Faye Glenn Abdellah 21 Nursing Problems

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21 Nursing Problems
Faye Glenn Abdellah
 She was born on March 13, 1919 in New York
 Finished her basic nursing education, magna
cum laude in 1942 from Fitkin Memorial
Hospital School of Nursing now Ann May School
of Nursing in Neptune, New Jersey.
 Finished her Master of Arts in 1947 and her
Doctor of Education in 1955 from the Teachers
College at Columbia University.
 She became the first nurse and first woman to
serve as Deputy Surgeon General of the United
 She changed the focus of nursing
theory from a disease-centered to
a patient-centered approach and
moved nursing practice beyond
the patient to include care of
families and the elderly.
Metaparadigm in
 Person
She classifies as the beneficiary of care as

 Health
It is the center and purpose of nursing
services. She does not give a definition of
health, she speaks to a “total health needs”
and a healthy state of mind and body.
 The idea of environment is addressed by
Abdellah and is included in “planning for
optimum health on local, state, national,
and international levels”. However, as
Abdellah elaborates her ideas, the apex is
nursing service is the individual.
 The concept of nursing in this theory
is generally grouped into twenty-one
nursing problem areas for nurses to
work out their judgment and
appropriate care.
Nursing Problems
 Overt- which is obvious or can be
seen condition
 Covert- which is an unseen or
masked one
21 Nursing Problems
1. To maintain good hygiene and physical
2. To promote optimal activity; exercise,
rest and sleep
3. To promote safety through the prevention
of accident injury or other trauma and
through the prevention of the spread of
21 Nursing Problems
4. To maintain good body mechanics and prevent
and correct deformities
5. To facilitate the maintenance of a supply of
oxygen to all body cells.
6. To facilitate the maintenance of nutrition of all
body cells
7. To facilitate the maintenance of elimination
8. To facilitate the maintenance of fluid and
electrolyte balance
21 Nursing Problems
9. To recognize the physiological responses of
the body to disease condition- pathological,
physiological and compensatory.
10. To facilitate the maintenance of the
regulatory mechanism and functions.
11. To facilitate the maintenance of sensory
12. To identify and accept positive and
negative expressions, feeling and reactions.
21 Nursing Problems
13. To identify and accept the interrelatedness
of emotions and organic illness
14. To facilitate the maintenance of effective
verbal and non-verbal communications
15. To promote the development of productive
interpersonal relationships
16. To facilitate progress toward achievement
and personal spiritual goals.
21 Nursing Problems
17. To create or maintain a therapeutic
18. To facilitate awareness of self as an
individual with varying physical, emotional
and developmental needs.
19. To accept the optimum possible goals in
the light of limitations, physical and
21 Nursing Problems
20. To use community resources as an aid in
resolving problems arising from illness
21. To understand the role of social
problems as influencing factors in the
cause of illness.
 Balita, Carl and Eufemia Octaviano. Theoretical
Foundations of Nursing: the Philippine
Perspective. Ultimate Learning Series. 1998
 George, Julia B. Nursing Theories: the base for
professional Nursing Practice (Fifth Edition)
 Pfettscher, Susan A. Florence Nightingale
Modern Nursing.
 Udan, Miriam Q. Fundamentals of Nursing

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