Planning For and Recruiting Human Resources
Planning For and Recruiting Human Resources
Planning For and Recruiting Human Resources
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What Do I Need to Know?
L O 5-1 Discuss how to plan for human resources needed to
carry out the organization’s strategy.
L O 5-2 Determine the labor demand for workers in various job
L O 5-3 Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of ways
to eliminate a labor surplus and avoid a labor shortage.
L O 5-4 Describe recruitment policies organizations use to
make job vacancies more attractive.
L O 5-5 List and compare sources of job applicants.
L O 5-6 Describe the recruiter’s role in the recruitment process,
including limits and opportunities.
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Process of Human Resource Planning 1
HR Planning
• Helps organizations meet business objectives and gain a
competitive advantage over competitors
• Comparison of present organization with goals of future
• Identifies what changes must be made to meet goals
• Three stages: forecasting, goal setting and strategic
planning, and program implementation and evaluation
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Figure 5.1 Overview of the Human Resource
Planning Process
A. Forecasting
B. Goal setting and strategic planning
C. Implementing and evaluating the plan
D. Applying the plan to affirmative action
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Process of Human Resource Planning 2
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Process of Human Resource Planning 3
Forecast Labor Demand
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Process of Human Resource Planning 4
Determine Labor Supply
Transitional Matrix
Chart that lists job categories held in Answers two questions:
one period and shows the
1. Where did people in each job
proportion of employees in each of
category go?
those job categories in a future
period 2. Where did people currently in
each job category come from?
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Process of Human Resource Planning 5
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Skilled Trades
As the average age of many
workers in skilled trades
grows, the coming demand
for workers in many trades is
expected to outstrip supply
in the United States. There is
a potential for employers in
some areas to experience a
labor shortage because of
this. How can HR prepare for
this reality? What should be ©Bryan Peterson/The Image Bank/Getty Images
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Process of Human Resource Planning 6
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Table 5.2a Options for Reducing a Surplus
Option Speed of Results Amount of Suffering Caused
Downsizing Fast High
Pay reductions Fast High
Demotions Fast High
Transfers Fast Moderate
Work sharing Fast Moderate
Hiring freeze Slow Low
Natural attrition Slow Low
Early retirement Slow Low
Retraining Slow Low
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Table 5.2b Options for Avoiding a Shortage
Option Speed of Results Ability to Change Later
Overtime Fast High
Temporary employees Fast High
Outsourcing Fast High
Retrained transfers Slow Hight
Turnover reductions Slow Moderate
New external hires Slow Low
Technological Slow Low
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Process of Human Resource Planning 7
Core Competency
• Knowledge and skills that make organization superior to
competitors and create value for customers
• Organizations benefit from hiring and retaining employees
who provide a core competency
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Cold Stone Employees
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Process of Human Resource Planning 8
• Planned elimination of large numbers of personnel with
four main objectives:
1. Reduce costs
2. Replace labor with technology
3. Mergers and acquisitions
4. Moving to more economical locations
• Hurts long-term organizational effectiveness
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Process of Human Resource Planning 9
Alternatives to Downsizing
• Reducing hours
• Seen as way of spreading burden more fairly
• Less costly than layoffs that require severance pay
• Early-retirement programs
• Workforce is aging and many older workers do not want to retire
• Phased-retirement programs can be used
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Process of Human Resource Planning 10
• Outsourcing
• Contracting other organizations to provide broad set of services
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A public accounting firm of 250 employees
realizes they have a surplus of 15 support
personnel (not auditors). What do you think
they should do?
A. Layoff permanent employees and hire temporary
B. Offer early retirement.
C. Downsize people in those positions.
D. Wait for attrition and implement a hiring freeze for
those positions.
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Process of Human Resource Planning 11
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Process of Human Resource Planning 12
Applying HR Planning to Affirmative Action
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Recruiting Human Resources
• Any activity carried on by organization with primary
purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees
• Builds supply of potential hires when company needs it
• Three aspects of recruiting
1. Personnel policies
2. Recruitment sources
3. Recruiter traits and behaviors
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Figure 5.2 Three Aspects of Recruiting
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Personnel Policies 2
Employment at Will
• Employer or employee may end employment relationship at
any time unless otherwise stated in contract
• Due-process policy: employee may appeal termination
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Recruitment Sources 1
Internal Sources
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Recruitment Sources 2
External Sources
Help-wanted advertising
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Figure 5.3 Top Recruiting Sources Reported by
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Recruiter Traits and Behaviors 1
Key Characteristics
• Either HR specialist or specialist of job being filled
• Applicants view warm, informative recruiters positively
• Important to provide a realistic job preview that includes both
positive and negative aspects of job
• Too positive of a job preview arouses suspicion
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Recruiter Traits and Behaviors 2
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