Para-Jumbles: Tips and Techniques To Solve

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Tips and Techniques to solve

What is a para-jumble?
A set of jumbled sentences that you need to unscramble
Paragraph + Jumbled


Thus, Para-jumbles are nothing else but another

method to test your Comprehension skills.
• Fixed
Either one or both Opening and closing lines given

• Movable
All the lines are jumbled – need to identify theme
and opening line
Example - Fixed
1. Opening statement 1. Opening statement

A. ……………. A. …………….
B. ……………. B. …………….
C. ……………. C. …………….
D. ……………. D. …………….

6. Closing statement
Example - Movable
A. ……………. 1. ……………. a) …………….
B. ……………. 2. ……………. b) …………….
C. ……………. 3. ……………. c) …………….
D. ……………. 4. ……………. d) …………….
5. ……………. e) …………….
f) …………….
A. A man who visited a state park in south-western Arkansas found a
9.07-carat diamond that he initially picked up thinking it was
B. According to the park officials, the largest diamond found from
the park is the 16.37-carat white Amarillo Starlight, discovered in
August 1975.
C. A press release from the park said that Kinard was with his
friends, when he found the marble-sized crystal that had a
rounded, dimpled shape.
D. According to news agency AP, 33-year-old bank manager
Kevin Kinard from Maumelle in Arkansas discovered the second-
largest diamond ever found in the 48-year history of the Crater
of Diamonds State Park on Labor Day.
A. In a report in India Today, Gavaskar was quoted as saying,
“Firstly, I would like to say it again. Where am I blaming her? I am
not blaming her. I am only saying that the video said that she
was bowling to Virat."
B. Sunil Gavaskar, clarifying his comments on Virat Kohli’s
performance in the Indian Premier League clash against Kings XI
Punjab, said he had never blamed Anushka Sharma and that he
had only commented on their social media video.
C. He felt the lack of practice was quiet evident in Kohli’s
performance as they were chasing a challenging 207-run target.
D. He further stated that he has always supported  wives going with
husbands on tour. 
     I.ABCD     II.BADC      III.DCAB            IV.ABDC

A. Punjab forms close to 2 per cent of the area and population of the
B. There was a time when the country faced not just famines but also
international ignominy as our prime ministers had to go around
the world capitals with a begging bowl in hand.
C. And yet its farmers have always contributed the bulk
of foodgrain, often exceeding 50 per cent of the national granary. 
D. Late PM, Lal Bahadur Shastri ji then gave a clarion call to
Punjab farmers to come to the rescue of the country: Jai Jawan,
Jai Kisan.
       I.ACBD     II.DBAC          III. BDAC            IV.CBAD
• Try to find the pairs within the paragraph.
• Which two lines will come together?

Hence the solution 

A. But, in fact, the implications of the Centre’s new legislation go
much deeper and wider. 
B. On the face of it, the issue relates to the continuance of the
Minimum Support Price (MSP) regime for certain crops. 
C. At stake is the entire system of “Assured Procurement” by
government of India agencies such as the Food Corporation of
D.    The country is going through an extremely sensitive and
troubled period with 70 per cent of its population, the farmers, out
on the streets, agitating against the Centre’s decision to amend the
laws with regard to the marketing of farm produce. 
I.DABC      II.DBAC      III. DCAB         IV.CDBA
• Check the use of connectors and transition
words like "but"
• Then form sentence pairs.
• Look for meaning in the paragraph
• The correct answer is:
• Ratan Tata, chairman emeritus of Tata Sons, is all set to feature in
the next episode of National Geographic’s Mega Icons Season 2.

• In a promotional clip of the episode, which will air on September 27,

the industrialist details a harrowing incident that he went through as
a young man.

• Ratan Tata recalled an incident where an engine of the light aircraft

he was flying failed.

• He was on a “joyride” with three willing passengers. And then the

engine went kaput.
ANS : No change (ABCD)
1. He was looking forward to opening up the
presents in the solitude of his room.
2. Sanjay’s birthday was celebrated with a big
3. But the guests insisted he open them up right
4. Several people arrived at his home bearing
gifts, both big and small.

2-> 4-> 1-> 3

• Generic to specific
1)Noun -> Pronoun
2)Classification -> Definition
3)List of Items -> Addressing each item on the list
4)Expansion -> Abbreviation
• Cause and effect
1)Cause precedes effect
2)Idea precedes elaboration
• Chronology to be preserved
Tips to solve
• Identify subject
• Identify topic sentence
• Form pairs within the given sets based on
• Eliminate options based on the pairs
How to link or form pairs
1. Pronouns
2. Acronyms/ Abbreviations/ Use of last names
3. Time sequence
4. Hypothesis and Example (Similar to idea and
5. Articles
6. Topic sentence and conclusion
7. Indicators of cause and effect / Conjunctions
8. Support words and contrast words
Pronouns and Acronym
1. In terms of the gap between worth and rewards, translators come
somewhere near nurses and street-cleaners.

A.Hofman feels passionately about his work, and this is

clear from his writings.
B.But thanklessness and impossibility do not daunt him.
C.He acknowledges too – in fact he returns to the point often –
that best translators of poetry always fail at some level.
D.Michael Hofman, a poet and translator, accepts
this sorry fact without approval or complaint.
Forming pairs (Contd.)
Answer deduced based on
• Full name preceding last name/ first name
• Proper noun preceding pronoun “He” in this
• Conjunction for connecting statements her “But”
is used for contradicting “statement C”

DCBA is the correct order

Time sequence
A. Then two astronomers—the German, Johannes Kepler, and the
Italian, Galileo Galilei-started publicly to support the Copernican
theory, despite the fact that the orbits it predicted did not quite match
the ones observed.
B. His idea was that the sun was stationary at the centre and that the
earth and the planets move in circular orbits around the sun.
C. A simple model was proposed in 1514 by a Polish priest,
Nicholas Copernicus.
D. Nearly a century passed before this idea was taken

CBDA is the correct order

Hypothesis and Example
A. The potential exchanges between the officials of IBBF and the
Maharashtra Body-Building Association has all the trappings of a
drama we are accustomed to.
B. In the case of sports persons, there is room for some
sympathy, but the apathy of the administrators, which has even led to
sanctions from international bodies, is unpardonable.
C. A case in the point is the hefty penalty of US $10,000 slapped
on the Indian Body-Building Federation for not fulfilling its
commitment for holding the Asian Championships in Mumbai in
D. It is a matter of deep regret and concern that the sports
administrators often cause more harm to the image of the
country than sportsmen and sportswomen do through their dismal

DBCA is the correct order

Articles can be divided into two categories -
1. Definite (the) 2. Indefinite (a and an).

When the author uses 'a / an' – he/she wants to make a

general statement - wants to introduce the noun followed
by a/an for the first time but when he/she uses 'the' to refer
back to some previously discussed noun.

It means having 'the' is very unlikely in the opening sentence.

If 'a/an' and 'the' both are used for the same noun then the
sentence containing 'the' will come after the sentence
containing ‘a/an.’
Transition words / Indicators
Cause and effect Support words Contrast words
Accordingly Furthermore Nevertheless
in order to Additionally Although
because Also
so...that Nonetheless
And But
consequently Too
therefore Surprisingly
as well
given Despite
indeed on the contrary
hence even though
when...then likewise
moreover Ironically
rather than
In contrast
Transition words / Indicators
A. Alexander Bain, Scottish clockmaker, patented the
electric clock.
B. The next development in accuracy occurred
after 1656 with the invention of the pendulum clock.
C. Clocks have played an important role in man's
D. Spring-driven clocks appeared during the 15th century,
although they are often erroneously credited to
Nuremberg watchmaker Peter Henlen around 1511.

CDBA is the correct order

Let’s try
S1: Calcutta unlike other cities kept its trams.

P : As a result there arose horrendous congestion.

Q : It was going to be the first in South Asia.
R : THEY run down the centre of the road
S : To ease in, the city decided to build an
underground railway line.

S6: The foundation stone was laid in 1972.

S1: Calcutta unlike other cities kept its TRAMS.

P : AS A RESULT there arose horrendous

Q : It was going to be the first in South Asia.
R : THEY run down the centre of the road
S : To ease in, the city decided to build an
underground railway line.

S6: The foundation stone was laid in 1972.

A.Machines boast increasingly higher output.

B.Engineering has made enormous advances over

the past few years

C.This last parameter is becoming more and more

important, especially against the backdrop of

D.They operate more precisely and as a rule

consume significantly less energy than just a few
years ago
A.One example of this trend is most definitely laser
technology, which was considered exotic and too
expensive especially for glass finishing until a few years

B.However, machines became cheaper and more

efficient so today they can be economically used for
drilling and drill intercepts or for sizing display glass.

C.In the course of events new technologies achieve

market readiness while other technical solutions
become obsolete and vanish from the market.

D.Even laser-based surface finishing is growing more

worthwhile, now offering more possibilities than
A.Even though companies’ machinery and equipment capacities are
frequently sufficient to process customers’ jobs in theory, the
increasing shortage of skilled labour causes bottlenecks in many firms
in practice.

B.One reason is the current labour market because many companies

are already today lacking skilled labour.

C.Despite plenty of optimisation and a high degree of automation,

companies come up against their limits time and again.

D.Digitalisation that ideally covers a complete company promises to

bring improvements here
A.The unmanned plane, dubbed the PHASA-35 (Persistent High-
Altitude Solar Aircraft), made its maiden voyage on 10 February  at
the Royal Australian Air Force Woomera Test Range in South

B.At 35 meters, the wingspan of the new BAE Systems aircraft

equals that of a Boeing 737, yet the plane weighs in at just 150
kilograms, including a 15 kg payload.

C.”We’d previously tested other sub-systems such as the flight

control system in smaller models of the plane in the U.K. and
Australia, so we’d taken much of the risk out of the craft before the
test flight.”

D.“It flew for just under an hour—enough time to successfully test

its aerodynamics, autopilot system, and maneuverability,” says Phil
Varty, business development leader of emerging products at BAE
 A. A Russian-built lander is intended to carry a European rover to the Martian

 B.A joint mission between the European Space Agency (ESA) and Roscosmos, the
Russian space agency, ExoMars 2020 is dedicated to the search for life, including
anything that might be alive today. 

C.“They’re relying on a Russian-built lander, which is worrying,” says Emily

Lakdawalla, a senior editor at the Planetary Society. 

D.But the mission is technically challenging, and some experts doubt that
Roscosmos is up to its task. 
S1: For some time in his youth Abraham Lincoln
was manager for a shop.

P : Then a chance Customer would come.

Q : Young Lincoln way of keeping shop was
entirely unlike anyone else's
R : Lincoln would jump up and attend to his needs
and then revert to his reading.
S : He used to lie full length on the counter of the
shop eagerly reading a book.

S6: Never before had Lincoln had so much time for

reading as had then.
S1: For some time in his youth Abraham Lincoln was a
manager for a shop.

P : Now and then a CUSTOMER would come.

Q : Young Lincoln’s way of keeping shop was entirely
unlike anyone else's
R : Lincoln would jump up and attend to HIS needs and
then revert to his reading.
S : HE used to lie full length on the counter of the shop
eagerly reading a book.

S6: Never before had Lincoln had so much time for

reading as had then.

A. Post offices and Public sector banks could
supplement micro-credit institutions in this regard.
B. They are trusted institutions, and have already built
up credit and savings channels for the poor.
C. In a recent paper, Wouter Van Ginneken of the
International Labor Organization has argued that
micro-finance institutions could play an important
role in providing social security.
D. To overcome this weakness, Ginneken suggests that
micro-credit organizations should outsource the
insurance part of their business.
E. But one problem is that most micro-credit
institutions are small and lack expertise in the
insurance business.
A. Post offices and Public sector BANKS COULD
this regard.
B. THEY are trusted institutions, and have already built
up credit and savings channels for the poor.
C. In a recent paper, Wouter Van Ginneken of the
International Labor Organization has argued that
micro-finance institutions could play an important
role in providing social security.
D. To overcome THIS WEAKNESS, Ginneken suggests
that micro-credit organizations should outsource the
insurance part of their business.
E. BUT one problem is that most micro-credit
institutions are small and lack expertise in the
insurance business.

A. The former Act imposed severe restrictions on
the freedom of the press and the latter forbade
the possession of arms by Indians.
B. Many measures of the government provoked
widespread agitation.
C. The British government consistently followed a
policy of repression after 1857.
D. Two of these were the Vernacular Press Act of
1878 and the Arms Act of 1897.
A. The former act imposed severe restrictions on
the freedom of the press and the latter forbade
the possession of arms by Indians.
B. Many measures of the government
PROVOKED widespread agitation.
C. The British government consistently followed a
policy of repression after 1857.
D. Two of these were the Vernacular Press Act of
1878 and the Arms Act of 1897.

A. Here I would like to echo the words of former President
of India, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, “A nation’s progress
depends about how its people think.”
B. We have to act with conviction to realize our dream.
C. We Indians have to think as a nation and dream to
transform our country into a super power.
D. It is very unfortunate that economically resurgent India
still remains home to the world’s largest population of
poor, hungry and illiterate people.
E. Besides these, rapidly increasing population, rampant
corruption, exploitation of women, child labour,
communalism are some of the issues which need to be
worked upon.
F. Tragically, hunger remains India’s biggest lingering
problem with an estimated 7000 Indians dying of hunger
every single day.
G. Along with chronic hunger, deep poverty and high
illiteracy also continue to blight the lives of millions of
our people.
A. HERE I would like to echo the words of former President of India,
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, “A nation’s progress depends about how
its people think.”
B. WE have to act with conviction to realize our dream.
C. WE INDIANS have to think as a nation and dream to transform
our country into a super power.
D. It is very unfortunate that economically resurgent India still
remains home to the world’s largest population of poor, hungry
and illiterate people.
E. Besides these, rapidly increasing population, rampant corruption,
exploitation of women, child labour, communalism are some of
the issues which need to be worked upon.
F. TRAGICALLY, hunger remains India’s biggest lingering problem
with an estimated 7000 Indians dying of hunger every single day.
G. ALONG WITH chronic hunger, deep poverty and high illiteracy
also continue to blight the lives of millions of our people.

A. It is obvious from the above that the Commission has accorded the
highest priority to securing speedy justice to women.
B. These members continue to pursue their mandated activities, namely
review of legislation, intervention in specific individual complaints of
atrocities and denial of rights.
C. The functions assigned to the Commission, as per the Act, are wide
and varied covering almost all facts of issues relating to safeguarding
women’s rights and promotion.
D. The National Commission for Women was set up on 31st January,
1992 in pursuance of the National Commission for Women Act 1990.
E. Towards the end of speedy justice to women, the Commission is
organizing Parivarik Mahila Lok Adalats offering counseling in family
disputes and conducting training programmes for creating legal
awareness among women.
F. They also suggest remedial action to safeguard the interest of women
to the appropriate authorities.
G. To carry out these functions the Commission has a Chairman, five
members and a Member Secretary, all nominated by the Central
A. It is obvious from the above that the Commission has accorded the highest
priority to securing speedy justice to women.
B. THESE MEMBERS continue to pursue their mandated activities, namely
review of legislation, intervention in specific individual complaints of
atrocities and denial of rights.
C. THE FUNCTIONS assigned to the Commission, as per the Act, are wide
and varied covering almost all facts of issues relating to safeguarding
women’s rights and promotion.
D. The National Commission for Women was set up on 31st January, 1992 in
pursuance of the National Commission for Women Act 1990.
E. Towards the end of speedy justice to women, the Commission is
organizing Parivarik Mahila Lok Adalats offering counseling in family
disputes and conducting training programmes for creating legal
awareness among women.
F. THEY also suggest remedial action to safeguard the interest of women to
the appropriate authorities.
G. To carry out THESE FUNCTIONS the Commission has a Chairman, five
members and a Member Secretary, all nominated by the Central
A. He felt justified in bypassing the Congress altogether on a variety of
B. At times he was fighting the entire Congress.
C. Bush felt he had a mission to restore power to the presidency.
D. Bush was not fighting just the democrats.
E. Representatives democracy is a messy business, and a CEO of the
White House does not like a legislature of second guessers and time


Answer: Option 4 is based on the following:

1. Identify the pair DB. Option 1 is eliminated as it does not has DB in

the required order. Now we are left with options 2, 3 and 4.

2. Option 2 eliminated as cannot start with D because it lacks an

introductory idea/concept.

3. E forms the most general statement and forms the start of the
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