Controlling Speed of DC Motor Using 555 Timer!: Elp Project

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Controlling speed of DC motor

using 555 Timer!

> Objective & Apparatus
> Theory
> Circuit Diagram
>Breadboard Setup
> DSO Images
1 Control Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Power Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> Concluding Remarks
> Sources of Error
> Precautions
Objectives and Apparatus
◦ Objective: • To construct the 555 control circuit .

◦ •Speed Control of a DC motor by Armature Voltage Control.

◦ Equipment and Components
◦ 1. Digital Storage Oscilloscope 2. Breadboard
◦ 3. Connecting wires.
◦ 4. 555 timer (IC)
◦ 5. DC Motor
◦ 6. DN4007 DIODE
◦ 7. 2N2222 Transistor
◦ By turning on and off the power that's going to the device, we can create variable voltage using PWM
(Pulse Width Modulation).the technological gadget quickly. the typical voltage is influenced by the
signal's duty cycle , or the duration of the signal's on-time show long the signal is inactive for a single
period a time frame. When configured in an appropriate manner, the 555 Timer can produce a PWM
signal . steady mode. When the capacitor C1 is charging and the output is HIGH via way of R1 and R2
(resistors). The IC's output, on the other hand, is LOW only when the resistor R2 is being used to
discharge the capacitor C1. We can see that changing the values of any one of these three components
will result in a square wave output signal with varied ON and OFF periods or a different duty cycle. The
555 Timer's control pin is not in use, but it is linked to a 10nF capacitor to filter out any outside noise
coming from that terminal . Pin 4 (the reset), which is active low, is connected to VCC in order to
prevent an accidental reset of the output. The 555 timer's output has a 200 mA source and sink current
capability. Therefore, if the motor we wish to control is larger than this rating, we must drive it with a
transistor or MOSFET. A Darlington transistor (TIP122) that can take currents of up to 5A was
employed. We must utilize a freewheeling diode linked in parallel with the motor to prevent any voltage
spikes caused by the motor.
Circuit Diagram :-
Snapshot of breadboard with 555 control
circuit connected

Snapshots of the DSO screen with control
circuit output waveforms
Snapshot of breadboard with power circuit

Snapshots of the DSO screen with power circuit
output waveform while 555 controller is operating
Concluding remarks for the project
◦ By attaching a potentiometer to the DSO, the output waveform for various R1 and R2 values
can be evaluated. The following is what we see:
1. R1's value shouldn't incline toward zero. If the value is close to 0, the circuit fails. So, in the ideal
scenario, we should alter R2 while maintaining R1 as a constant. R1's value should be kept at 1 k, while
R2's potentiometer should be 100 k.
2.We confirmed that the waveform across the output terminal and motor of the same IC 555 timer.

3.When we decrease R2, the speed of motor increases and when R2 is 0 Ω, then motor runs at
maximum speed.
4. A NPN transistor is the Darlington transistor (TIP122). In our case, it serves as a switch. The
transistor is in the OFF State when the output waveform is 0V.
5. The motor is coupled to a freewheeling diode. The inductive load can freewheel more energy when
the transistor is in the off state.
Sources of Error

◦ • Scale of DSO not appropriate for measurements 2. Loose

◦ • Resistance of wires not taken into account, and also giving rise to
inconsistency due to increase in resistance due to heating
◦ • Change in the connections while circuit is closed.
◦ 1. Make the connections neat and tight
◦ 2. Don’t leave the switch on for long continuous periods of time to prevent the
burning of IC.
◦ 3. Wear proper shoes and use insulated tools
◦ 4. Don’t keep the resistance values too low


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