Computer Graphics & Multimedia: BY DR - Rajeev Pandey

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Basic of Computer Graphics
Applications of Computer
Display Devices
Random and Raster Scan System
Graphics Input Devices
Graphics Software and Standards
Basic Computer Graphics

What is computer graphics?

The computer graphics is one of the most
effective and commonly used way to
information in form of graphics object such
as pictures, charts, graphs and diagram
instead of simple text.
Computer graphics is a process of
generating, manipulating, storing and
displaying graphics object.
Ex: Such as pictures, charts, graphs,
Basic Computer Graphics
Thus we can say that computer graphics
makes it possible to express data in
pictorial form.

In computer graphics objects are

presented as a collection of discrete
picture elements.

Picture Element = Pixel = The pixel is

the smallest screen elements.
Basic Computer Graphics
Graphics should be generated by controlling
the pixel.

The control is achieved by setting the intensity

and colour of the pixel which compose screen.
The process of determining the appropriate
pixels for representing picture or graphics
object is known as “rasterization”.

The process of representing continuous

picture or graphics object as a collection of
discrete pixels is called “scan conversion”.
What you can do with graphics before
displaying it on screen?
Graphics allows rotation, translation, scaling and
performing various projections before displaying it.

It also allows to add effects such as hidden surface

removal, shading and transparency to the picture.
User can edit (modify content, structure or
appearance) graphics object with using keyboard,
mouse or touch sensitive panel on the screen.

There is close relationship between input devices

and display devices.

Graphics Devices = Input Devices + Display Devices

Advantages of computer graphics :
High quality graphics displays on PC

It provides tools for producing pictures

Produce animation using static image with computer


Produce 1-D image in 2-D or 3-D using different

Using motion dynamics tool, user can make object
stationary and the viewer moving around them.

Using update dynamics, it is possible to change the

shape, colour or other properties of object.
Applications of Computer Graphics
Presentation Graphics
Entertainment Graphics
User Interface
Auto CAD
Computer Art
Virtual Reality
Image Processing
Display Devices
Types of display devices:
Radom Scan
Raster Scan
Colour CRT
DVST (Direct view storage)
Flat Panel Display
Plasma Panel
Display LCD

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