Adv - Java GTU Study Material Presentations Unit-4 Java Server Pages

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Advanced Java

Java Server Pages

Prof. Swati R. Sharma

[email protected]
Subject Overview
Sr. No. Unit % Weightage
1 Java Networking 5
2 JDBC Programming 10
3 Servlet API and Overview 25
4 Java Server Pages 25
5 Java Server Faces 10
6 Hibernate 15
7 Java Web Frameworks: Spring MVC 10

Reference Book:
Professional Java Server Programming by Subrahmanyam Allamaraju, Cedric
Buest Wiley Publication
Chapter 10,11

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 2 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

JSP Overview

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 3 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
What is Java Server Pages (JSP)?
 Java Server Pages (JSP) is a technology for developing web pages
that support dynamic content.
 It helps to insert java code in HTML pages by making use of special
JSP tags.
<% …JSP Tag… %>
 JSP is a server-side program that is similar in design and
functionality to java servlet.
 A JSP page consists of HTML tags and JSP tags.
 JSP pages are saved with .jsp extension

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 4 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

JSP vs Servlet

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 5 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
Comparing JSP with Servlet
JSP Servlet
JSP is a webpage scripting language that Servlets are Java programs that are already
generates dynamic content. compiled which also creates dynamic web
A JSP technically gets converted to a servlet A servlet is a java class.
It embed the java code into HTML. It put HTML into print statements.
E.g. <html> <% java code %> </html> E.g. out.println(“<html code>”);
JSPs are extension of servlets which A servlet is a server-side program and written
minimizes the effort of developers to write purely in Java.
User Interfaces using Java programming.
JSP runs slower than servlet. Servlets run faster than JSP
As, it has the transition phase for converting
from JSP to a Servlet. Once it is converted to
a Servlet then it will start the compilation

In MVC architecture JSP acts as view. In MVC architecture Servlet acts as

We can build custom tags using JSP API  We cannot build any custom tags in servlet.

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 6 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Advantages of JSP over Servlets
1. In a JSP page visual content and logic are separated, which is not
possible in a servlet.
i.e.  JSP separates business logic from the presentation logic.
2. Servlets use println statements for printing an HTML document
which is usually very difficult to use. JSP has no such tedious task
to maintain.

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 7 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

GTU question
1. List advantages of JSP over Servlet.[3] Win’17

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 8 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Life Cycle of JSP

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 9 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
Life Cycle of JSP
 A JSP life cycle can be defined as the entire process from its
creation till the destruction.
 It is similar to a servlet life cycle with an additional step which is
required to compile a JSP into servlet.
 A JSP page is converted into Servlet in order to service requests.
 The translation of a JSP page to a Servlet is called Lifecycle of JSP.

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 10 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Life Cycle of JSP
only once


Handles multiple

only once

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 11 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Life Cycle of JSP
JSP Lifecycle steps
1. Translation of JSP to Servlet code.
2. Compilation of Servlet to bytecode.
3. Loading Servlet class.
4. Creating servlet instance.
5. Initialization by calling jspInit() method
6. Request Processing by calling _jspService() method
7. Destroying by calling jspDestroy() method

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 12 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

JSP Processing Life Cycle
Web Server

Translation Step:2
from .jsp to Compilation of
servlet(.java) Servlet to bytecode
Web Container
Loading Servlet Class Step:3

Creating Servlet Step:4

jspInit() hello_jsp.class


Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 13 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Life Cycle of JSP
 Web Container translates JSP code into a servlet source(.java) file.
 Then compiles that(.java) into a java servlet class (bytecode).
 In the third step, the servlet class bytecode is loaded using
classloader in web container.
 The Container then creates an instance of that servlet class.
 The initialized servlet can now service request.
 For each request the Web Container call
the _jspService() method.
 When the Container removes the servlet instance from service, it
calls the jspDestroy() method to perform any required clean up.

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 14 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

JSP Processing
The following steps explain how the web server creates the web page
using JSP:
1. Web browser sends an HTTP request to the web server
requesting JSP page. E.g. http://localhost:8080/1.jsp
2. Web server recognizes that the HTTP request by web browser is
for JSP page by checking the extension of the file (i.e .jsp)
3. Web server forwards HTTP Request to JSP engine.
4. The JSP engine loads the JSP page from disk and converts it into a
servlet content.
5. The JSP engine compiles the servlet into an executable class and
forwards the original request to a servlet engine.

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 15 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

JSP Processing
6. Servlet engine loads and executes the Servlet class.
7. Servlet produces an output in HTML format.
8. Output produced by servlet engine is then passes to the web
server inside an HTTP response.
9. Web server sends the HTTP response to Web browser in the form
of static HTML content.
10. Web browser loads the static page into the browser and thus
user can view the dynamically generated page.

“Except the translation phase,

a JSP page is handled exactly like a Servlet”

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 16 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

JSP Processing
Translation Time
Time taken to generate Java Servlet (.java) from .jsp file is termed
as Translation Time.

Request Time
Time taken to invoke a Servlet to handle an HTTP request is termed
as Request Time.

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 17 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

GTU question
1. List and explain various phases of JSP life cycle? Win’17

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 18 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

JSP Elements

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 19 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSP Elements
JSP Element

JSP Directives JSP Scripting Elements Actions

page <jsp:param>
include <jsp:include>
Traditional Modern <jsp:forward>
scriptlet <jsp:plugin>
EL Scripting
(html, jsp,java)

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 20 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

JSP Elements
JSP Element

JSP Directives JSP Scripting Elements Actions

page <jsp:param>
include <jsp:include>
Traditional Modern <jsp:forward>
scriptlet <jsp:plugin>
EL Scripting
(html, jsp,java)

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JSP Scripting Elements

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 22 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSP Scripting Elements
 The scripting elements provides the ability to insert java code
inside the jsp. There are three types of traditional scripting
1. scriptlet tag
2. expression tag JSP Scripting Elements

3. declaration tag
Traditional Modern
EL Scripting
(html, jsp,java)

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 23 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

JSP Elements
JSP Element

JSP Directives JSP Scripting Elements Actions

page <jsp:param>
include <jsp:include>
Traditional Modern <jsp:forward>
scriptlet <jsp:plugin>
EL Scripting
(html, jsp,java)

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 24 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

 A scriptlet tag is used to execute java source code in JSP.
 A scriptlet can contain
1. Any number of JAVA language statements
2. Variable
3. Method declarations
4. Expressions that are valid in the page scripting language

<%   // java source code  %> 

<% out.print("welcome to jsp"); %> 

<%   int a=10;  %> 

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 25 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

 Everything written inside the scriptlet tag is compiled as java code.
 JSP code is translated to Servlet code, in which _jspService()
method is executed which has HttpServletRequest and
HttpServletResponse as argument.
 JSP page can have any number of scriptlets, and each scriptlets are
appended in _jspService ().

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 26 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

First jsp program: First.jsp using scriptlet
1. <html>
2. <body>
3. <%out.println("Hello World! My First JSP
4. </body>
5. </html>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 27 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

JSP Elements
JSP Element

JSP Directives JSP Scripting Elements Actions

page <jsp:param>
include <jsp:include>
Traditional Modern <jsp:forward>
scriptlet <jsp:plugin>
EL Scripting
(html, jsp,java)

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 28 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

 The code placed within JSP expression tag is written to the output
stream of the response.
 So you need not write out.print() to write data.
 It is mainly used to print the values of variable or method.
<%=statement %> 
turns out as
<%= (2*5) %> out.print((2*5));

“Do not end the statement with semicolon in case of expression tag.“

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 29 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

JSP Elements
JSP Element

JSP Directives JSP Scripting Elements Actions

page <jsp:param>
include <jsp:include>
Traditional Modern <jsp:forward>
scriptlet <jsp:plugin>
EL Scripting
(html, jsp,java)

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 30 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

 The JSP declaration tag is used to declare variables and methods
 The declaration of jsp declaration tag is placed outside the
_jspService() method.
<%!  variable or method declaration %>  
<%! int a = 10; %>
<%! int a, b, c; %>
<%! Circle a = new Circle(2.0); %>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 31 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

JSP Elements
JSP Element

JSP Directives JSP Scripting Elements Actions

page <jsp:param>
include <jsp:include>
Traditional Modern <jsp:forward>
scriptlet <jsp:plugin>
EL Scripting
(html, jsp,java)

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 32 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

 The comments can be used for documentation.
 This JSP comment tag tells the JSP container to ignore the
comment part from compilation.
<%-- comments --%>

JSP comment <%-- jsp comment --%>

Java comment /* java comment */ or
// for single line
Html comment <!-- html comment -->

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 33 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Scripting Elements: Example
1. <html>
2. <body>
3. <%-- comment:JSP Scipting elements --%>
4. <%! int i=0; %> declaration
5. <% i++; %> scriptlet
6. Welcome to world of JSP!
7. <%= "This page has been accessed " + i + " times" %>
8. </body> expression
9. </html>

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Scriptlet: Assignment 4
 Write a JSP program to welcome authenticated user.



Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 35 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

JSP Elements
JSP Element

JSP Directives JSP Scripting Elements Actions

page <jsp:param>
include <jsp:include>
Traditional Modern <jsp:forward>
scriptlet <jsp:plugin>
EL Scripting
(html, jsp,java)

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 36 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

JSP Directives
 JSP directives provide directions and instructions to the container,
telling it how to translate a JSP page into the corresponding
 A JSP directive affects the overall structure of the servlet class.
 JSP engine handles directives at Translation time.
 There are two types of directives:
1. page directive
2. include directive
<%@ directive attribute="value" %>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 37 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

JSP Elements
JSP Element

JSP Directives JSP Scripting Elements Actions

page <jsp:param>
include <jsp:include>
Traditional Modern <jsp:forward>
scriptlet <jsp:plugin>
EL Scripting
(html, jsp,java)

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 38 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

JSP Directives

page directive

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 39 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
page directive
 The page directive defines attributes that apply to an entire JSP
 You may code page directives anywhere in your JSP page.
 By convention, page directives are coded at the top of the JSP
<%@page attribute="value" %> 
<%@page import="java.util.Date,java.util.List,*" %>
<%@page contentType="text/html; charset=US-ASCII" %>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 40 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

page directive
Attributes of JSP page directive
1. import Used to import class, interface or all the
The of a package
contentType attribute defines the MIME type
2. contentType <%@ page import="java.util.Date" %>  
of the HTTP response. The default value is
3. extends Today is: <%= new Date() %>  
The extends attribute defines the parent class that
will be <%@ page contentType=application/msword %> 
inherited by the generated servlet
4. info This attribute simply sets the information of the JSP
<%@ page extends="javax.servlet.HttpServlet" %>  
page which is retrieved later by using
getServletInfo() .
<%@ page info=“Authored by : AuthorName" %>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 41 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

page directive
The buffer attribute sets the buffer size in kb to
5. buffer handle output generated by the JSP page.
6. language The default
language attribute
size of specifies
the buffer is 8Kb.   the scripting
language used in the JSP page. The default value is
<%@ page buffer="16kb" %> 
7. isELIgnored "java".
<%@ page buffer="none" %>
We can
<%@ pageignore the Expression
language="java" %> Language (EL) in jsp
8. autoFlush The autoFlush attribute specifies whether
by the isELIgnored attribute. By default itsbuffered
value is
false i.e.should be flushed
EL is enabled automatically when the
by default.
buffer is filled.Bydefault it is true. //Now EL will be ignored
<%@ page isELIgnored="true" %>
<%@ page autoFlush="true" %>

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page directive
This option marks a page as being thread-safe. By default,
9. isThreadSafe all JSPs are considered thread-safe(true). If you set the
10. session isThreadSafe = false, the JSP engine makes sure that only
one thread at a time is executing your JSP.
11. pageEncoding <%@ page isThreadSafe ="false" %>
12. errorPage The session attribute indicates whether or not the JSP page
uses HTTP sessions.
13. isErrorPage <%@ page session="true" %>//Bydefault it is true
We can set response encoding type with this page directive
attribute, its default value is “ISO-8859-1”.
<%@ page pageEncoding ="US-ASCII" %>
It is used to define the error page, if exception occurs in the
current page, it will be redirected to the error page.
<%@ page errorPage="myerrorpage.jsp" %>  
The isErrorPage attribute is used to declare that the current page
is the error page.
<%@ page isErrorPage="true" %>
Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 43 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSP Elements
JSP Element

JSP Directives JSP Scripting Elements Actions

page <jsp:param>
include <jsp:include>
Traditional Modern <jsp:forward>
scriptlet <jsp:plugin>
EL Scripting
(html, jsp,java)

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 44 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

JSP Directives

include directive

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 45 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
include directive
 JSP include directive is used to include the contents of another file
to the current JSP page during translation time.
 The included file can be HTML, JSP, text files etc.

Advantage of Include directive

 Code Reusability
 Syntax 

<%@ include attribute= "value" %>  
 Example

<%@ include file="1.jsp" %> 

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JSP Implicit Object

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 47 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
Jsp Implicit Objects
 There are 9 jsp implicit objects.
 These objects are created by the web container that are available to all the jsp
Implicit Object Type
out JspWriter
request HttpServletRequest
response HttpServletResponse
config ServletConfig
session HttpSession
pageContext PageContext
page Object
application ServletContext
exception Throwable

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 48 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Jsp Implicit Objects: out
 For writing any data to the buffer, JSP provides an implicit object
named out.
 It is an object of JspWriter.
Servlet Code JSP Code

PrintWriter out= <html>  
response.getWriter(); <body>  
response.setContentType <% out.print(“DIET”); %> 
(“text/html”); </body>  
out.print(“DIET”); </html> 

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 49 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Jsp Implicit Objects: request
 Instance of javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest object
associated with the request.
 Each time a client requests a page the JSP engine creates a new
object to represent that request.
 The request object provides methods to get HTTP header
information including from data, cookies, HTTP methods etc.

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Jsp Implicit Objects: request
<form action="welcome.jsp">
Login:<input type="text" name="login">
<input type="submit" value="next">


Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 51 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Jsp Implicit Objects: response
 The response object is an instance of a
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse object. 
 Through this object the JSP programmer can add new cookies or
date stamps, HTTP status codes, redirect response to another
resource, send error etc.

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Jsp Implicit Objects: response
<form action="welcome.jsp">
<input type="text" name="login">
<input type="submit" value="next">


Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 53 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Jsp Implicit Objects: config
 config is an implicit object of type javax.servlet.ServletConfig.
 This object can be used to get initialization parameter for a
particular JSP page. 

<form action="MyConfig">
Login:<input type="text" name="login">
<input type="submit" value="sign_in">

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Jsp Implicit Objects: config

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 55 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Jsp Implicit Objects: config
out.print("Welcome "+request.getParameter("login"));
String c_name=config.getInitParameter("College");
out.print("<p>College name is="+c_name+"</p>");

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 56 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Jsp Implicit Objects: session
 In JSP, session is an implicit object of type
javax.servlet.http.HttpSession .
 The Java developer can use this object to set, get or remove
attribute or to get session information.
<form action="MySession1.jsp">
<input type="text" name="uname">
<input type="submit" value="go"><br/>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 57 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Jsp Implicit Objects: session
1. <html>
2. <body>
3. <%
4. String name=request.getParameter("uname");
5. out.print("Welcome "+name);
6. session.setAttribute("user",name);
7. %>
8. <a href="MySession2.jsp">next page</a>
9. </body>
Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 58 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
Jsp Implicit Objects: session
1. <html>
2. <body>
3. <%
4. String name=
5. out.print("Hello "+name);
6. %>
7. </body>
8. </html>

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Jsp Implicit Objects: pageContext
 Instance of javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext
 The pageContext object can be used to set, get or remove
 The PageContext class defines several fields, including
APPLICATION_SCOPE, which identify the four scopes. 

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Jsp Implicit Objects: pageContext
<% pageContext.setAttribute
<a href="Context2.jsp">next page</a>

String name= (String)pageContext.getAttribute
out.print("Hello "+name);

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Jsp Implicit Objects: page
 This object is an actual reference to the instance of the page.
 It is an instance of java.lang.Object
 Direct synonym for the this object.
Example: returns the name of generated servlet file

<%= page.getClass().getName() %>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 62 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Jsp Implicit Objects: application
 Instance of javax.servlet.ServletContext
 The instance of ServletContext is created only once by the web
container when application or project is deployed on the server.
 This object can be used to get initialization parameter from
configuration file (web.xml).
 This initialization parameter can be used by all jsp pages.
//refers to context parameter of web.xml
String driver=application.getInitParameter("name");

out.print("name is="+driver);  

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 63 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Jsp Implicit Objects: exception
 exception is an implicit object of type java.lang.Throwable class.
This object can be used to print the exception.
 But it can only be used in error pages.
<%@ page isErrorPage="true" %>  
Sorry following exception occured:
<%=exception %>  

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 64 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

JSP Elements
JSP Element

JSP Directives JSP Scripting Elements Actions

page <jsp:param>
include <jsp:include>
Traditional Modern <jsp:forward>
scriptlet <jsp:plugin>
EL Scripting
(html, jsp,java)

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 65 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

 JSP actions use constructs in XML syntax to control the behavior of
the servlet engine.
 We can dynamically insert a file, reuse JavaBeans components,
forward the user to another page, or generate HTML for the Java
<jsp:action_name attribute="value" />

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 66 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

JSP Elements
JSP Element

JSP Directives JSP Scripting Elements Actions

page <jsp:param>
include <jsp:include>
Traditional Modern <jsp:forward>
scriptlet <jsp:plugin>
EL Scripting
(html, jsp,java)

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 67 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

 This action is useful for passing the parameters to other JSP action
tags such as JSP include & JSP forward tag.
 This way new JSP pages can have access to those parameters using
request object itself.
<jsp:param name ="name" value="value" />
<jsp:param name ="date" value="12-02-2018" />
<jsp:param name ="time" value="10:15AM" />
<jsp:param name ="data" value="ABC" />

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 68 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

JSP Elements
JSP Element

JSP Directives JSP Scripting Elements Actions

page <jsp:param>
include <jsp:include>
Traditional Modern <jsp:forward>
scriptlet <jsp:plugin>
EL Scripting
(html, jsp,java)

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 69 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

 The jsp:include action tag is used to include the content of
another resource it may be jsp, html or servlet.
 The jsp:include tag can be used to include static as well as
dynamic pages
Attribute Description
page The relative URL of the page to be included.
flush The boolean attribute determines whether the
included resource has its buffer flushed before it is
included. By default value is false.

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 70 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

<jsp:include page="relative URL" flush="true" />
<jsp:include page="Action1.jsp" flush="true">
<jsp:param name="roll_no1" value="401" />

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 <jsp:include> vs include directive. Also give appropriate example
for both.

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 72 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

JSP Elements
JSP Element

JSP Directives JSP Scripting Elements Actions

page <jsp:param>
include <jsp:include>
Traditional Modern <jsp:forward>
scriptlet <jsp:plugin>
EL Scripting
(html, jsp,java)

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 73 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

 forwards the request and response to another resource.
<jsp:forward page="Relative URL" />
<jsp:forward page="Action2.jsp">
<jsp:param name="roll_no" value="301" />

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 74 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

JSP Elements
JSP Element

JSP Directives JSP Scripting Elements Actions

page <jsp:param>
include <jsp:include>
Traditional Modern <jsp:forward>
scriptlet <jsp:plugin>
EL Scripting
(html, jsp,java)

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 78 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

EL Scripting
 Expression Language(EL) Scripting.
 It is the newly added feature in JSP technology version 2.0.
 The purpose of EL is to produce script less JSP pages.
EL output
${a=10} 10
${10+20} 30
${20*2} 40
${10==20} false
${'a'<'b'} true

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 79 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

EL Implicit Object
pageScope It is used to access the value of any variable which is set in
the Page scope
requestScope It is used to access the value of any variable which is set in
the Request scope.
sessionScope It is used to access the value of any variable which is set in
the Session scope
applicationScope It is used to access the value of any variable which is set in
the Application scope
pageContext It represents the PageContext object.

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 80 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

EL Implicit Object
param Map a request parameter name to a single value
paramValues Map a request parameter name to corresponding array of
string values.
header Map containing header names and single string values.
headerValues Map containing header names to corresponding array of
string values.
cookie Map containing cookie names and single string values.

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 81 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

EL Implicit Object
 An expression can be mixed with static text/values and can also be
combined with other expressions 
Example Impicit object Parameter Name


Impicit object Parameter Name

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 82 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

EL Implicit Object: Example
1. <form action="EL1.jsp">
2. Enter Name:<input type="text"
name="name" >
3. <input type="submit"
4. </form>


1. Welcome, ${ }

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 83 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

EL Implicit Object: Example
1. <form action="EL2.jsp">
2. <% Cookie ck=new Cookie("c1","abc");
3. response.addCookie(ck);
4. session.setAttribute("sid","054"); //for session
5. %>
6. Enter Name:<input type="text" name="name" >
7. Enter Address:<input type="text" name="address" >
8. <input type="submit" value="submit">
9. </form>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 84 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

EL Implicit Object: Example
1. <p>Name is : ${}</p>
2. <p>Address is : ${param.address}</p>
3. <p>Cookie Name : ${}</p>
4. <p>Cookie value : ${cookie.c1.value}</p>
5. <p>Session id : ${sessionScope.sid}</p>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 85 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

JSP EL Operator
JSP EL Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic operators are provided for simple calculations in EL
expressions. They are +, -, *, / or div, % or mod.

JSP EL Logical Operators

They are && (and), || (or) and ! (not).

JSP EL Relational Operators

They are == (eq), != (ne), < (lt), > (gt), <= (le) and >= (ge).

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 86 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

JSP EL Important Points
 EL expressions are always within curly braces prefixed with $ sign,
for example ${expr}
 We can disable EL expression in JSP by setting JSP page directive
isELIgnored attribute value to TRUE.
<%@ page isELIgnored="true" %>
 JSP EL can be used to get attributes, header, cookies, init params
etc, but we can’t set the values.
 JSP EL implicit objects are different from JSP implicit objects
except pageContext
 JSP EL is NULL friendly, if given attribute is not found or expression
returns null, it doesn’t throw any exception.

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 87 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Exception Handling in JSP

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 88 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Exception Handling in JSP
JSP provide 3 different ways to perform exception handling:
1. Using simple try...catch block.
2. Using isErrorPage and errorPage attribute of page directive.
3. Using <error-page> tag in Deployment Descriptor.

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 89 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Exception Handling: try/catch block
Using try...catch block is just like how it is used in Core Java.
int i = 100;
i = i / 0;
out.println("The answer is " + i);
catch (Exception e){
out.println("An exception occurred: " + e.getMessage());

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 90 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Exception Handling: Error Page
Exception Handling using isErrorPage and errorPage attribute of
page directive.

MyJSP.jsp MyErrorPage.jsp

<%@page errorPage=
<%@page isErrorPage
MyErrPage.jsp"%> ="true" %>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 91 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Exception Handling: Error Page
Exception Handling using isErrorPage and errorPage attribute of
page directive. errorPage
<%@page errorPage= "2.jsp" %>
<% int i=10;
If Exception occurs in 1.jsp
i=i/0; %> then forward req to 2.jsp

<%@page isErrorPage="true" %>

This attribute
<html> <body> designates .jsp page as
An Exception had occured ERROR PAGE
<% out.println(exception.toString());%>
</body> </html>


Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 92 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Exception Handling in JSP: web.xml
 Declaring error page in Deployment Descriptor for entire web
 Specify Exception inside
<error-page> tag in the Deployment Descriptor.
 We can even configure different error pages for different
exception types, or HTTP error code type(503, 500 etc).

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 93 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Exception Handling in JSP: web.xml
Declaring an error page for all type of exception

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 94 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Exception Handling in JSP: web.xml
Declaring an error page for more detailed exception

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 95 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Exception Handling in JSP: web.xml


Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 96 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Exception Handling in JSP: web.xml
 This approach is better because we don't need to specify the
errorPage attribute in each jsp page.
 Specifying the single entry in the web.xml file will handle the
 In this case, either specify exception-type or error-code with the
location element.

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 97 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

1. <%@page import="java.sql.*" %>
2. <%
3. Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");
4. Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection(
5. "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/GTU","root","root");
6. Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
7. ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery("select * from diet");
8. while( {
9. out.println("<p>"+rs.getString(1));
10. out.println(rs.getString(2));
11. out.println(rs.getString(3)+"</p>");

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 98 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

JSP Session and Cookies Handling

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 99 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSP Cookie Handling
 Cookies are text files stored on the client computer and they are
kept for various information tracking purpose.
 JSP transparently supports HTTP cookies using underlying servlet

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 100 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSP Cookie Handling
<% Cookie cookie = new Cookie("c1","MyCookie1");
cookie.setMaxAge(60 * 60);

<a href="Cookie2.jsp">Click here</a>

<% Cookie[] c2 = request.getCookies();

for(int i = 0; i < c2.length; i++) {
out.print("<p>"+c2[i].getName()+" "+

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 101 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSP Session Handling
 In JSP, session is an implicit object of type HttpSession.
 The Java developer can use this object to set, get or remove
attribute or to get session information.
 In Page Directive, session attribute indicates whether or not the
JSP page uses HTTP sessions.
<%@ page session="true" %> //By default it is true

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 102 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSP Session Handling
<%@page session="true" %>
<% session.setAttribute("s1","DIET");%>
<a href="Session2.jsp">nextPage</a>


<%@page session="true" %>

<% String str=(String)session.getAttribute("s1");

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 103 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSP - Standard Tag Library (JSTL)

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 104 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSP - Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
 The JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) represents a set of tags to
simplify the JSP development.
Advantages of JSTL
1. Fast Development: JSTL provides many tags that simplifies the
2. Code Reusability: We can use the JSTL tags in various pages.
3. No need to use scriptlet tag: It avoids the use of scriptlet tag.

For creating JSTL application, you need to load jstl.jar file.

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 105 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSP - Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
Tag Library Function URI prefix
Core tag Variable support c
library Flow Control
URL management

Functions Collection length fn

Library String manipulation functions

Internationaliz Message formatting fmt

ation tag Number and date
library formatting
SQL tag library Database sql
XML tag Flow control x
library Transformation

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 106 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL: Core tag library
 The core group of tags are the most frequently used JSTL tags.
 The JSTL core tag provides variable support, URL management,
flow control etc.

Syntax to include JSTL Core library in your JSP:

<%@ taglib prefix="c"

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 107 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL: Core tag library
Tags Description
c:out It display the result of an expression, similar to the way <%=...%> tag work.
c:import It Retrives relative or an absolute URL and display the contents to either a String in 'var',a
Reader in 'varReader' or the page.
c:set It sets the result of an expression under evaluation in a 'scope' variable.
c:remove It is used for removing the specified scoped variable from a particular scope.
c:catch It is used for Catches any Throwable exceptions that occurs in the body.
c:if It is conditional tag used for testing the condition and display the body content only if the
expression evaluates is true.
c:choose, It is the simple conditional tag that includes its body content if the evaluated condition is
c:when, true.
c:forEach It is the basic iteration tag. It repeats the nested body content for fixed number of times or
over collection.
c:forTokens It iterates over tokens which is separated by the supplied delimeters.
c:param It adds a parameter in a containing 'import' tag's URL.
c:redirect It redirects the browser to a new URL and supports the context-relative URLs.
c:url It creates a URL with optional query parameters.

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 108 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL: Core tag library
1 c:out It display the result of an expression, similar to the way <%=...%>
tag work.

1. <%@ taglib uri=

prefix="c" %>
2. <html>
3. <body>
4. <c:out value="${'Welcome to JSTL'}"/>
5. </body>
6. </html>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 109 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL: Core tag library
2 c:import It is similar to jsp 'include', with an additional feature of including
the content of any resource either within server or outside the

1. <%@ taglib uri=

prefix="c" %>
2. <html>
3. <body>
4. <c:import var="data"
5. <c:out value="${data}"/>
6. </body>
7. </html>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 110 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL: Core tag library
3 c:set It is used to set the result of an expression evaluated in a
'scope'. This tag is similar to jsp:setProperty action tag.

1. <%@ taglib uri=

prefix="c" %>
2. <html>
3. <body>
4. <c:set var="Income" scope="session"
5. <c:out value="${Income}"/>
6. </body>
7. </html>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 111 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL: Core tag library
4 c:remove It is used for removing the specified scoped variable from a
particular scope

1. <%@ taglib uri=""

prefix="c" %>
2. <c:set var="income" scope="session"
3. <p>Before Remove Value is: <c:out
4. <c:remove var="income"/>
5. <p>After Remove Value is: <c:out

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 112 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL: Core tag library
5 c:if It is conditional tag used for testing the condition and display the
body content only if the expression evaluates is true.

1. <%@ taglib uri=""

prefix="c" %>
2. <c:set var="income" scope="session"
3. <c:if test="${income > 8000}">
4. <p>My income is: <c:out value="${income}"/></p>
5. </c:if>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 113 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL: Core tag library
6 c:catch It is used for catching any Throwable exceptions that occurs in the body and
optionally exposes it.

1. <%@ taglib uri=""

prefix="c" %>
2. <c:catch var ="MyException">
3. <% int x = 2/0;%>
4. </c:catch>
5. <c:if test = "${MyException != null}">
6. <p>The type of exception is : $
{MyException}<br />
7. There is an exception: $
8. </c:if>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 114 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL: Core tag library
7 c:choose It is a conditional tag that establish a context for mutually
exclusive conditional operations. It works like a
Java switch statement in which we choose between a
numbers of alternatives.

c:when It is subtag of <choose > that will include its body if the
condition evaluated be 'true'.
c:otherwise It is also subtag of < choose > it follows <when> tags and
runs only if all the prior condition evaluated is 'false'.

The <c:when> and <c:otherwise> works like if-else statement.

But it must be placed inside <c:choose tag>.

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 115 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL: Core tag library Choose.jsp

1. <%@ taglib uri=""

prefix="c" %>
2. <c:set var="marks" scope="session" value="${80}"/>
3. <p>Your marks are: <c:out value="${marks}"/></p>
4. <c:choose>
5. <c:when test="${marks <= 35}"> Sorry! you are fail.
6. </c:when>
7. <c:when test="${marks > 75}">
8. Congratulations! you hold Distinction
9. </c:when>
10. <c:otherwise>
11. Sorry! Result is unavailable.
12. </c:otherwise>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 116 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL: Core tag library
8 c:forEach It is an iteration tag used for repeating the nested body content for
fixed number of times. The < c:for each > tag is most commonly
used tag because it iterates over a collection of object.

1. <%@ taglib uri=

prefix="c" %>
2. <html> <body>
3. <c:forEach var="i" begin="0" end="5">
4. count <c:out value="${i}"/><p>
5. </c:forEach>
6. </body> </html>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 117 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL: Core tag library
9 c:forTokens It iterates over tokens which is separated by the supplied

1. <%@ taglib uri=

prefix="c" %>
2. <c:forTokens items="DIET-CE-Department"
delims="-" var="name">
3. <c:out value="${name}"/><p>
4. </c:forTokens>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 118 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL: Core tag library
10 c:url This tag creates a URL with optional query parameter. It is used for
url encoding or url formatting. This tag automatically performs the
URL rewriting operation.

<%@ taglib uri=

prefix="c" %>
<c:url value="/MyJspFile.jsp"/>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 119 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL: Core tag library
11 c:param It allow the proper URL request parameter to be specified within
URL and it automatically perform any necessary URL encoding.

1. <%@ taglib uri=

prefix="c" %>
2. <c:url value="/index1.jsp"
3. <c:param name="CollegeCode" value="054"/>
4. <c:param name="Name" value="DIET"/>
5. </c:url>
6. ${completeURL}

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 120 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL: Core tag library
12 c:redirect tag redirects the browser to a new URL. It is used for redirecting the
browser to an alternate URL by using automatic URL rewriting.

1. <%@ taglib
prefix="c" %>
2. <c:redirect url=""/>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 121 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSP - Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
Tag Library Function URI prefix
Core tag Variable support c
library Flow Control
URL management

Functions Collection length fn

Library String manipulation functions

Internationaliz Message formatting fmt

ation tag Number and date
library formatting
SQL tag library Database sql
XML tag library Flow control x

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 122 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL -Function Tags List
The JSTL function provides a number of standard functions, most of
these functions are common string manipulation functions.
<%@ taglib uri="" 
prefix="fn" %>  

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 123 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL -Function Tags List
fn:contains It is used to test if an input string containing the specified substring
in a program.
fn:containsIgnoreCase It is used to test if an input string contains the specified substring as
a case insensitive way.
fn:endsWith It is used to test if an input string ends with the specified suffix.
fn:startsWith It is used for checking whether the given string is started with a
particular string value.
fn:toLowerCase It converts all the characters of a string to lower case.
fn:toUpperCase It converts all the characters of a string to upper case.
fn:length It returns the number of characters inside a string, or the number of
items in a collection.
fn:indexOf It returns an index within a string of first occurrence of a specified
fn:substring It returns the subset of a string according to the given start and end
fn:replace It replaces all the occurrence of a string with another string
fn:trim It removes the blank spaces from both the ends of a string.

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 124 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL -Function Tags List Function.jsp

1. <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>

2. <%@ taglib uri=""
prefix="fn" %>
3. <c:set var="String1" value=" Welcome to diet CE Department "/>
4. <c:if test="${fn:contains(String1, 'diet')}">
5. <p>Found diet string<p>
6. <p>Index of DIET : ${fn:indexOf(String1, "diet")}</p>
7. <c:set var="str2" value="${fn:trim(String1)}" />
8. <p>trim : ${str2}</p>
9. The string starts with "Welcome": $
{fn:startsWith(String1, 'Welcome')}
10. <p>To UPPER CASE: ${fn:toUpperCase(String1)}</p>
11. <p>To lower case: ${fn:toLowerCase(String1)}</p>
12. </c:if>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 125 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL -Function Tags List

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 126 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSP - Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
Tag Library Function URI prefix
Core tag Variable support c
library Flow Control
URL management

Functions Collection length fn

Library String manipulation functions

Internationaliz Message formatting fmt

ation tag Number and date
library formatting
SQL tag library Database sql
XML tag library Flow control x

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 127 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL-Formatting tags
The formatting tags provide support for message formatting, number
and date formatting etc. 

<%@ taglib uri="
fmt" prefix="fmt"%>  

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 128 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL-Formatting tags
Formatting Tags Descriptions
fmt:parseNumber It is used to Parses the string representation of a currency, percentage or
fmt:formatNumber It is used to format the numerical value with specific format or precision.

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 129 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL-Formatting tags Number.jsp

1. <%@ taglib prefix="c"

uri="" %>
2. <%@ taglib prefix="fmt"
uri="" %>
3. <c:set var="Amount" value="123123.456789" />
4. <h3>Parsing Number from String:</h3>
5. <fmt:parseNumber var="j" type="number"
value="${Amount}" />
6. <p>Amount in parsed integer is: <c:out value="$
{j}" /></p>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 130 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL-Formatting tags Number.jsp

7. <h3>Formatting of Number:</h3>
8. <p> Currency:
9. <fmt:formatNumber value="${Amount}" type="currency"
11.<fmt:formatNumber type="number" maxIntegerDigits="3"
value="${Amount}" /></p>
13.<fmt:formatNumber type="number" maxFractionDigits="6"
value="${Amount}" /></p>
15.<fmt:formatNumber type="number" pattern="###.###$"
value="${Amount}" /></p>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 131 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL-Formatting tags

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 132 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL-Formatting tags
fmt:formatDate It formats the time and/or date using the supplied pattern and styles.
fmt:parseDate It parses the string representation of a time and date.
fmt:setTimeZone It stores the time zone inside a time zone configuration variable.
fmt:timeZone It specifies a parsing action nested in its body or the time zone for any time
fmt:message It display an internationalized message.

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 133 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL-Formatting tags TimeZone.jsp

1. <%@ taglib prefix="c"

uri="" %>
2. <%@ taglib prefix="fmt"
uri="" %>
3. <c:set var="date" value="01-01-2019" />
4. <fmt:parseDate value="${date}" var="parsedDate"
pattern="dd-MM-yyyy" />
5. <p>Date:<c:out value="${parsedDate}" /></p>
6. <c:set var="Date" value="<%=new java.util.Date()%>" />
7. <p> Formatted Time :
8. <fmt:formatDate type="time" value="${Date}" /> </p>
9. <p> Formatted Date :
10.<fmt:formatDate type="date" value="${Date}" /> </p>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 134 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL-Formatting tags TimeZone.jsp

11.<%-- for setting time zone --%>

12.<fmt:setTimeZone value="IST" />
13.<c:set var="date" value="<%=new java.util.Date()%>" />
14.<p><b>Date and Time in Indian Standard Time(IST) Zone:</b>
<fmt:formatDate value="${date}"
15. type="both" timeStyle="long"
dateStyle="long" /> </p>
16.<fmt:setTimeZone value="GMT-10" />
17.<p><b>Date and Time in GMT-10 time Zone:
</b><fmt:formatDate value="${date}"
18. type="both" timeStyle="long"
dateStyle="long" /> </p>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 135 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL-Formatting tags

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 136 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSP - Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
Tag Library Function URI prefix
Core tag Variable support c
library Flow Control
URL management

Functions Collection length fn

Library String manipulation functions

Internationaliz Message formatting fmt

ation tag Number and date
library formatting

SQL tag library Database sql

XML tag library Flow control x

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 137 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL SQL Tags List
The JSTL sql tags provide SQL support. 
<%@ taglib uri="" 

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 138 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL SQL Tags List
SQL Tags Descriptions
sql:query It is used for executing the SQL query defined in its sql attribute or the
sql:setDataSource It is used for creating a simple data source suitable only for prototyping.

sql:update It is used for executing the SQL update defined in its sql attribute or in the
tag body.
sql:param It is used to set the parameter in an SQL statement to the specified value.
sql:dateParam It is used to set the parameter in an SQL statement to a specified
java.util.Date value.
sql:transaction It is used to provide the nested database action with a common

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 139 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL SQL Tags List Sql.jsp

1. <%@ taglib uri=""

prefix="c" %>
2. <%@ taglib uri=""
3. <sql:setDataSource var="db"
user="root" password="root"/>
4. <sql:query dataSource="${db}" var="rs">
5. SELECT * from diet;
6. </sql:query>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 140 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL SQL Tags List Sql.jsp

7. <table border="1" width="100%">

8. <tr>
9. <td>Enr_no</td>
10. <td>Name</td>
11. <td>Branch</td>
13.<c:forEach var="table" items="${rs.rows}">
14. <tr>
15. <td><c:out value="${table.Enr_no}"/></td>
16. <td><c:out value="${table.Name}"/></td>
17. <td><c:out value="${table.Branch}"/></td>
18. </tr>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 141 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL SQL Tags List

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 142 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSP - Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
Tag Library Function URI prefix
Core tag Variable support c
library Flow Control
URL management

Functions Collection length fn

Library String manipulation functions

Internationaliz Message formatting fmt

ation tag Number and date
library formatting
SQL tag library Database sql
XML tag library Flow control x

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 143 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL-XML tag library
 The JSTL XML tags are used for providing a JSP-centric way of
manipulating and creating XML documents.
 The xml tags provide flow control, transformation etc.
<%@ taglib uri="" 
prefix="x" %>  

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 144 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL-XML tag library
XML Tags Descriptions
x:out Similar to <%= ... > tag, but for XPath expressions.
x:parse It is used for parse the XML data specified either in the tag body or an
x:set It is used to sets a variable to the value of an XPath expression.
x:choose It is a conditional tag that establish a context for mutually exclusive conditional
x:when It is a subtag of that will include its body if the condition evaluated be 'true'.
x:otherwise It is subtag of that follows tags and runs only if all the prior conditions
evaluated be 'false'.
x:if It is used for evaluating the test XPath expression and if it is true, it will
processes its body content.
x:transform It is used in a XML document for providing the XSL(Extensible Stylesheet
Language) transformation.
x:param It is used along with the transform tag for setting the parameter in the XSLT
style sheet.

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 145 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL-XML tag library
1. <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri=""
2. <%@ taglib prefix="x" uri=""
3. <c:set var="myBook">
4. <books>
5. <myBook>
6. <title>TheSecret</title>
7. <author>RhondaByrne</author>
8. </myBook>
9. <myBook>
10. <title>Meluha</title>
11. <author>Amish</author>
12. </myBook>
13. </books>
14. </c:set>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 146 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSTL-XML tag library
15. <x:parse xml="${myBook}" var="output"/>
16. <b>Name of the Book is</b>:
17. <x:out select="$output/books/myBook[1]/title" />
18. <p><b>Author of the Meluha is</b>:
19. <x:out select="$output/books/myBook[2]/author" /> </p>
20. <x:set var="myTitle"
21. <p>x:set:<x:out select="$myTitle" /></p>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 147 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSP Custom Tag
 A custom tag is a user-defined JSP language element.
 When a JSP page containing a custom tag is translated into a
servlet, the tag is converted to operations on an object called a tag
 The Web container then invokes those operations when the JSP
page's servlet is executed.
 JSP tag extensions let you create new tags that you can insert
directly into a JavaServer Page just as you would the built-in tags

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 148 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
How to create Custom Tag?
To create a custom tag we need three things:
1) Tag handler class: In this class we specify what our custom tag will
do, when it is used in a JSP page.
2) TLD file: Tag descriptor file where we will specify our tag name,
tag handler class and tag attributes.
3) JSP page: A JSP page where we will be using our custom tag

JSP page TLD file Tag handler class

-Tag Name Business Logic of
Using Custom Tag -Tag handler class Tag

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 149 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSP Custom Tag

JSP page TLD file Tag handler class

-Tag Name Business Logic of
Using Custom Tag -Tag handler class Tag

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
Create the Tag handler class
 Define a custom tag named <ex:Hello>
 To create a custom JSP tag, you must first create a Java class that
acts as a tag handler.
 So let us create HelloTag class.

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 151 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
Create the Tag handler class
1. import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*;
2. import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
3. import*;
4. public class HelloTag extends SimpleTagSupport
5. {
6. public void doTag() throws JspException,
7. {
8. JspWriter out = getJspContext().getOut();
9. out.println("Hello Custom Tag!");
10. }

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 152 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSP Custom Tag

JSP page TLD file Tag handler class

-Tag Name Business Logic of
Using Custom Tag -Tag handler class Tag

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
Create TLD file
 Tag Library Descriptor (TLD) file contains information of tag and Tag Hander
 It must be contained inside the WEB-INF directory.
mytags.tld (Tag Library Descriptor)
1. <taglib>
2. <tlib-version>1.0</tlib-version>
3. <jsp-version>2.0</jsp-version>
4. <uri>WEB-INF/tlds/mytags.tld</uri>
5. <tag>
6. <name>Hello</name>
7. <tag-class>MyPackage.HelloTag</tag-class>
8. <body-content>empty</body-content>
9. </tag>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 154 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSP Custom Tag

JSP page TLD file Tag handler class

-Tag Name Business Logic of
Using Custom Tag -Tag handler class Tag

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
JSP page
1. <%@taglib prefix="ex"
2. <html>
3. <body>
4. <ex:Hello/>
5. </body>
6. </html>

Unit-4 Java Server Pages(JSP) 156 Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

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