A Study of Advertising On Social Media: Issues & Prospects

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“A Study of

Advertising on Social
Media: Issues &
Prepared by:
Nikhil Kumar Rai
MBA IV Semester
Roll Number: 1804070008
Enrollment No.180407008250
What is Advertising?
Advertising is the action of calling public attention to something, especially by
paid announcements. Note that the definition uses the term 'action of' and
doesn't specify that advertising is limited to print media, television, Internet
or any other specific medium. While it does place an emphasis on 'paid
announcements,' it isn't a requirement. Finally, it only says that attention is
called to something, not specifically good attention. Anyone that has turned
on the TV during election season knows advertising can be negative.
Many business-specific definitions of advertising add that advertising is non-
personal. This distinction is sometimes important because of the role face-to-
face sales play in many businesses. A sales force is often considered a
marketing strategy, not an advertising strategy.
Advertising (or advertizing) is a form of marketing communication used to 
promote or  sell something, usually a business's product or service.
Internet advertising can then be in two possible ways:

The first one through emails and the other one through the web. E-mails are electronic courier exchangeable
via Internet as soon as e-mail addresses are linked together. It is possible for companies to send advertisements
to their customers via e-mails only if they own their e-mail addresses. However, this system of addresses
ownership is a limitation to advertising by the fact that the targeted audience is restricted by this rule. In this
case, it is more advertising which comes to the audience. Meanwhile, advertising through the web is more free
and dedicated to a larger audience. Indeed, because the web is a network accessible by any computer,
information are called "online" and then reachable at any time. In this case, it is more the audience who comes
to advertising. Web advertising can be found mostly as adverts directly integrated to websites like banners, but
also as popup windows which are new arising windows exclusively of ads. The main advantage of Internet
advertising is that it is available 24h/7 and up to 365 days a year at low costs. Firms just need to put their
advertisements online and wait for consumers to read them. Web advertising, by short messages or pictures is
easily readable, also dedicated to a very large audience. Nowadays given the facility to access Internet, the
number of users is about more than 2 millions and keep increasing. Being thus, an important population of
potential new consumers for companies. Nevertheless, even if consumers are not totally comfortable with this
new medium, more and more companies come forward to do internet advertising. From a commercial
perspective, since its beginning, web advertising has a glorious success and its future seems profitable. Internet
media is also called the media of the new millennium. (Chunawalla & Sethia 2008, 258-270)
The functions of advertising
One important task of advertising is that the consumer understands it. There is no point to create an advertisement if no one can understand what it
is about, where to find the related product or service, and what is it for. It is also very important for the advertiser to know what the consumer
understands by the advertising. Each person has his own ability to perceive messages and interpret them. That is why advertising can be focused on
a particular group of people that the advertiser would have learned about their understanding capability. Advertising has two main functions which
are : the informative and the persuasive functions. However, the only reason why there are advertisements is to persuade the consumer. Indeed, it
would be pointless to inform the consumer about a product or a service, without making them interested. Thus, advertising is called as informative
due to the fact that it introduces a product or a service, but in fact there is much more behind a simple advertisement: persuasion. From this
persuasion aspect, we distingue two kinds of advertising: moral and immoral advertisement. Moral advertising is when the advertiser use rational or
irrational means as long as it promotes a product or a service which is essential and useful to the consumer. It is not legal to consider advertising as
moral is its persuasion effect is based on corruption and misuse. Then, it is called immoral advertising. For example, advertising for slave auctions
and cock fights are immoral because the products promoted are socially and/or physically harmful. Without advertising, consumers would maybe
not pay attention to some products which have potential benefits for them. Therefore, advertising is here to persuade people to seek and purchase
these products. Just by the fact that a product or a service is promoted, the consumers may change their mind to feel interested in buying. It might
be products that they do not really need at the moment but when they saw the advertisement, they felt the desire to purchase. This is the force of
advertising, and its main function. However, it is considered also that advertising can be too persuasive and abusive of people behaviour. For
example, the advertisement of an insurance company which promotes and persuades a young father to subscribe a life insurance for his family in
case something happens to him. The need of its insurance was maybe not urgently required, but advertising created a new need in his life and
persuaded to take it. Advertising is linked to consumer needs and works on them to persuade. As Maslow explains it in his hierarchy of needs, a
normal human being has different kinds of needs during his life, categorised in 5 sections. Once a category of needs is satisfied, needs from another
category are requested by the human. First, the physiological needs which are the basic needs a human body requires: to eat, to drink and to sleep.
Then are the safety needs which implied: home, employment, resources, family, health, property. The third category is about being loved and
belonging to a social group. Then it deals with esteem such as respect of and by others, achievement, confidence. And finally, once all these
previous needs are satisfied come the self-actualisation needs which include morality, creativity and especially self-esteem. Thus, according to this
hierarchy of needs, advertising can be focused on a particular category of needs where it is sure to have the most potential of persuasion.
Nevertheless, advertising can be qualified as abusive when it has a too strong power of persuasion for a need that the consumer does not necessary
require, because it denigrates human reason. Human needs must be desired before to be satisfied. Otherwise, if all human needs would be satisfied
a once, this can conduct to a boring human life. (Pant 2007, 30-45)
What is Social Media?
Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. Websites and
applications dedicated to forums, microblogging, social networking , social bookmarking, social curation, and wikis are among the different types of social media.
Social media are computer-mediated tools that allow people or companies to create, share, or exchange information, career interests, ideas, and pictures/videos in 
virtual communities and networks. The variety of stand-alone and built-in social media services currently available introduces challenges of definition; however, there
are some common features: 
(1) social media are Web 2.0 internet-based applications,
(2) user-generated content (UGC) is the lifeblood of the social media organism,
(3) users create service-specific profiles for the site or app that are designed and maintained by the social media organization, and
(4) social media facilitate the development of online social networks by connecting a user's profile with those of other individuals and/or groups. Social media
depend on mobile and web-based technologies to create highly interactive platforms through which individuals and communities share, co-create, discuss, and modify
user-generated content. They introduce substantial and pervasive changes to communication between businesses, organizations, communities, and individuals. These
changes are the focus of the emerging field of techno self studies. Social media differ from traditional or industrial media in many ways, including quality, reach,
frequency, usability, immediacy, and permanence. Social media operate in a dialogic transmission system (many sources to many receivers). This is in contrast to
traditional media that operates under a monologic transmission model (one source to many receivers).
What is Social Media Advertising?
Social network advertising, also social media targeting is a group of terms that are used to describe forms of online advertising that focus on social networking services. One of the major benefits of this type of advertising is that advertisers can take advantage of the users' demographic information and target their ads
Social media targeting combines current targeting options (like geo targeting, behavioral targeting, socio-psychographic targeting, etc.), to make detailed target group identification possible. With social media targeting, advertisements are distributed to users based on information gathered from target group profiles.
Social network advertising is not necessarily the same as social media advertising. Social media targeting is a method of optimizing social media advertising by using profile data to deliver advertisements directly to individual users. Social media targeting refers to the process of matching social network users to target groups
that have been specified by the advertiser.

You may have come across the term web2.0. Social Media and Social Networking are web2.0. In the early days (well, actually not that  many years ago) websites were static and passive. They were mostly online corporate brochures with very little interaction. The only way to participate was to send an email to the keeper of the
website and hope he returned back to you. That was called web1.0.
Today Social Media refers to a collective group of websites whose content is primarily written and published by users, and not owners or employees of the website. For example most of the videos you see on YouTube are uploaded or published by ordinary people like you and me; not by YouTube employees or staff.
Nearly all articles published on Wikipedia are written and/or edited by people who are not connected to Wikipedia in any way. Instead of normal corporate websites which are created by the companies, the contents on Social Media websites are created by you and me. And possibly Larry from next door.
Social Media is people exchanging personal comments and views using various online platforms such as blogs and micro blogs, chat rooms, social networks and bookmarks, bulletin boards, photo and video sharing sites and virtual worlds.
What is Social Media Advertising?
Social network advertising, also social media targeting is a group of terms that are used to describe forms of online advertising that focus on social networking services. One of the major benefits of this type of advertising is that advertisers can take advantage of the users' demographic information and target their ads appropriately.
Social media targeting combines current targeting options (like geo targeting, behavioral targeting, socio-psychographic targeting, etc.), to make detailed target group identification possible. With social media targeting, advertisements are distributed to users based on information gathered from target group profiles.
Social network advertising is not necessarily the same as social media advertising. Social media targeting is a method of optimizing social media advertising by using profile data to deliver advertisements directly to individual users. Social media targeting refers to the process of matching social network users to target groups that have been specified by the advertiser.
You may have come across the term web2.0. Social Media and Social Networking are web2.0. In the early days (well, actually not that many years ago) websites were static and passive. They
were mostly online corporate brochures with very little interaction. The only way to participate was to send an email to the keeper of the website and hope he returned back to you. That was
called web1.0.
Today Social Media refers to a collective group of websites whose content is primarily written and published by users, and not owners or employees of the website. For example most of the
videos you see on YouTube are uploaded or published by ordinary people like you and me; not by YouTube employees or staff.
Nearly all articles published on Wikipedia are written and/or edited by people who are not connected to Wikipedia in any way. Instead of normal corporate websites which are created by the
companies, the contents on Social Media websites are created by you and me. And possibly Larry from next door.
Social Media is people exchanging personal comments and views using various online platforms such as blogs and micro blogs, chat rooms, social networks and bookmarks, bulletin boards,
photo and video sharing sites and virtual worlds.

Most Popular Social Media Websites:

Here are just a few of these Social Media platforms:
Stumble Upon
According to Wikipedia “Social Media Marketing” also known as “Social Influence Marketing” is the act of using social influencers, social media platforms and online communities for marketing, publication relations and customer service.

To put it in more simple terms, Social Media Marketing (SMM) or Social Media Advertising(SMA) is a particular segment of marketing that utilises Internet’s social platforms to deliver commercial messages to potential consumers .

1. Improved Brand Recognition

Advertising through social media has been shown to increase brand recognition. Regular posting on social media platforms allows companies to interact with the clientele on familiar grounds. This constant interaction creates a picture of credibility and an eagerness to listen to what the clients have to say. Once customers are familiar with your brand, they are more likely to recommend your brand to friends and family, therefore increasing your brand reach. The brand should not constantly hammer the presence, whereas it should be subtle enough to make an impact. Sticking to a particular theme of colours and fonts will help big time.
2. Improved Brand Loyalty
For any company to stay afloat, it needs a loyal clientele base. New customers are a happy addition, but without loyalists, the conversion rates would be somewhere between sad and non-existent. Advertising on social media creates an open service platform where customers can express their views and feelings about services and products offered. By listening to consumer opinions, customer satisfaction levels rise exponentially, and along with the loyalty to your brand is increased. The consumers will be more impressed with your turn around time and appreciate the company more.
3. Improved Conversion Rates
The majority of the population is on social media. Social media and advertising are two components used together to target potential clients on social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram. With the increased brand visibility that comes with advertising in social media, more leads will visit your website, and the chance of conversion also increases. With a well-articulated media advertising plan, a company can improve its sales and profits.
4. Reduced Marketing Costs
Compared to conventional marketing, social media marketing does not require a lot of monetary resources. With an internet connection and computers, a company can minimize its marketing costs by a significant margin.  But as the business landscape continues to evolve,
traditional marketing methods begin to fade out in favour of less resource-intensive methods. Therefore, using social media to market products and services is an efficient way of reducing companies’ operational costs. Social Media platforms do most of the work in terms of an
investment. The business needs a consistent theme, tonality and an effective marketing strategy to make use of the platforms. The costs are greatly reduced as more number of people can be reached with the same amount of monthly budget.
5. Better Search Engine Ranking
While a social media page does not exactly improve search rankings, the page will certainly get you more traffic. More people use Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing or other search engines to find products or services online. If your business has a social media listing, chances are, it will
appear among the top search results of a related product or service, leading to wider visibility. Search engine optimization tools are another attractive option due to their ability to drive more traffic to company websites and achieving higher search rankings on the same.
Social media advertising has grown to be a favourite marketing option for many business start-ups and organizations globally. This is due to the ease of using social networking sites to sell products and services. The results are almost always immediate, which allows companies to
gauge the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns. Social media marketing has become an integral part of any marketing program regardless of size or nature. It is a great opportunity to increase sales while minimizing costs; one that no company or organization should pass on.

Often it’s easy to roll off the tongue the negatives. With social media, it’s been a steep learning curve for everyone, so, understandably, a lot of negative outcomes have occurred over the years since it’s inception. We named one earlier on, and how customer information is used by businesses and organisations is still a challenge today. Privacy is important, and all sites must have privacy statements on how they manage customer data capture and what they do with it. For example, Europe recently
released the GDPR for the European Union and businesses providing services to EU nations. From a business viewpoint, social media marketing disadvantages include our list below.
Exposure to competitors
Social media marketing enables you to study your competitors’ strategy. However, they can still study your business methods through your social media platform. This puts your business at the risk of being outdone.
Needs qualified personnel
To focus on core business issues, you will have to employ qualified personnel to manage your account and have the traffic under control. This implies that you have to invest both in apparatus and salary for a quality outcome.
Slow returns on investments
Social media marketing is a long term investment and one cannot expect returns in an overnight. For companies looking for quick results, implementing traditional methods like word of mouth would be appropriate.
Tarnish brand name
If a piece of negative information finds its way onto a social media platform, the public will have the chance to express their dissatisfaction. This will tarnish your product name and deter potential customers from establishing relationships and doing business with the brand.
Time consuming
People may deliberately ignore your page because they may be interested in other sites. To get them to appreciate and share your posts may take time. For this reason, resources in terms of money and time must be allocated to ensure frequent publishing of aesthetic posts.
To know about the growth of internet and social media sites.
To know about .different ways of social media advertising.
Different issues related to social media advertising.
To analyze and access the future prospect for social media .
It help us to know about the issues of social media.
It help us to know about the role of advertising on social media.
It help us to know about the growth of advertising.
It help us to know about the impact of advertising on social media.
It helps in decision making by the managers of any social media.
It has the scope to gain knowledge about different things through different sources.
It helps to know about competitors and their strategies.
It has scope to improve the quality of any product or services through feedback.

In the present study, following limitation has occurred-
The study is based on secondary data.
There is lack of information about non-users of social media.
Since data is collected from secondary sources, it must not be accurate & reliable.
Time available for the project being short, in-depth study could not be done.
- Growth of Internet and Social media sites in different Advertising (or advertizing) is a form of marketing 
years. communication used to  promote or  sell something,
usually a business's product or service. Advertising
and Social media has are increasing day by day from
many years.
In Latin, ad vertere means "to turn toward". The
80% purpose of advertising may also be to reassure
employees or shareholders that a company is viable
70% 66% 67% or successful. Advertising messages are usually paid
64% for by sponsors and viewed via various old media;
60% including mass media such as newspaper, magazines
52% 51% , television advertisement, radio advertisement, 
50% outdoor advertising or direct mail; or new media such
as blogs, websites or text messages.
40% Internet Commercial ads seek to generate increased 
Social media
consumption of their products or services through
30% "branding," which associates a product name or image
22% with certain qualities in the minds of consumers. 
20% 19%
Non-commercial advertisers who spend money to
advertise items other than a consumer product or
service include political parties, interest groups,
religious organizations and governmental agencies.
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Non-profit organizations may use free modes of 
persuasion, such as a public service announcement.
Social media is the collective of online
communications channels dedicated to community-
based input, interaction, content-sharing and
collaboration. Websites and applications dedicated to 
forums, micro blogging, social networking , 
social bookmarking, social curation, and wikis are
among the different types of social media.
Sectors of Advertisement in Social Media in 2017-2019
Social media are computer-mediated tools that allow people or companies
to create, share, or exchange information, career interests, ideas, and
pictures/videos in virtual communities and networks. There are many sites
45% which are used by different users according to their preferences. The
variety of stand-alone and built-in social media services currently available
introduces challenges of definition; however, there are some common
40% features: 
(1) social media are Web 2.0 internet-based applications,
35% (2) user-generated content (UGC) is the lifeblood of the social media
(3) users create service-specific profiles for the site or app that are
30% designed and maintained by the social media organization, and
(4) social media facilitate the development of online social networks by
connecting a user's profile with those of other individuals and/or
groups. Social media depend on mobile and web-based technologies to
create highly interactive platforms through which individuals and
20% communities share, co-create, discuss, and modify user-generated
content. They introduce substantial and pervasive changes to
communication between businesses, organizations, communities, and
15% 29% individuals. These changes are the focus of the emerging field of 
techno self studies. Social media differ from traditional or industrial media
10% 20% in many ways, including quality, reach, frequency, usability, immediacy, and
permanence. Social media operate in a dialogic transmission system
(many sources to many receivers). This is in contrast to traditional media
5% 9% that operates under a monologic transmission model (one source to many
0% There are many effects that stem from Internet usage. According to
Nielsen, Internet users continue to spend more time with social media sites



than any other type of site. At the same time, the total time spent on social






media in the U.S. across PC and mobile devices increased by 99 percent






to 121 billion minutes in July 2018 compared to 66 billion minutes in July




2017. For content contributors, the benefits of participating in social media


have gone beyond simply social sharing to building reputation and bringing
in career opportunities and monetary income, as discussed in Tang, Gu,
and Whinsgton (2018).
The researcher has found that Advertising (or advertizing) is a form of marketing communication used to  promote or  sell something,
usually a business's product or service. Advertising and Social media has are increasing day by day from many years and the growth of
internet is 52% in 2015, 60% in 2015, 64% in 2017, 66% in 2018 and 70% in 2019 respectively social media sites growth
19% ,22% ,51% ,62% and 67%.
The researcher has found that Social media are computer-mediated tools that allow people or companies to create, share, or
exchange information, career interests, ideas, and pictures/videos in virtual communities and networks. There are many sites which
are used by different users according to their preferences. And the growth of users of Facebook is 1155, you tube 1000, Whats app
900, Google 327, twitter 240 , Instagram 150, we chat 236 and orkut 44.
The researcher has found that Social network advertising, also social media targeting is a group of terms that are used to describe
forms of online advertising that focus on social networking services. There are many sites used by users like Facebook, Pinterest,
Linked In, Instagram Twitter etc. Advertisement effect the social media through Facebook 67% in 2012 , 71% in 2013and 71% in 2014
respectively Linked In 20% ,22% and28%, Pinterest15%, 21% and 28%, Instagram 13%, 17% and 26% , twitter 16%, 18% and 23%.
The researcher has found that in today’s competitive marketplace, brands are relying heavily on social media and other digital
methods to communicate with consumers and to structure innovative and edgy marketing campaigns. There are many problem that
are faced by the Advertisers some of them are unsure, Inconsistence, Lack of Personalization & Network Problem and the major
problem faced by social media advertising is unsure 9%, inconsistence 20%, lack of personalization 29% and network problem is 41%.
The researcher has found that just as sites like Facebook and Twitter have revolutionized how people interact with each other, they
have also forever changed how business is done. There is a reason why social media marketing is one of the biggest trends in business
right now. When social media is done right, it can be extremely effective, even more so than many other commonly used advertising
mediums. Future prospects in social media advertising has occur 41% on advertising, 29% on market share, 17% on demand and 13%

on customer relationship.
Even though this paper attempts to shed some like on the development in social media recently, there is still a great deal of work to be done in this topic. For one, advertising on social networking sites that went beyond the traditional banner ads started as recently as 2007. If another two or three years were to elapse, researchers would have data from many more advertising campaigns to work with in studying this phenomenon. One possible shortcoming of this paper is that it examines mostly successful cases in order to draw its hypothesis about successful criteria for online advertising. Unfortunately, time constraints and lack of information prevented the testing of three hypotheses against more unsuccessful cases. This is an area which cannot be ignored in future research.
Another possible short coming of this paper is its mostly qualitative approach to determining the criteria for success. Again, time constraints played an important in this, in addition to the choice of focusing on secondary research which lacked any valid quantitative measures. The development of metrics that comprehensively analyze the successfulness on online advertising campaigns has always been a stumbling block for the advertiser and the media themselves; clearly, the older metrics of click-through rate and the like do not work in this new medium.
In today’s competitive marketplace, brands are relying heavily on social media and other digital methods to communicate with consumers and to structure innovative and edgy marketing campaigns. Marketing departments and advertising and public relations agencies are staffed with hip Web-and-mobile-savvy professionals who wish to execute highly elaborate marketing campaigns that often include a mix of user-generated content, text messaging, Twitter messaging, Facebook applications, blogging, viral marketing and other social networking elements.
India is a mobile first country where 41% of total mobile users are active on social media. And it remains the fastest growing market for social networks in the world. The increasing affordability and use of smartphones as internet devices means India is serving data to almost one billion mobile phones, and an individual spends an average of 3 hours on social media every day irrespective of device. However, this rise of social media adoption among Indians has led to a growing concern over poor Internet speed in the country. Internet access is still unevenly distributed with connection speeds remaining disappointingly slow at just 2 Mbps on average, far below the global average of 4.5 Mbps.
Digital India, a program to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy by the government is expected to enable high-speed Internet connectivity across the length and breadth of the country, which will ultimately join the social media bandwagon and create a positive network effect for further growth.

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