Finite Element Modeling and Analysis: CE 595: Course Part 2 Amit H. Varma
Finite Element Modeling and Analysis: CE 595: Course Part 2 Amit H. Varma
Finite Element Modeling and Analysis: CE 595: Course Part 2 Amit H. Varma
Strains do not vary within the element. Hence, the name constant
strain triangle (CST)
Other elements are not so lucky.
Can also be called linear triangle because displacement field is linear in
x and y - sides remain straight.
Constant Strain Triangle
• The strain field from the shape functions looks like:
1 in.
5 in.
0.1 in.
I 0.113 / 12 0.008333 in 4
M c 1 0.5
60 ksi
I 0.008333
ML2 25
0.0517 in.
2EI 2 29000 0.008333
Bilinear Quadratic
• The Q4 element is a quadrilateral element that has four nodes. In
terms of generalized coordinates, its displacement field is:
Bilinear Quadratic
• Shape functions and strain-displacement matrix
Bilinear Quadratic
• The element stiffness matrix is obtained the same way
• A big challenge with this element is that the displacement field
has a bilinear approximation, which means that the strains vary
linearly in the two directions. But, the linear variation does not
change along the length of the element.
y, v
x, u
x varies with y but not with x
x x x
y varies with x but not with y
Bilinear Quadratic
• So, this element will struggle to model the behavior of a beam
with moment varying along the length.
Inspite of the fact that it has linearly varying strains - it will struggle
to model when M varies along the length.
• Another big challenge with this element is that the displacement
functions force the edges to remain straight - no curving during
Bilinear Quadratic
• The sides of the element remain straight - as a result the angle
between the sides changes.
Even for the case of pure bending, the element will develop a change
in angle between the sides - which corresponds to the development
of a spurious shear stress.
The Q4 element will resist even pure bending by developing both
normal and shear stresses. This makes it too stiff in bending.
• The element converges properly with mesh refinement and in
most problems works better than the CST element.
Example Problem
• Consider the problem we were looking at:
1 in.
5 in.
0.1 in.
I 0.1 13 / 12 0.008333in 4
M c 1 0. 5
I 0.008333
PL3 0.2 125
3 EI 3 29000 0.008333
Quadratic Quadrilateral Element
• The 8 noded quadratic quadrilateral element uses quadratic
functions for the displacements
Quadratic Quadrilateral Element
• Shape function examples:
4 3
M2 M1
1 1 1 a
x M2 M1
1 1 2 b
1 2
Q6 or Q4 with Why is it stepped? LST elements Note the
incompatible modes discontinuities
Q4 elements Q8 elements
Why is it stepped?
Small discontinuities?
Values are too low
Q6 or Q4 with LST elements
incompatible modes
Q4 elements Q8 elements
Q6 or Q4 with LST elements
incompatible modes
Accurate shear stress? Discontinuities
Q4 elements Q8 elements
Some issues!
Lets refine the Q8 model. Quadruple the number Fix the boundary conditions to include
of elements - replace 1 by 4 (keeping the same additional nodes as shown
aspect ratio but finer mesh). Define boundary on the edge!
The contours look great!
So, why is it over-predicting??
Is my model wrong?
Reading assignment
• Section 3.8
• Figure 3.10-2 and associated text
• Mechanical loads consist of concentrated loads at nodes, surface
tractions, and body forces.
Traction and body forces cannot be applied directly to the FE model.
Nodal loads can be applied.
They must be converted to equivalent nodal loads. Consider the case
of plane stress with translational d.o.f at the nodes.
A surface traction can act on boundaries of the FE mesh. Of course,
it can also be applied to the interior.
Equivalent Nodal Loads
• Traction has arbitrary orientation with respect to the boundary but
is usually expressed in terms of the components normal and
tangent to the boundary.
Principal of equivalent work
• The boundary tractions (and body forces) acting on the element
sides are converted into equivalent nodal loads.
The work done by the nodal loads going through the nodal
displacements is equal to the work done by the the tractions (or body
forces) undergoing the side displacements
Body Forces
• Body force (weight) converted to equivalent nodal loads.
Interesting results for LST and Q8
Important Limitation
• These elements have displacement degrees of freedom only. So
what is wrong with the picture below?
xy yy yz z
xz yz zz
• If you consider two coordinate systems (xyz) and (XYZ) with the
same origin
The cosines of the angles between the coordinate axes (x,y,z) and the
axes (X, Y, Z) are as follows
Each entry is the cosine of the angle between the coordinate axes
designated at the top of the column and to the left of the row.
(Example, l1=cos xX, l2=cos xY)
x y z
X l1 m1 n1
Y l2 m2 n2
Z l m n
Stress Analysis
• The direction cosines follow the equations:
For the row elements: li2+mi2+ni2=1 for I=1..3
For the column elements: l12+l22+l32=1
Similarly, sum (mi2)=1 and sum(ni2)=1
The stresses in the coordinates XYZ will be:
Stress Analysis
XX l12 xx m12 yy n12 zz 2m1n1 yz 2n1l1 zx 2l1m1 xy
Equations A
2 2 2
YY l xx m yy n zz 2m2 n 2 yz 2n 2 l2 zx 2l2 m2 xy
2 2 2
= +
• Why did we obtain this? Why is this important? And what does it
Isoparametric Elements and Solution
• Biggest breakthrough in the implementation of the finite element
method is the development of an isoparametric element with
capabilities to model structure (problem) geometries of any shape
and size.
• The whole idea works on mapping.
The element in the real structure is mapped to an ‘imaginary’
element in an ideal coordinate system
The solution to the stress analysis problem is easy and known for the
‘imaginary’ element
These solutions are mapped back to the element in the real structure.
All the loads and boundary conditions are also mapped from the real
to the ‘imaginary’ element in this approach
Isoparametric Element
4 (x3, y3)
(x4, y4) 4 3
(-1, 1) (1, 1)
1 2
Y,v 2 (-1, -1) (1, -1)
(x2, y2)
(x1, y1)
X, u
Isoparametric element
• The mapping functions are quite simple:
x 2
x 3
X N1 N 2
N3 N4 0 0 0 0 x 4
Y 0 0 0 0 N1 N 2 N3 N 4 y1
y 2
y 3
y 4
1 Basically, the x and y coordinates of any point
N1 (1 )(1 )
4 in the element are interpolations of the nodal
1 (corner) coordinates.
N 2 (1 )(1 )
1 From the Q4 element, the bilinear shape
N 3 (1 )(1 )
4 functions are borrowed to be used as the
1 interpolation functions. They readily satisfy the
N 4 (1 )(1 )
4 boundary values too.
Isoparametric element
• Nodal shape functions for displacements
u 2
u N1 N 2
N3 N4 0 0 0 0 u4
v 0 0 0 0 N1 N 2 N3 N 4 v1
v 2
v 3
v 4
N1 (1 )(1 )
N 2 (1 )(1 )
N 3 (1 )(1 )
N 4 (1 )(1 )
• The displacement strain relationships:
u u u
v v v
u 0 0
x X u
v 0 0
y Y Y v
xy u v
But,it is too difficult to obtain and
Isoparametric Element
Hence we will do it another way
u u X u Y
u u X u Y
u X Y u i Xi i Yi
X Y u i Xi i Yi
It is easier to obtain and u u
X 1
u u
J Jacobian Y
defines coordinate transformation
Isoparametric Element
u u u
x J11* J12*
where J11* and J12* are coefficientsin the first row of
1 The remaining strains
y and xy are
u N u N
and i ui and i ui computed similarly
dX dY=|J| dd
Gauss Quadrature
• The mapping approach requires us to be able to evaluate the
integrations within the domain (-1…1) of the functions shown.
• Integration can be done analytically by using closed-form
formulas from a table of integrals (Nah..)
Or numerical integration can be performed
• Gauss quadrature is the more common form of numerical
integration - better suited for numerical analysis and finite element
• It evaluated the integral of a function as a sum of a finite number
of terms
1 n
I d becomes I W i i
1 i 1
Gauss Quadrature
• Wi is the ‘weight’ and i is the value of f(=i)
Gauss Quadrature
• If is a polynomial function, then n-point Gauss quadrature
yields the exact integral if is of degree 2n-1 or less.
The form =c1+c2 is integrated exactly by the one point rule
The form =c1+c2c2 is integrated exactly by the two point rule
And so on…
Use of an excessive number of points (more than that required) still
yields the exact result
• If is not a polynomial, Gauss quadrature yields an approximate
Accuracy improves as more Gauss points are used.
Convergence toward the exact result may not be monotonic
Gauss Quadrature
• In two dimensions, integration is over a quadrilateral and a Gauss
rule of order n uses n2 points
25 40 64
I ( 1 3 7 9 ) ( 2 4 6 8 ) 5
81 81 81
Number of Integration Points
• All the isoparametric solid elements are integrated numerically. Two schemes
are offered: “full” integration and “reduced” integration.
For the second-order elements Gauss integration is always used because it
is efficient and it is especially suited to the polynomial product
interpolations used in these elements.
For the first-order elements the single-point reduced-integration scheme is
based on the “uniform strain formulation”: the strains are not obtained at
the first-order Gauss point but are obtained as the (analytically calculated)
average strain over the element volume.
The uniform strain method, first published by Flanagan and Belytschko
(1981), ensures that the first-order reduced-integration elements pass the
patch test and attain the accuracy when elements are skewed.
Alternatively, the “centroidal strain formulation,” which uses 1-point Gauss
integration to obtain the strains at the element center, is also available for
the 8-node brick elements in ABAQUS/Explicit for improved
computational efficiency.
Number of Integration Points
• The differences between the uniform strain formulation and the centroidal
strain formulation can be shown as follows:
Number of Integration Points
Number of integration points
• Numerical integration is simpler than analytical, but it is not
exact. [k] is only approximately integrated regardless of the
number of integration points
Should we use fewer integration points for quick computation
Or more integration points to improve the accuracy of calculations.
Reduced Integration
• A FE model is usually inexact, and usually it errs by being too stiff.
Overstiffness is usually made worse by using more Gauss points to integrate
element stiffness matrices because additional points capture more higher order
terms in [k]
• These terms resist some deformation modes that lower order tems do not and
therefore act to stiffen an element.
• On the other hand, use of too few Gauss points produces an even worse
situation known as: instability, spurious singular mode, mechanics, zero-
energy, or hourglass mode.
Instability occurs if one of more deformation modes happen to display zero
strain at all Gauss points.
If Gauss points sense no strain under a certain deformation mode, the
resulting [k] will have no resistance to that deformation mode.
Reduced Integration
• Reduced integration usually means that an integration scheme one order less
than the full scheme is used to integrate the element's internal forces and
Superficially this appears to be a poor approximation, but it has proved to
offer significant advantages.
For second-order elements in which the isoparametric coordinate lines
remain orthogonal in the physical space, the reduced-integration points
have the Barlow point property (Barlow, 1976): the strains are calculated
from the interpolation functions with higher accuracy at these points than
anywhere else in the element.
For first-order elements the uniform strain method yields the exact average
strain over the element volume. Not only is this important with respect to
the values available for output, it is also significant when the constitutive
model is nonlinear, since the strains passed into the constitutive routines
are a better representation of the actual strains.
Reduced Integration
• Reduced integration decreases the number of constraints introduced by an
element when there are internal constraints in the continuum theory being
modeled, such as incompressibility, or the Kirchhoff transverse shear
constraints if solid elements are used to analyze bending problems.
• In such applications fully integrated elements will “lock”—they will exhibit
response that is orders of magnitude too stiff, so the results they provide are
quite unusable. The reduced-integration version of the same element will often
work well in such cases.
• Reduced integration lowers the cost of forming an element. The deficiency of
reduced integration is that the element stiffness matrix will be rank deficient.
• This most commonly exhibits itself in the appearance of singular modes
(“hourglass modes”) in the response. These are nonphysical response modes
that can grow in an unbounded way unless they are controlled.
Reduced Integration
• The reduced-integration second-order serendipity interpolation elements in two
dimensions—the 8-node quadrilaterals—have one such mode, but it is benign
because it cannot propagate in a mesh with more than one element.
• The second-order three-dimensional elements with reduced integration have
modes that can propagate in a single stack of elements. Because these modes
rarely cause trouble in the second-order elements, no special techniques are used
in ABAQUS to control them.
• In contrast, when reduced integration is used in the first-order elements (the 4-
node quadrilateral and the 8-node brick), hourglassing can often make the
elements unusable unless it is controlled.
• In ABAQUS the artificial stiffness method given in Flanagan and Belytschko
(1981) is used to control the hourglass modes in these elements.
Reduced Integration
The FE model will have no resistance to loads that activate these modes.
The stiffness matrix will be singular.
Reduced Integration
• Hourglass mode for 8-node element with reduced integration to
four points
Plane of Plane of
Symmetry Anti-symmetry
(Restrained (Restrained
Motions) Motions)
Symmetry Conditions
• Special conditions for the finite element model.
A constraint equation has the general form [C]{D}-{Q}=0
Where [C] is an mxn matrix; m is the number of constraint equation, and n
is the number of d.o.f. in the global vector {D}
{Q} is a vector of constants and it is usually zero.
There are two ways to impose the constraint equations on the global
equation [K]{D}={R}
• Lagrange Multiplier Method
Introduce additional variables known as Lagrange multipliers ={1 2 3
… m}T
Each constraint equation is written in homogenous form and multiplied by
the corresponding I which yields the equation
C]{D} - {Q}}=0
Final Form K C T D R
C 0 Q
Solved by Gaussian E lim ination
• Penalty Method
t=0 implies that the constraints have been satisfied
=[1 2 1 … m] is the diagonal matrix of “penalty numbers.”
Final form {[K]+[C]T[][C]}{D}={R}+[C]T[]{Q}
[C]T[][C] is called the penalty matrix
If a is zero, the constraints are ignored
As a becomes large, the constraints are very nearly satisfied
Penalty numbers that are too large produce numerical ill-conditioning,
which may make the computed results unreliable and may “lock” the
The penalty numbers must be large enough to be effective but not so
large as to cause numerical difficulties
3D Solids and Solids of Revolution
• 3D solid - three-dimensional solid that is unrestricted as to the
shape, loading, material properties, and boundary conditions.
• All six possible stresses (three normal and three shear) must be
taken into account.
The displacement field involves all three components (u, v, and w)
Typical finite elements for 3D solids are tetrahedra and hexahedra,
with three translational d.o.f. per node.
3D Solids
3D Solids
• Problems of beam bending, plane stress, plates and so on can all
be regarded as special cases of 3D solids.
Does this mean we can model everything using 3D finite element
Can we just generalize everything as 3D and model using 3D finite
• Not true! 3D models are very demanding in terms of
computational time, and difficult to converge.
They can be very stiff for several cases.
More importantly, the 3D finite elements do not have rotational
degrees of freedom, which are very important for situations like
plates, shells, beams etc.
3D Solids
• Strain-displacement relationships
3D Solids
• Stress-strain-temperature relations
3D Solids
• The process for assembling the element stiffness matrix is the
same as before.
{u}=[N] {d}
Where, [N] is the matrix of shape functions
The nodes have three translational degrees of freedom.
If n is the number of nodes, then [N] has 3n columns
3D Solids
• Substitution of {u}=[N]{d} into the strain-displacement relation
yields the strain-displacement matrix [B]
• The element stiffness matrix takes the form:
3D Solid Elements
• Solid elements are direct extensions of plane elements discussed
earlier. The extensions consist of adding another coordinate and
displacement component.
The behavior and limitations of specific 3D elements largely parallel
those of their 2D counterparts.
• For example:
Constant strain tetrahedron
Linear strain tetrahedron
Trilinear hexahedron
Quadratic hexahedron
• Hmm…
Can you follow the names and relate them back to the planar
3D Solids
• Pictures of solid elements
3D Solids
• Constant Strain Tetrahedron. The element has three translational
d.o.f. at each of its four nodes.
A total of 12 d.o.f.
In terms of generalized coordinates i its displacement field is given
9 in.
1 ksi