Fluida Minggu Ke-3: Oleh: Siti Nurhasanah

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Satuan Operasi - 1

Fluida Minggu ke-3

Oleh :
Siti Nurhasanah


Fluida yang mengalir dalam pipa yang berdiameter D dan
panjang L  mengalami hambatan alir sehingga terjadi
kehilangan energi Ef
Ef = P/r = 2f2L/D
dimana f = faktor friksi

Untuk aliran laminar  f = 16/Re

Sedangkan untuk aliran turbulen :

1  6, 9   / D 111

 3, 6 log    
f  Re  3 , 7  
e adalah faktor kekasaran permukaan pipa. Pers tsb dapat
digunakan dalam perhitungan spreadsheet excel
Selain itu dapat menggunakan grafik sbb :
Mekanika Fluida –Friksi pada Pipa – hal 2

Material Roughness factor (e) Material Roughness factor (e)

Riveted steel 0.001- 0.01   Galvanized iron 0.0002
Asphalted cast
Concrete 0.0003 - 0.003   0.001
Wood staves 0.0002 - 0.003   Commercial steel 0.00005
Cast iron 0.0003   Drawn tubing Smooth
Concrete is a composite construction material
composed primarily of aggregate, cement, and

Riveted Steel Plate Texture

Cast iron pipe fittings are specially

designed for soil pipes.
Galvanized iron

Galvanized iron pipes are actually steel pipes

that are covered with a protective layer of zinc.

Steel pipes are asphalt coated while cast and

ductile iron pipes are lined with either enamel
or cement
Tube drawing is a metalworking process to size
tube by shrinking a large diameter tube into a
smaller one, by drawing the tube through a die
Pressure energy

If the fluid is considered as being in a cylinder of cross-sectional area A (m2)

and a piston is moved a distance L (m) by the fluid against the pressure P
(Pa) the work done is PAL joules. The quantity of the fluid performing this
work is ALr (kg). Therefore the pressure energy that can be obtained from
one kg of fluid (that is the work that can be done by this kg of fluid) is given by
Er where Er = PAL / Alr

    = P/r   (J)

Water flows at the rate of 0.4 m3 min-1 in a 7.5 cm diameter pipe at a
pressure of 70 kPa. If the pipe reduces to 5 cm diameter calculate the new
pressure in the pipe.
Density of water is 1000 kg m-3.
Flow rate of water = 0.4 m3 min-1 = 0.4/60 m3 s-1.
Area of 7.5 cm diameter pipe = (p/4)D2
                                           = (p/4)(0.075)2
                                           = 4.42 x 10-3 m2.
So velocity of flow in 7.5 cm diameter pipe,
                                       v1 = (0.4/60)/(4.42 x 10-3) = 1.51 m s-1
Area of 5 cm diameter pipe    = (p/4)(0.05)2
                                           = 1.96 x 10-3 m2
and so velocity of flow in 5 cm diameter pipe,
                                       v2 = (0.4/60)/(1.96 x 10-3) = 3.4 m s-1
           Z1g + v12/2 + P1 /r1 = Z2g + v22/2 + P2 /r2

and so
0 + (1.51)2/2 + 70 x 103/1000 = 0 + (3.4)2/2 + P2/1000
                         0 + 1.1 + 70 = 0 + 5.8 + P2/1000
                               P2/1000 = (71.1 - 5.8) = 65.3
Calculate the pressure drop along 170 m of 5 cm diameter horizontal steel
pipe through which olive oil at 20°C is flowing at the rate of 0.1 m3 min-1.
Diameter of pipe = 0.05 m,
Area of cross-section A
                         = (p/4)D2
                         = p/4 x (0.05)2
                         = 1.96 x 10-3 m2

Viscosity of olive oil at 20°C = 84 x 10-3 Ns m-2 and density = 910 kg m-3,
 and velocity = (0.1 x 1/60)/(1.96 x 10-3) = 0.85 m s-1,
            Re = (Dvr/m)
                   f = ...
DPf = (4frv2/2) x (L/D)
• Faktor friksi (f) dalam pipa yang berdiameter D dengan
tingkat kekasaran pipa e adalah :

Mekanika Fluida –Friksi pada Pipa – hal 10

Untuk pembesaran ukuran
(ekspansi), kehilangan energi :
P/r = Cfe2/2

Cfe = (1-A1/A2)2

Jika pembesaran sangat besar

A1/A2 = 0  Cfe = 1,0
Untuk penyempitan ukuran
(kontraksi), kehilangan energi :
P/r = Cfc2/2

Cfc = 0,4(1,25-A2/A1) utk A2/A1< 0,715

Cfc = 0,75(1-A2/A1) utk A2/A1> 0,715

Mekanika Fluida –Friksi pada Pipa – hal 11

Mekanika Fluida –Friksi pada Pipa – hal 12

Untuk kran, belokan dan percabangan, kehilangan energi :

P/r = Cff2/2

Cff untuk
• Belokan panjang 45o (flanged) = 0,2
• Belokan panjang 90o (threaded) = 0,7
• Belokan panjang 90o (flanged) = 0,2
• Belokan 45o (threaded) = 0,4
• Belokan 90o (threaded) =1,5
• Belokan 90o (flanged) = 0,3
• Kran (angle, fully open) = 2
• Kran (ball, 1/3 closed) = 5,5
• Kran (ball, fully open) = 0,05
• Dst ???
Adanya kehilangan energi tsb, menyebabkan beban
pemompaan menjadi lebih besar :

Energi pompa :
Ep [J/kg] = P/r + (v2)/2 + gh + 2fv2L/D + Cfev2/2D + Cfcv2/2D
+ Cffv2/2D

Head pompa :
hp [m] = P/rg + (v2)/2g + h + 2fv2L/gD + Cfev2/2gD +
Cfcv2/2gD + Cffv2/2gD

Power pompa () = m Epompa [kg/s] [J/kg]  [watt]

Pada kenyataannya power pompa yang diperlukan lebih

besar karena adanya efisiensi ()< 100%
 =  m Ep
Mekanika Fluida –Friksi pada Pipa – hal 13
Efisiensi () pompa diperoleh dari :
 = fl /bk
bk = break power  tenaga dari batang torak  dengan
kecepatan angular w
bk = w 
fl = tenaga fluida dalam bentuk kecepatan rata-rata :
bk = r g hp = m g hp

Head pompa :
hp = hd – hs ; hd = head dorong ; hs = head sedot

hd = d2/2g + zd +Pd /rg

hs = s2/2g + zs +Ps /rg

d = /Ad dan s = /As

Mekanika Fluida –Pompa – hal 14

Latihan Soal

A 50% sucrose solution at 200C is flowing in a pipe with 0.0475 m inside

diameter and 10 m length at a rate of 3 m3/h. Find:
a) the mean velocity
b) The maximum velocity
c) the pressure drop of the sucrose solution
The viscosity and the density of the sucrose solution at 200C are 15.43
cp and 1232 kg/m3 respectively

Saturated steam at 1500C is flowing in a steel pipe of 2 in nominal

diameter. If the average velocity of the steam is 10m/s, calculate the
mass flow rate of the steam.
specific volume of saturated steam at 1500C from the steam tables:
v = 0.3928 m3/kg

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