Bcom Major Project Briefing

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B.Com(H)- VI Semester
BBA VI Semester
The aim of this project is to produce a piece of
research that advances knowledge in the
subjects area of business management.

It provides the students with experience in

handling data in an organizational setting and
in applying relevant concepts and theories
appropriate for the business environment.
Marking Scheme
(a) External : Project Viva (50 Marks), where viva would
be on written report and would be undertaken by an
external examiner.

(b) Internal : Conduct & Submission of Report (50

Marks), it involves conduct of study & submission of
phase wise reports, presentations & viva.
Project Proposal
Title of the Project: Title should be meaningful and should convey the broad
aspects that will be covered in the body and the scope of the project.

Organisation/Company: Mention the name of organisation/company and the

functional area (e.g. marketing, finance and human resource) where you intend to
do your project. Briefly explain the nature of the organisation and its business.

Objectives of the Study: Explain the objectives and the scope of the project
along with functional area that will be covered in the study.

(a) Explain the methodology for data collection.
(b) Explain the techniques proposed to be used for data analysis.
Tools: Explain the statistical tools and software tools e.g. SPSS/MS Excel or any
other that you propose to use in the project.
To be Completed Activity Marks
by Date Allotted

29th January, 2022 Briefing about the project guidelines to the students.  
05th February, 2022 Submission of Project Proposal to the respective guide & 5
finalisation of title, objectives, scope & methodology.

19th February, 2022 Chapter-1 & 2 (Introduction and Review of Literature) 5

05th March, 2022 Submission of Chapter-3 (RM) and Questionnaire (after 5
prior discussion with Project Guide)

19th March, 2022 Data analysis & Interpretation (Chapter-4) and Chapter- 5

02nd April, 2022 Submission of Final Report (one hard copy in spiral 5
binding) to the respective guide.

April Last Week Internal Presentation and Viva to the Internal Board of 25
(Tentative) Examiners.

As per the External Viva before the external examiner. 50

announcement of
Total Marks 100
S No
of Report Page No
1 Title Page -
2 Certificate (s) -
3 Acknowledgements -
4 Assignment Directive -
5 Executive Summary -
6 List of Tables -
7 List of Figures -
8 List of Symbols -
9 List of Abbreviations -
10 Chapter-1: Introduction
11 Chapter-2: Review of Literature
11 Chapter-3: Methodology
12 Chapter-4: Data Analysis & Interpretation
13 Chapter-5: Findings and Conclusions
14 References/Bibliography
15 Appendices
Executive Summary
Executive Summary is a brief or condensed summary of
the work performed. It should be about 1-2 pages in

It should comprise problem definition, methodology

adopted, findings, conclusion, limitations and direction
for future development, if any.
Chapter-I: Introduction
This chapter is to include the following aspects:

1. Profile Organisation/Company
2. Problem definition
3. Rational of study
4. Theoretical Framework
Theoretical Framework
A brief theoretical description of concepts, tools and
techniques used in project along with definition of
key words and formulae etc. should be included.
Chapter-II: Review of Literature

At least 5-7 research papers should be reviewed and

defined in the report.
A sample of review of a research paper is given below:

Rai, Usha Kiran and Srivastava, Monica (2011) examined the

motives of women entrepreneurs in starting a small-scale

enterprise in the socio-economic milieu of Varanasi district. The
sample units were selected through stratified random sampling .
The sample size for the study was 150 units. The data was collected
through a structured questionnaire and informal interviews. The
conclusions drawn from the empirical study show that the direct
support from their family members (in the form finance)
encouraged them to start their new ventures, which is a healthy
signal for economic development of the country.
Chapter-III: Methodology
i. Objectives of the Study
ii. Data Collection Sources:
a) Primary data sources b) secondary data sources
iii. Universe/Population
iii. Research Instrument/ Data Collection Tool: Questionnaire
iv. Sampling Unit: The respondents who will fill the questionnaire.
v. Sample Size: Total no. of respondents
vi. Sampling Technique:
vii. Tools used for Data Analysis: Explain the concepts, tools and
techniques used for data analysis. The rationale and justification for
using a particular tool and technique should also be explained. Examples
of tools are- Standard deviation, correlation, chi- square test, regression
Chapter IV-Data Analysis &
Each question of the questionnaire should be
interpreted and described in a separate page.
Each page should include:
i. The question
ii. Options/ multiple choices in table
iii. Figure: Pie-chart, bar diagram, graph etc.
iv. Discussion : Description of figure along with linkages
with the theoretical concepts
Use of SPSS for statistical data analysis or MS Excel
Findings & Suggestion

1. Findings/ Results of the Study: The main findings of

the study with the proper references and discussion
can be written in paragraph form.

2. Suggestions : Suggestions should be based on the

findings only.
Summary & Conclusions
Summary: Summary of the research work done.

Conclusion: A concluding paragraph of approximately

half page should be written.

Limitations: The limitations could be mentioned in terms

of data insufficiency, time & expertise constraints etc.
Examples are;
1. Carney, D. L., & Cochran, J. I., (2015), “The 5ESS Switching System:
Architectural Overview”, AT&T Technical Journal, vol. 64, no. 6, July-
August, pp. 1339-1356.

2. Stevens, A., (1992), C++ Database Development, MIS Press, New
York, p. 34.

3. In Encyclopedia Britannica. from http://search.eb.com, accessed

on (date) and (time).

4. Give full link of the webpage, (example www.google.com is not

The appendices are to be attached at the end of the
report and to be numbered as Appendix-A, Appendix-B
etc. right justified at the top of the page. Below the word
Appendix write in parenthesis “Refer Para No__”. The
para number should be the number in the body of text
where the reference of appendix is given.

An appendix may have annexure (s). The annexures, if

any, are to be attached immediately after the said
appendix. The annexures are to be numbered as
Annexure-I, Annexure-II etc.
Text & Page Specifications
Page Size: Good quality white A4 size executive
bond paper

Chapter Numbering: The chapters are to be

numbered as Chapter-1, Chapter-2.

The heading/title of the chapter is to appear below

the chapter number in uppercase.
Page Specifications:
(i) Left Margin : 1.25 inch
(ii)Right Margin : 1.25 inch
(iii) Top Margin : 1 inch
(iv) Bottom Margin : 1 inch

Page Numbers: All text pages starting from Body of the

Project Report should be numbered at the bottom
center of the pages.
Font Size: 12, Times New Roman, Double Spacing,
Single Side Writing.

Paragraphs Heading Font Size: 12, Times New


Page/Title Font Size: 14

Numbering of Table & Figure

Table No-1: Number of Employees in Organisation ABC
Figure No-1: Sales Figures of RO Water Purifier
Binding & Color Code of the Report

Hard Bound Report

Background of the cover page – GREEN for B.Com (H)
and BLACK for BBA
Letters in GOLDEN

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