Unit - 3: The Interaction

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 They address the translations between what the
user wants and what the system does.
3.1 The terms of interaction
the purpose of an interactive system is to aid a user in
accomplishing goals from some application domain.
 A goal is the desired output from a performed
 The System’s language we will refer to as the core
language and the User’s language we will refer to
as the task language
3.2 The execution–evaluation cycle
The interactive cycle can be divided into two major phases:
execution and evaluation. These can then be subdivided
into further stages, seven in al
1. Establishing the goal.
2. Forming the intention.
3. Specifying the action sequence.
4. Executing the action.
5. Perceiving the system state.
6. Interpreting the system state.
7. Evaluating the system state with respect to the goals and
Human error – slips and mistakes
 Human errors are often classified into slips
and mistakes
 mistype or you accidentally press the mouse
button at the wrong time. These are called
 fail to execute that action correctly. These is
also called mistakes.
3.3 The interaction framework
 The nodes represent the four major
components in an interactive system – the
System, the User, the Input and the Output.
 Each component has its own language. In
addition to the User’s task language and the
System’s core language.
 Input and Output together form the Interface.
 The interaction framework is usability of an
entire interactive system.
3.4.1 Arrangement of controls and displays
 functional controls and displays are organized so
that those that are functionally related are placed
 sequential controls and displays are organized to
reflect the order of their use in a typical
 frequency controls and displays are organized
according to how frequently they are used, with
the most commonly used controls being the most
easily accessible.
3.4.2 The physical environment of the interaction

 addressing physical issues in the layout and

arrangement of the machine interface,
ergonomics is concerned with the design of the
work environment itself. Where will the system
be used? By whom will it be used? Will users be
sitting, standing or moving about? Again, this
will depend largely on the domain and will be
more critical in specific control and operational
settings than in general computer use
3.4.3 Health issues
 Perhaps we do not immediately think of computer use as a
hazardous activity but we should bear in mind possible
consequences of our designs on the health and safety of
 Leaving aside the obvious safety risks of poorly designed
safety-critical systems, there are a number of factors that
may affect the use of more general computers.
 Physical position
 Temperature
 Lighting
 Noise
 Time
3.4.4 The use of colour
For example, the use of colour in displays is an
ergonomics issue.
3.4.5 Ergonomics and HCI
Ergonomics is a huge area, which is distinct
from HCI but sits alongside it.
Interaction can be seen as a dialog between the
computer and the user.
 command line interface
 menus
 natural language
 question/answer and query dialog
 form-fills and spreadsheets
 point and click
 three-dimensional interfaces.
3.5.1 Command line interface

 In some systems the command line is the only

way of communicating with the system,
especially for remote access using telnet.
3.5.2 Menus
 In a menu-driven interface, the set of options
available to the user is displayed on the
screen, and selected using the mouse, or
numeric or alphabetic keys
3.5.3 Natural language
 Perhaps the most attractive means of communicating
with computers, at least at first glance, is by natural
 3.5.4 Question/answer and query dialog Question and
answer dialog is a simple mechanism for providing
input to an application in a specific domain.
3.5.5 Form-fills and spreadsheets
 A typical form-filling interface. Screen shot frame
reprinted by permission from Microsoft Corporation
form, with slots to fill in
3.5.6 The WIMP interface
 Currently many common environments for
interactive computing are examples of the
WIMP interface style, often simply called
windowing systems. WIMP stands for
windows, icons, menus and pointers and is the
default interface style for the majority of
interactive computer systems in use today,
especially in the PC and desktop workstation
 Examples of WIMP interfaces include
Microsoft Windows for IBM PC compatibles,
MacOS for Apple Macintosh compatibles and
various X Windows-based systems for UNIX.
 Mixing styles The UNIX windowing
environments are interesting as the contents of
many of the windows are often themselves
simply command line or character-based
3.5.7 Point-and-click interfaces
 This point-and-click interface style is
obviously closely related to the WIMP style
3.6.1 Windows
 Windows are areas of the screen.
3.6.2 Icons
 A small picture is used to represent a closed
window, and this representation is known as an
3.6.3 Pointers
 The pointer is an important component of the
WIMP interface
3.6.4 Menus
 A menu presents a choice of operations or services
that can be performed by the system at a given
3.6.5 Buttons
 Buttons are individual and isolated regions within
a display that can be selected by the user to invoke
specific operations.
3.6.6 Toolbars
 Many systems have a collection of small buttons,
each with icons, placed at the top or side of the
window and offering commonly used functions
3.6.7 Palettes
 In many application programs, interaction can
enter one of several modes.
 A palette is usually a collection of icons that are
reminiscent of the purpose of the various modes.
3.6.8 Dialog boxes
 Dialog boxes are information windows used by the
system to bring the user’s attention to some
important information, possibly an error or a
warning used to prevent a possible error
many in HCI about usability and they may use the
words ‘effective’ and ‘efficient’. Some may add
‘satisfaction’ as well.
3.9.1 Understanding experience
3.9.2 Designing experience
3.9.4 Managing value
The designer of an interactive system, then, is posed with
two open questions:
1. How can an interactive system be developed to ensure its
2. How can the usability of an interactive system be
demonstrated or measured?
 One approach to answering these questions is by means of
example, in which successful interactive systems are
commonly believed to enhance usability and, therefore,
serve as paradigms for the development of future products.
4.2.1 Time sharing
4.2.2 Video display units
4.2.3 Programming toolkits
4.2.4 Personal computing
4.2.5 Window systems and the WIMP interface
4.2.6 The metaphor
 In developing the LOGO language to teach
children, Papert used the metaphor of a turtle
dragging its tail in the dirt. Children could
quickly identify with the real-world
phenomenon and that instant familiarity gave
them an understanding of how they could
create pictures.
4.2.7 Direct manipulation
He highlights the following features of a direct manipulation
 visibility of the objects of interest
 incremental action at the interface with rapid feedback on
all actions
 reversibility of all actions, so that users are encouraged to
explore without severe penalties
 syntactic correctness of all actions, so that every user
action is a legal operation
 replacement of complex command languages with actions
to manipulate directly the visible objects (and, hence, the
name direct manipulation).
4.2.8 Language versus action
 Whereas it is true that direct manipulation
interfaces make some tasks easier to perform
4.2.10 Multi-modality
 A multi-modal interactive system is a system
that relies on the use of multiple human
communication channels
4.2.11 Computer-supported cooperative work
4.2.12 The world wide web
4.2.13 Agent-based interfaces
 In the human world agents are people who
work on someone’s behalf: estate agents buy
and sell property for their customers, literary
agents find publishers for authors, travel
agents book hotels and air tickets for tourists
and secret agents obtain information (secretly)
for their governments. Software agents
likewise act on behalf of users within the
electronic world.

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