SAP AG 1999
Organizational Levels in the Procurement Process
ClientCompany CodePlantStorage LocationPurchasing Organization/Purchasing Group
SAP AG 1999
The client is a commercial, organizational unit withinthe R/3 System, with its own data, master records, andset of tables.
From a business perspective, the client forms acorporate group.Client
SAP AG 1999
Company Code
The company code is the smallest organizational unitfor which you can have an independent Accountingdepartment within external Accounting.
A company code represents an independentaccounting unit, for example, a company within acorporate group (client).
SAP AG 1999
A plant is an organizational logistics unit thatstructures the enterprise from the perspective of production, procurement, plant maintenance, andmaterials planning.
A plant is a manufacturing facility or branch within acompany.