PPT2 - Linked List I - Single Linked List

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COMP6601 – Data Structures

Week 2 – Linked List I

Single Linked List
Learning Outcomes
• LO1 : Explain the concept of data structure and its usage in
• LO2 : Demonstrate how to create any learned data structure
Sub Topics
• Linked List Introduction
• Linked List versus Array
• Memory Allocation
• Pointer of Struct
• Single Linked List
• Push and Pop Operation in Single Linked List
Linked List
• Linked list is a data structure that consists of a sequence of data
records such that each record there is a field that contains a reference to
the next record in the sequence.

• Example of a list whose nodes contain two fields:

an integer value and a link to the next node

• Linked list which node contain only a single link to other node is called
single linked list.

T0026 - Data Structure 4

Linked List versus
• Array:
 Linear collection of data elements
 Store value in consecutive memory locations
 Can be random in accessing of data

• Linked List:
 Linear collection of nodes
 Doesn’t store its nodes in consecutive memory locations
 Can be accessed only in a sequential manner

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Memory Allocation:
• If you need to allocate memory dynamically (in
runtime), you can use malloc in C/C++.
• To de-allocate you can use free.

int *px = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));

char *pc = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char));
*px = 205;
*pc = ‘A’;
printf( “%d %c\n”, *px, *pc );

Single Linked List
• To create a list, we first need to define a node
structure for the list.

• Supposed we want to create a list of integers.

struct tnode {
int value;
struct tnode *next;
}; head is the pointer to the
first element in our
linked list.
struct tnode *head = 0;

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Single Linked List:
Push (Insert)
• To insert a new value, first we should dynamically allocate a new
node and assign the value to it and then connect it with the
existing linked list.

• Supposed we want to append the new node in front of the


struct tnode *node =

(struct tnode*) malloc(sizeof(struct tnode));
node->value = x;
node->next = head; Operator -> has the same meaning as:
head = node;
(*node).value = x;
(*node).next = head;

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Single Linked List:
Push (Insert)

Append a new node in front of head.

Assuming there is already a linked list
containing 10, 35, 27.

Single Linked List:
Push (Insert)
How about the algorithm of inserting new node in the
middle and in the last of the single linked list?

Can you try it by yourself?

You should try!

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Single Linked List:
Pop (Delete)
• To delete a value, first we should find the location of node which
store the value we want to delete, remove it, and connect the
remaining linked list.

• Supposed the value we want to remove is x and assuming x is

exist in linked list and it is unique.

• There are two conditions we should pay attention to:

 if x is in a head node or
 if x is not in a head node.

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Single Linked List:
Pop (Delete)
struct tnode *curr = head;

// if x is in head node
if ( head->value == x ) {
head = head->next;
// if x is not in head node, find the location
else {
while ( curr->next->value != x ) curr = curr->next;
struct tnode *del = curr->next;
curr->next = del->next;

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Single Linked List:
Pop (Delete)
• Deleting 31 (located at head)

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Single Linked List:
Pop (Delete)
• Deleting 35 (not located at head)

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• Polynomial is given as 6x3 + 9x2 + 1
• Every individual term in a polynomial consists of two
parts, a coefficient and a power
• Here, 6, 9, 7, and 1 are the coefficients of the terms
that have 3, 2, 1, and 0 as their power respectively.
• Every term of a polynomial can be represented as a
node of the linked list.

6 3 9 2 7 1 1 0 x

T0026 - Data Structure 15

Thank You

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