Dominoes Game Rules & Instructions

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Who invented the scrabble

A. Alfred Mosher Butts

B. Andrew Mosher Butts

C. Amber Mosher Butts

How many tiles needed to
play a scrabble game?
A. 150 Tiles
B. 120 Tiles
C. 100 Tiles
How do you determine who
plays first in a Scrabble
A. Do rock, paper, scissors

B. Each players draws a tile and closest to “A”

goes first.

C. The shortest person goes first

How many tiles do you
keep on your rack?
A. 7 Tiles

B. 9 Tiles

C. 6 Tiles
Where is the first word of
the game played?
A. Anywhere you want on the board

B. Through the star in the middle

C. In the top right corner

Dominoes Game Rules & Instructions
| Learn How To Play Dominoes
History of Dominoes
Dominoes or dominos generally refer to the collective gaming
pieces making up a domino set (sometimes called a deck or pack) o
to the subcategory of tile games played with domino pieces.

In the area of mathematical tiling’s and polyominoes, the word

domino often refers to any rectangle formed from joining two
congruent squares edge to edge.
A domino set may consist of different number of tiles and dots.
The traditional Sino-European domino set consists of 28
Where the word domino
did came from?

The word "domino" is most likely to

be derived from the Latin, dominus
(the master of the house).
Evidences show that tile games have been found in China as
early as 1120 CE. Some historians credit Keung T'ai Kung,
in the twelfth century BCE for creating them.

Other historians stated that dominoes were invented by a statesman

named Chu sz yam in 1120 CE. This person is said to have presented them
to the Emperor Hui Tsung, and that they were circulated abroad by
imperial order during the reign of Hui's son, Kao-Tsung (1127-1163 CE).
You might have notice that there has been no exact data on the origins
of domino. However, one is clear enough, it has existed so long ago
that documentation of which is scarce.

Although domino tiles are clearly of Chinese inheritance, there is a debate over
whether the European tile set came from China to Europe in the fourteenth century
or was invented independently

The game domino is very popular in Italy, France, and Britain in the18th
century. France was also producing domino puzzles.
How to play domino

The game is played with a set of rectangular tiles called

Each domino is a rectangle that is divided with a line down
its middle to separate its ends into two squares.

Each end is either blank or has a number of spots or called

“PIPS” or dots.
What do you need to play dominos?
A Set of domino tiles also known as “BONES”.
A flat playing place.
A paper and Pencil.
Number of players
Two to Eight players play the game dominoes.

If there are four players you could choose to play as

partners with the person sitting opposite to you or
you can each play your own hands.

The most basic game in dominoes

requires two players and a double six
A double six set comes with 28 tiles.
Note: If you want to play with more than three
players use double 9, 12, 15 or double 18 sets.

A double 9 set comes with 55 tiles

A double 12 set comes with 91 tiles

A double 15 set comes with 136 tiles

A double 18 set comes with 190 tiles

Who goes first?
Each player draws one domino, the
player with the highest double will go

If a double wasn’t t drawn, the person with

the heaviest tile the without with most
pips will go first.

Once the first tile has been played the round

continues clockwise to the player on the left.
Game Preparation
Place all the dominoes face down.
Each player then draw 7 dominoes for his/her hand.
You can pick from anywhere in the pile but after tile has been
picked it can’t be put back into the pile.
The remaining dominoes are used as the draw pile and is known as
These tiles are left face down on the table, be drawn later if a
player is unable to play from his hand.
Set your seven dominoes up in front of you so that you can see
them. But try to keep them hidden from other players.
Let’s start to play the game.
The first player begins by laying
their chosen face up tile in the
middle of the table.
The next player must match one end
of the one of these dominoes to
part of the first tile.

Each turn consist of a player laying down one tile.

If a double is played this is laid
perpendicular to the line and the
pips on both ends counted.
If you lay down a tile with a blank side,
it can only be matched with another tile
that also has a black side.
In some games, players chose to make
the blanks as “WILD TILES” meaning you
can ascribe any value to it.

If you can’t play a tile in your

hand pick up a tile from the draw
If the tile that you picked up from
the draw pile matches something on
the board you can play it, if not
add the tile on your hand. The turn
passes then to the next player.

If no more dominoes are left in the

draw pile the player can pass.

Continue taking turn until someone uses

up all of their tiles.
How to win a round
Whoever’s the first player to lay down all their tiles is the
winner of that round.

Have each player add up the total number of dots on the tiles
they have left in front of them.

On a piece of paper, add those numbers to the column of the

player who won that round.

If everybody passes, the winner is the person with the

smallest number of dots on the remaining tiles.
When the game’s not finished
yet, though you may have won
the round that doesn’t mean
you won the game, you’ll have
several of hands to play
before the entire game is
How to win a dominoes game

The score of 100points to 150points

is usually considered a game.

The first person or partnership to

score this amount wins the game.

100 points for a 2 player game or 250

points for the 3 or more players in a game.

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