The Cask of Amontillado PowerPoint
The Cask of Amontillado PowerPoint
The Cask of Amontillado PowerPoint
used to Someone
says, “Don’t be
suggest nervous; it’s
opposite of only the most
what is meant important test
of your life.”
Dramatic Irony
Example-A boy
appears tells his mother he
to be true to a is late because he
character is not was at a friend’s
what the reader house. The
or audience audience knows
knows to be that the mother
true talked to friend’s
mother and knows
son was not there.
Situational Irony
story has a
occurs that mouse
goes against chasing a cat
expectations Expectations
that have are a cat
been built up chasing a
Explain the irony
Turn to a partner and discuss the irony of the
following images
Explain the irony (cont’d)
Explain the irony (cont’d)
Explain the irony (cont’d)
Explain the irony (cont’d)
“Cask of Amontillado”
Irony Example
“’I drink to the buried that repose around
us,” says Fortunato. “And I to your long
life,” Montresor replies.”
Montresor is not really drinking to
Fortunato’s long life; he is playing on the
fact that he will soon kill Fortunato.
What type of irony is this?
Vocabulary Practice
Complete the Vocabulary paper with a
You will need to fill in a new definition and
create a visual definition for the six words
for this story.