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Amoeba is a simple,
unicellular organism which is Unicellular means a single cell It contains jelly-like cytoplasm
found at the bottom of fresh performs all the function like An amoeba or ameba, often with a clear nucleus, many
water and  it is a very small digestion, called an amoeboid. food vacuoles, and contractile
living creature that consists of respiration, reproduction etc. vacuoles.
only one cell.

The food taken in remains in a

Thus, amoeba can digest
Digestion in amoeba is food vacuole or gastric The vacuoles are transported
sugars, cellulose and proteins.
intracellular taking place vacuole formed by the cell deeper into the cells by
Fats, however, remain
within the cell.  membrane and small part of cytoplasmic movements. 
the cytoplasm. 

Since the food on

digestion is converted The vacuole becomes
into liquid diffusible progressively smaller as
form, it is the food is absorbed
readily absorbed by the by diffusion.

All the parts of the cell get

the nutrients by the cyclic
These nutrients are used In this manner the food is
movement of
to build new protoplasm. assimilated.
the cytoplasm called the

As the amoeba moves forward,

the undigested matter is shifted to
The egestion takes place by There is no particular point from the back and eliminated as food
exocytosis.  which the egestion takes place. pellets through a temporary
opening formed at any nearest
point on the plasmalemma.

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