The Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines (HGDG)

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• To provide knowledge and skills to the participants on the HGDG

Specifically, at the end of the session the participants are able:

1. To explain the objectives, principles and application of the Harmonized
Gender and Development Guidelines
2. To apply and demonstrate the utilization of the tool in project identification,
design, implementation and M&E
3. To analyze gender issues in the whole project development and
implementation cycle and assess the gender-responsiveness of these projects.
4. To identify lessons learned in the process of assessment and gender analysis

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International commitments which the Philippines is a
signatory to:
o CEDAW – commitment to undertake measures to
end discrimination

o Millennium Development goals – commitment to

end gender disparity at all levels of education

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National Commitments
o Section 14, Article II of the Philippine Constitution recognizes the role of
women in nation-building and shall ensure the fundamental equality before the
law of women and men.
o Other laws and policies promoting gender equality :
o RA 7192: Women in Development and Nation Building Act;
o Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive Development (PPGD);
o RA 7877: Anti-Sexual Harassment Act;
o RA 9208: The Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act;
o RA 9262: The Anti-VAWC; and
o RA 8353 and RA 8505 which are laws on Rape

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Self-assessment tool that provides assistance in:
1. Integrating gender and development perspective in
development planning processes and various stages of the
project cycle

2. Addressing the issues of inadequate sex—disaggregated

data and statistics for development planning and
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Objectives of HGDG
• To provide a common set of analytical concepts and tools
for integrating gender concerns into development programs
and projects

• To help achieve gender equality in, and empower women

through, projects and programs

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Principles of HGDG
 Equality between women and men is a key women’s human
right Harmonized
Gender and
 Participation in development is crucial to the empowerment of Development
women and men Guidelines

 Gender equality means promoting the equal participation of for Project Development,
women as agents of economic, social and political change Monitoring,
and Evaluation
 Achieving equality between women and men may involve the
introduction of specific measures designed to eliminate
prevailing gender inequalities and inequities.

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Users of HGDG
Those involved in developing, implementing, managing,
monitoring and evaluating development programs and
– NEDA – to evaluate or assess projects for funding
– Government agencies and LGUs in designing development
– ODA donors and consultants developing, managing and
monitoring/evaluating projects

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 Program or project identification and formulation

 Program or project implementation and management
 Program or project monitoring and evaluation

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Features of HGDG
HGDG consist of 3 parts:
PART 1 - Program/Project Development Guidelines (Generic)
Set of guidelines in the form of questions which can be applied to project
development in general regardless of sector or project type
Part 2 – Sector Specific Design Guidelines
Set of guidelines for the development of sector-specific programs or
Part 3 – Program/Project Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
Guidelines for the management, implementation, monitoring and
evaluation of development projects.

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Elements of a Gender-Responsive Project Design

Element or Requirement Things to Remember

1. Participation of women and men in Consult with women and men stakeholders
project identification of the development
problem and design

2. Collection and use of sex-disaggregated Secondary data can be used for analysis; if secondary data
data in the analysis of the development is unavailable, collect primary data
problem • Who are the intended project beneficiaries?
• How many are women, men, children?
• What are their profiles?
o Are they housewives? with livelihood? working
husbands? school age children?
• Are they capable of sustaining the project?

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Elements of a Gender-Responsive Project Design

Element or Requirement Things to Remember

3. Conduct of gender analysis to Do gender analysis. Sample basic questions to
identify the gender issues that ask:
the proposed project should • What gender issue/s does the project address?
address • What is/are the cause/s of the gender issue/s?
• What resources are available for women and
men beneficiaries?
• What are the pervading beliefs in the community
that affects or limits the participation of men and
women in the project?
• How should the project be designed so it
becomes responsive to women?

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Elements of a Gender-Responsive Project Design

Element or Requirement Things to Remember

4. Goals and objectives, outcomes Formulate project goals/objectives which
and outputs include GAD contributes to the following:
statements that address the 1) increased economic empowerment of
gender issues in # 3 women
2) protection and fulfilment of women’s human
3) gender-responsive governance
5. Activities include those that Plan activities that will address gender issues
address the identified gender identified in # 3
issues, including constraints to
women’s participation

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Elements of a Gender-Responsive Project Design
Element or Requirement Things to Remember
6. Conduct of gender analysis of the • What practical gender needs are responded to by the project? strategic
planned project to anticipate gender- gender needs?
related issues arising from the • Who decides to use or disposition of the resource, service or facilities?
implementation of the designed • Are there gender gaps in the access/use/management of resources? What are
project these?
• Will the project reduce gender gaps between women and men? How?
• Will the project mitigate constraints and promote women and men
participation in project activities and benefits? How?
• Will it improve the status of women? How?

7. Monitoring indicators and targets Sample indicators and targets:

which include the reduction of • 0 to 30% increase of women project beneficiaries participating in the
gender gaps or improvement of management of water supply system
women’s participation • 10% increase in women adopting FP methods
• 30% increase in women participation in barangay disaster risk response

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Elements of a Gender-Responsive Project Design

Element or Requirement Things to Remember

8. Project monitoring and Monitoring indicators should be sex-
evaluation system that disaggregated
includes sex-disaggregated

9. Resources and budgets for the There should be budget allocation provided for
activities in # 5 the planned activities that will address the
gender issues in #5 and facilitate integration of
GAD in the project

10. Planned coordination with Proposed project should be in line with the
PCW or the agency’s GAD plans LGU’s GAD efforts
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Workshop 1
1. Let’s divide ourselves into groups
2. Assign a moderator in the group to facilitate discussion
3. Please read through the short proposal on rural water supply
4. After reading the proposal, keeping in mind the elements of the
HGDG, discuss as a group and give your comments, observations
and findings using the matrix provided. (30 minutes)
5. Share your insights in the plenary
6. Tip for the group discussion:
If the information is not found in the project document, do not
assume that it is there.

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Done Score for Gender issues
Element and item/question an item/ identified (col.
No Partly Yes
(col. 1) element* 4)
(2a) yes (2c)
(col. 3)

1.0 Involvement of women and men

(max score: 2; for each item, 1)
1.1. Participation of women and men in beneficiary groups
in problem identification (possible score: 0, 0.5, 1.0) >
1.2. Participation of women and men in beneficiary
groups in project design(possible scores: 0, 0.5, 1.0) >
2.0. Collection of sex-disaggregated data and gender-
related information (possible scores: 0, 1.0, 2.0) >
3.0. Conduct of gender analysis and identification of
gender issues (max score: 2; for each item, 1)
3.1. Analysis of gender gaps and inequalities related to
gender roles, perspectives and needs, or access to and
control of resources (possible scores: 0, 0.5, 1.0) >
3.2. Analysis of constraints and opportunities related to
women and men’s participation in the project
(possible scores: 0, 0.5, 1.0) >
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Done Score for Gender issues
Element and item/question an item/ identified (col.
(col. 1) No Partly Yes element* 4)
(2a) Yes (2c) (col. 3)

4.0 Gender equality goals, outcomes and outputs

(possible scores: 0, 1.0, 2.0)
Does the project have clearly stated gender equality
goals, objectives, outcomes or outputs? >
5.0. Matching of strategies with gender issues
(possible scores: 0, 1.0, 2.0)
Do the strategies and activities match the gender
issues and gender quality goals identified? >
6.0. Gender analysis of likely impact of the project
(max score: 2; for each item or question, 0.67)
6.1. Are women and girl children among the direct or
indirect beneficiaries? (possible scores: 0, 0.33, 0.67) >
6.2. Has the project considered its long-term impact on
women’s socioeconomic status and empowerment?
(possible scores: 0, 0.33, 0.67) >
6.3. Has the project included strategies for avoiding or
minimizing negative impact on women’sLocalization
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welfare? (possible scores: 0, 0.33, 0.67) >
Done Score for Gender issues
Element and item/question an item/ identified (col.
No Partly Yes
(col. 1) element* 4)
(2a) Yes (2c)
(col. 3)

7.0 Monitoring targets and indicators

(possible scores: 0, 1.0, 2.0)
Does the project include gender equality targets and
indicators to measure gender equality outputs and
outcomes? >
8.0. Sex-disaggregated database requirement
(possible scores: 0, 1.0, 2.0)
Does the project M&E system require the collection of
sex-disaggregated data? >
9.0. Resources (max score: 2; for each question, 1.0)
9.1. Is the project’s budget allotment sufficient for gender
equality promotion or integration? OR, will the
project tap counterpart funds from LGUs/partners for
its GAD efforts (possible scores: 0, 0.5, 1.0) >
9.2. Does the project have the expertise in promoting
gender equality and women’s empowerment? OR,
does the project commit itself to investing project staff
time in building capacities within the project to
integrate GAD or promote gender equality? of Magna Carta of Women
scores: 0, 0.33, 0.67) >
Done Score for Gender issues
Element and item/question an item/ identified (col.
(col. 1) No Partly Yes element* 4)
(2a) Yes (2c) (col. 3)

10.0 Relationship with the agency’s GAD efforts

(maximum score: 2; for each question or item, 0.67)

10.1 Will the project build on or strengthen the

LGU’s commitment to the empowerment of women?
(possible scores: 0, 0.33, 0.67)


project help in the formulation of the implementing
agency’s GAD plan? >

10.2. Will the project build on the initiatives of actions of

other organizations in the area?
(possible scores: 0, 0.33, 0.67) >

10.3. Does the project have an exit plan that will ensure
the sustainability of GAD efforts and benefits?
(possible scores: 0, 0.33, 0.67) >
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Interpretation of GAD Scores

Maximum score: 20 points

 0-3.9 : GAD is invisible (Proposal to be returned)

? 4.0-7.9 : Has promising GAD prospects
(“conditional pass”)
 8.0-14.9 : Gender sensitive
 15.0-20.0: Gender responsive

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Guide for scoring
1. Put a check √ in the appropriate column (2a to 2c) under “Done?” to signify the degree
to which a project proponent has complied with the GAD element: under col. 2a if
nothing has been done; under col. 2b if an element, item, or question has been partly
complied with; and under col. 2c if an element, item, or question has been fully
complied with.
2. A partial and a full yes may be distinguished as follows.
a. For Element 1.0, a “partly yes” to Item 1.1 means meeting with male officials and
only a woman or a few women who also happen to be officials in the proponent or
partner agency or organization; or with male and female officials and some male
beneficiaries. In contrast, full compliance involves meeting with female and male
officials and consulting other stakeholders, including women and men that may be
affected positively or negatively by the proposed project. A “partly yes” to Item 1.2,
on the other hand, means inputs or suggestions may have been sought from
woman and man beneficiaries but are not considered at all in designing project
activities and facilities. >

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Guide for scoring
b. For Element 2.0, “partly yes” means some information has been classified
by sex but may not be key to helping identify key gender issues that a
planned project must address. In contrast, a full “yes” implies that
qualitative and quantitative data are cited in the analysis of the
development issue or project. >
c. For Element 3.0, a “partly yes” to Item 3.1 means a superficial or partial
analysis has been done by focusing on only one or two of the concerns
(gender roles, needs, perspectives, or access to and control of resources)
while a “partly yes” to Item 3.2 means an analysis of either constraints or
opportunities, instead of both, or an analysis of constraints and
opportunities only by women or by men, has been done. >

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Guide for scoring
d. For Element 4.0, “partly yes” means having a gender equality
statement incorporated in any of the following levels: goal,
purpose, or output. A full “yes” requires the integration of gender
equality in at least two of the three levels. >

e. For Element 5.0, “partly yes” means having gender equality

strategies or activities but no stated gender issues that will match
the activities, while a full “yes” requires an identified gender issue
and activities seeking to address this issue. >

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Guide for scoring
f. For Element 6.0, a “partly yes” to Item 6.1 means women or girls comprise less
than a third of the project’s indirect or direct benefi ciaries; to Item 6.2 means
the project focuses on affecting socioeconomic status with no consideration of
women’s empowerment; and to Item 6.3 means mitigating strategies deal only
with minimizing negative impact on welfare, with no regard for status. A full
“yes” to an item under Element 6.0 means women or girls constitute at least a
third of the project benefi ciaries (Item 6.1), the project will impact on both
material condition and status (6.2), and the project seeks to minimize negative
impact on women’s status as well as welfare (6.3). >

g. For Element 7.0, “partly yes” means the project monitoring plan includes
indicators that are sex-disaggregated but no qualitative indicator of
empowerment or status change. >

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Guide for scoring

h. For Element 8.0, “partly yes” means the project requires the collection
of some sex-disaggregated data or information, but not all the
information will track the gender-differentiated effects of the project. A
full “yes” means all sex-disaggregated data and qualitative information
will be collected to help monitor the GAD outcomes and outputs. >

i. For Element 9.0, “partly yes” means there is a budget for GAD- related
activities but not sufficient to ensure that the project will address
relevant gender issues (9.1), or to build GAD capacities among
project staff or the project agency or to tap external GAD expertise
(9.2). >

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Guide for scoring

j. For Element 10.0, a “partly yes” response to Item 10.1 means

there is a mention of the agency’s GAD plan but no direct
connection is made to incorporate the project’s GAD efforts into
the plan; to Item 10.2 means there is a mention of other GAD
initiatives in the project coverage but no indication of how the
project will build on these initiatives; and to Item 10.3 means the
project has a sustainability plan for its GAD efforts but no
mention is made of how these may be institutionalized within the
implementing agency or its partners. >

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Thank you!

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