Assessors and Municipal September 31 of
Declarations and Notices of Assessor within Metro Manila the second year
Assessment and mailing or Area.
delivering of said notices to
property owners.
Assessment Calendar

ACTIVITY LGU Official/s Responsible Period

11. Preparation of Assessment The Provincial and City Not later than
Rolls and the Copies thereof Assessors and Municipal November 30 of
sent to Provincial, City and Assessor within Metro Manila the second year
Municipal Treasurer. Area.

12. Effectivity of the Revised Real The Provincial and City Not later than
Property Assessment. Assessors and Municipal January 1st of the
Assessor within Metro Manila third year
End of Presentation

Thank You

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