Withholding Tax On Wages: Ruther N. Martinez Tax Reporting and Operations Group (TROG)
Withholding Tax On Wages: Ruther N. Martinez Tax Reporting and Operations Group (TROG)
Withholding Tax On Wages: Ruther N. Martinez Tax Reporting and Operations Group (TROG)
Ruther N. Martinez
Tax Reporting and Operations Group (TROG)
Withholding Tax on Wages
• National Internal Revenue Code [NIRC] (Title II, Chapter XIII, Sections
78-83 in relation to Sections 23, 24 and 25 of the Code on taxation of
• Revenue Regulations (RR) No. 2-98 and amendments (RR Nos. 8-2000,
10-2000, 6-2001, 12-2001, 3-2002, and 19-2002)
• Revenue Regulations (RR) No. 3-98 and amendments (RR Nos. 8-2000
and 10-2000)
• Republic Act 9504 dated June 17, 2008 (An Act Amending Sections 22,
24, 34, 35, 51, and 79 of RA NO. 8424, as amended, otherwise known as
NIRC of 1997)
► Section 42 of the Tax Code also provides that with respect to services,
compensation for services performed in the Philippines will be
considered as income from sources within the Philippines.
► Section 155 of the Income Tax Regulations also states that if a
specific amount is paid for labor or personal services performed in the
Philippines, such amount shall be included in the gross income.
How will the consultants be classified for income tax purposes in Y2?
Consultant Y2 Classification
C1 207 days NRA - Engaged in Trade or Business
C2 182 days NRA - Engaged in Trade or Business
C3 - NRA - Not Engaged in Trade or Business
C4 218 days NRA - Engaged in Trade or Business
C5 191 days NRA - Engaged in Trade or Business
C6 176 days NRA - Not Engaged in Trade or Business
C7 121 days NRA - Engaged in Trade or Business
Legal Basis:
► BIR Ruling DA-056-05 states that if the expatriate stays in the
Philippines for more than 180 days in any calendar year, he would
already be taxed at the graduated rate of 5% - 32%.
Mr. Smith, a US citizen, was assigned by his employer Company U
to its subsidiary Company P.
Company U – US Corporation based in the US
Company P – Domestic Corporation
Suggested Answer:
• Company P will be considered the employer for WTW and
FBT purposes.
Legal Basis:
Definition of employer includes any person paying
compensation on behalf of a foreign corporation, who is not
engaged in trade or business within the Philippines.
Same facts as Case 1 except that:
Company U remits the salary of Mr. Smith to his US bank
account directly
Company U charges Company P for the salary of Mr.
Who is the employer of Mr. Smith for Philippine Tax
Legal Basis:
Section 5 of RR No. 30-03 provides that all income payments
which are required to be subjected to withholding tax shall be
subject to the corresponding withholding tax rate to be
withheld by the person having control over the payment and
who, at the same time, claims the expenses.
Same facts as Case 1 except that:
Company U remits the salary of Mr. Smith to his US bank
account directly
Company U shoulders the salary of Mr. Smith and does not
charge Company P
Will Company P be required to withhold WTW?
• Arguably, NO.
Legal Basis:
Section 5 of RR No. 30-03 provides that all income payments
which are required to be subjected to withholding tax shall be
subject to the corresponding withholding tax rate to be
withheld by the person having control over the payment and
who, at the same time, claims the expenses.
Section 3
(A) Requirement of Withholding
Every employer must withhold from compensation paid an amount
computed in accordance with these Regulations.
Provided, that no withholding of tax shall be required on the SMW,
including holiday pay, overtime pay, night shift differential and hazard pay
of MWEs in the private/public sectors as defined in these Regulations.
Provided, further, that an employee who receives additional
compensation such as commissions, honoraria, fringe benefits, benefits
in excess of the allowable statutory amount of P30,000, taxable
allowances and other taxable income other than the SMW, holiday pay,
overtime pay, hazard pay and night shift differential pay shall not enjoy
the privilege of being a MWE and, therefore, his/her entire earnings are
not exempt from income tax and, consequently, shall be subject to
withholding tax.
• In this regard, there is still a risk that Section 2.78 may be deemed
modified (as to proper time of withholding) and that the BIR may
require withholding of tax on compensation expense accrued and
claimed as deduction for tax purposes, even if the same is not yet
paid or payable.
• The 15% reduction in premium on the subscribed shares under the
ESPP is not considered as compensation income in accordance with
Section 32(A) of the Tax Code.
• It is noted that SMC’s main objectives in conceptualizing the ESPP were
to generate additional capital and to motivate the employees toward
greater productivity, loyalty, and concern for the company. Moreover,
the participation in the ESPP is neither automatic nor compulsory. Thus,
the same may be characterized as an investment portfolio created for
the benefit of SMC and the participating SMG employees only.
• The applicable tax is the FBT which is payable upon the delivery of
the shares of stock or its cash equivalent.
• The fair market value (FMV) of the stocks under the SIP upon
completion of the vesting period is the realized benefit actually
received by the senior employees upon delivery to them at the end of
the vesting period.
• The value of the shares of stock after the vesting period is
compensation subject to WTW.
► Meal allowance being given across all EGSI staff/officer levels not
exceeding 25% of their respective daily minimum wage may be
considered de minimis meal benefit pursuant to RR No. 8-2000 and
10-2000 and therefore, tax exempt.
► The excess of the meal allowance given over the de minimis ceiling
shall still be exempt provided that it, together with the total amount of
other benefits, shall not exceed P30,000 when added to the 13th
month pay.
Yes. It would be as if the Company paid the employee from his after
tax income.
No. Sec.2.78.1(A)(12) of RR 2-98 provides that GSIS, SSS, Medicare
and Pag-Ibig contributions, and union dues of individual employees
are exempt from withholding tax on compensation.
• Because GTZ is an international organization and agency of the
Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, its employees are
not subject to the withholding tax on compensation.
• However, in the interest of good governance, it is earnestly
requested from GTZ to remind its Filipino employees to declare their
income and pay the corresponding tax due thereon.
* Deleted by RR 10-08
Dependent –
► a legitimate, illegitimate or legally adopted child
► chiefly dependent upon and living with the taxpayer
► if such dependent is not more than twenty-one (21) years of
age, unmarried and not gainfully employed or
► if such dependent, regardless of age, is incapable of self-
support because of mental or physical defect.
(Sec. 35 of the Tax Code)
In this case, the employee will be given a net pay of P5,000, net of the
deficiency tax.
In this case, the employer shall be liable for the deficiency tax which
was not covered by the employee’s last payment of compensation.
Pursuant to Sections 4 and 244 in relation to Section 33 of the Tax Code of 1997,
these Regulations are hereby promulgated to further amend RR Nos. 2-98 and 3-
98, as last amended by RR No. 10-2000, with respect to “De Minimis “ benefits
which are exempt from income tax on compensation as well as from fringe benefit
Section 1. Section 2.78.1 (A)(3)(c) and (d) of RR 2-98, as last amended by RR 10-
2000, is hereby further amended to read as follows:
(c) Rice subsidy of P1,500.00 or one (1) sack of 50 kg. rice per month
amounting to not more than P1,500.00; *
(d) Uniform and Clothing allowance not exceeding P4,000.00 per annum; **
* Previously P1,000
** Previously P3,000
(C) Fringe Benefits Not Subject to Fringe Benefit Tax – In general, the
fringe benefit tax shall not be imposed on the following fringe benefits:
(c) Rice subsidy of P1,500.00 or one (1) sack of 50 kg. rice per month
amounting to not more than P1,500.00; *
(d) Uniform and Clothing allowance not exceeding P4,000.00 per annum; **
* Previously P1,000
** Previously P3,000
Over P10,000 but not over P500 + 10% of the excess over same
P30,000 P10,000
Over P30,000 but not over P2,500 + 15% of the excess over same
P70,000 P30,000
Over P70,000 but not over P8,500 + 20% of the excess over same
P140,000 P70,000
Over P140,000 but not P22,500 + 25% of the excess same
over P250,000 over P140,000
Over P250,000 but not P50,000 + 30% of the excess same
over P500,000 over P250,000
Over P500,000 P125,000 + 34% of the excess P125,000 + 32% of the excess over
over P500,000 in 1998; 33% in P500,000
1999 and 32% in 2000
(L) Optional Standard Deduction. – In lieu of (L) Optional Standard Deduction. – In lieu
the deductions allowed under the preceding of the deductions allowed under the
Subsections, an individual subject to tax preceding Subsections, an individual
under Section 24, other than a nonresident subject to tax under Section 24, other than
alien, may elect a standard deduction in an a nonresident alien, may elect a standard
amount not exceeding ten percent (10%) of deduction in an amount not exceeding forty
his gross income. Unless the taxpayer percent (40%) of his gross sales or gross
signifies in his return his intention to elect receipts, as the case may be. In the case
the optional standard deduction, he shall be of a corporation subject to tax under
considered as having availed himself of the Sections 27(A) and 28(A)(1), it may elect a
deductions standard deduction in an
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of
this Subsection, the following this Subsection, the following
individuals are required to file an individuals are required to file an
income tax return: income tax return:
(2) The following individuals shall not be (2) The following individuals shall not be
required to file an income tax return: required to file an income tax return:
(d) An individual who is exempt from (d) A minimum wage earner as defined in
income tax pursuant to the provisions Section 22 (HH) of this Code or an
of this Code and other laws, general individual who is exempt from income
or special. tax pursuant to the provisions of this
Code and other laws, general or
• This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days following its publication in the
Official Gazette or in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation.
• This was published in Manila Bulletin and Malaya on June 21, 2008.
Computation of Wages
► Hazard pay shall mean the amount paid by the employer to MWEs who
were actually assigned to danger or strife-torn areas, disease- infested
places, or in distressed or isolated stations and camps, which expose
them to great danger of contagion or peril to life. Any hazard pay paid to
MWEs which does not satisfy the above criteria is deemed subject to
income tax and consequently, to withholding tax.
Note: Under RA 8424, there shall be allowed a basic personal exemption of PhP 20,000 for Single, PhP 25,000 for Head of the Family and
PhP 32,000 for Married and an additional exemption of PhP 8,000 for each dependent not exceeding four (4).
Transitory Provisions
► For taxable year 2008, all employees with change in status and
number of qualified dependent children shall accomplish and file the
Certificate of Update of Exemption and of Employer’s and Employee’s
Information (BIR Form No. 2305), Application for Registration (BIR
Form No. 1902) for those with no TIN reflecting the claimed
exemption, together with the required documents/evidence of
exemption and must be submitted to their employers not later than
October 31, 2008.
► Towards the end of 2008 and using the annualized withholding tax
method, withholding agents are required to undertake/conduct the final
year-end adjustments consolidating the compensation data for the entire
year of 2008 but taking into consideration the following transitory personal
and additional exemptions, which are rounded off for administrative ease:
► Employers are required to ensure that tax due is equal to the tax withheld
for the year-end adjustment computation.