Unit 2 Philosophical Aspects of Management
Unit 2 Philosophical Aspects of Management
Unit 2 Philosophical Aspects of Management
Esteem/Ego Needs
Social/Affiliation Needs
Security Needs
Physiological Needs
06/07/2022 20
KEC Publication @ M. Chalise & P. K. Gautam
Contribution of Maslow’s need hierarchy theory
• Different motivational techniques can be used to motivate
employees having different needs.
• Managers can work out to create new needs to motivate
Limitation of Maslow’s need hierarchy theory
• Employees may have different level needs at a time.
• Without satisfying needs, job satisfaction will be low and
hence employee turnover and absenteeism rate becomes
high which further decreases the motivation level.
• People have deprived lower level needs but they may
have self-actualization needs in the real sense.
• This theory does not explain the direct relationship
between need and behavior of the people.
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ii. Douglas McGregor: Theory X and Y
• Two distinct views of human beings : Negative dimensions
(Theory X) and Positive dimensions (Theory Y)
• Theory X : Pessimist approach Theory Y : Optimist
• Theory X : Based on traditional assumptions as
Employees inherently dislike work and avoid it
Employees must be corrected, controlled or
threatened/punished to attain goals
Employee ignore/avoid responsibility so they need
formal direction
Most workers place securities above all other factors
associated with work and will display little ambition.
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• Theory Y : Positive and intrinsic motivation
People like work naturally as game or rest
Employees accept and seek responsibilities
People have imagination, ingenuity and creativity
Employees get job commitment when they get
Employees are self-directed and self-controlled
External Environment
• Workforce Diversity
• Outsourcing
• Knowledge Management
• Learning Organization
• Business Process Reengineering
• Conflict Management
• Stress Management
• Participative Management
• Green Management
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