Powerpoint For Class Observation (Eval)

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Dear God, we come before YOU today as humble

as we know how. We praise YOU today with all our
hearts and we thank YOU for all the goodness that YOU
have done for all of us. Thank YOU for making our lives
so meaningful. Thank YOU for the gift of life. Thank
YOU for the talents that we have, for the daily guidance
and for the endless blessings. Guide our thoughts today,
our actions, and the way we speak. Use us to inspire and
motivate other people. We love YOU and we trust YOU.
In Jesus name, Amen!
• identify statements expressing
commands as well as requests
• use appropriate prepositions in
constructing sentences
• employ creativity and enthusiasm in
accomplishing tasks
• show appreciation on the importance of
following instructions using imperative
sentences to provide accurate direction
The class will be divided into 4
groups; it will be your home group
for the entire session. Each
activity will have an equivalent
STAR. The home group that will
have the most number of STARS
by the end of the session will
receive a prize.
1. Store enough food, water,
and first-aid kit.
Possible Answer: Command
It is an imperative sentence which
simply tells the listener to do a
certain thing.
2. Stay away from coasts and
Possible Answer: Command
It is an imperative sentence which
simply tells the listener to stay away from
coasts and riverbanks
3.Kindly report fallen trees
and electric posts to proper
Possible Answer: Request
It is an imperative sentence expresses a
factor of more respect to listeners.
4. Listen to your radio for
more information about
weather disturbance.
5. Protect your bodies from
falling debris by bracing
yourself in doorway or by
getting under a sturdy desk or
Possible Answer: Command
It is an imperative sentence which
simply reminds everybody on what to
do during an earthquake.
The teacher will play as Simon and the
students will be the players. Students will only
follow commands succeeded with “Simons
Says”. The student that will get it wrong will
sit. The group that will have the most number
of student standing by the end of the game
will win.

1. Raise your hand ABOVE your head.

2. Put your left hand INSIDE your pocket.
3. Put your right hand ON your chest.
4. Place your hands BETWEEN your legs.
5. Wrap your arm AROUND your waist.
Follow up questions:
1. What are the
underlined words used
Possible answer:
they are used to express
relationships between nouns
or pronouns and another
words in the sentence
What are they called?
Possible answer:
they are called prepositions
Group Activity

ANALYZE and SHARE. (Group Activity).

Distribute envelopes containing materials and
information sheets.

Directions: Read carefully the information

sheet/study closely the instructions in 3
minutes. Afterwards, choose 1
representative to present your outputs in
front. Remember NO ERASURE is allowed.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
1. What do you feel about
the activity?
Possible Answer:
I felt nervous, excited to answer all
the items in the test.
2.What are the challenges
you encountered during the
Possible answer:
In answering such type of tests, one must
read and understand first all the
instructions given before making a move in
answering the test.
3.What do you think is
the importance of
in taking a test?
Possible answer:
It is very important that in
taking a test, one must
understand and follow
instructions/directions carefully
because following instructions is
part of the test.
Following instructions can preserve
one's health and wellbeing, and it is a
necessary skill for a quality life. Rules
are necessary for every well-functioning
society. Professionals that do not follow
instructions place themselves and other
people at a greater risk for injury and

What are imperatives?

An imperative sentences are group of words which

expresses a complete thought in a form of commands
as well as requests.
What makes a command different from a request?

A command is an imperative sentence which simply

tells the listener to do a certain thing.

Example: Invite friends to join the celebration.

Come to me and be my love.
It is quite different from requests. Although they
both tell the listener to do something, a request
possesses a factor of more respect to the listeners.

Example: Please bring those books here.

Kindly pick up the pieces of paper on the floor.

Prepositions are used to express these following

1. Place or position
     → at, by, in, over, from, near, around, among, in front
of, in the back of, on top of, beneath, to, up, on, against,
under, beside, between, inside, outside
     ☻I want to travel around the world.
     ☻Rico put his favorite shoes on top of the cabinet.
     ☻Ophelia is hiding in her grandparents' house.

     * at = used for specific address

     * in = for name of towns, country, state, or continent
2. Direction
     → toward, into, by way of, from, out of, to
     ☻My mother and I went to the market.
     ☻Andrew had walked for 30 minutes from their house.
3. Manner
     → by, on, in, with, like, through
     ☻I can release my feelings through writing poems.
4. Time
     → at, by, in, before, until, during, at the end of, in the middle of,
at the beginning of, since, after, on
     ☻I am a Boy Scout member since 1998.
     ☻We will have our warm-up exercises before the discussion of
the topic.
☻You should finish your work at exactly 10:30 a.m.
     * at = used for specific time
     * on = for days and date
     * in = for non-specific time

5. Agent
     → by, with
     ☻The ball was thrown by Antonio.
6. Accompaniment
     → with
     ☻World War II made me left the city with my relatives.
7. Similarly
     → like
     ☻My bird can fly like an airplane.
8. Purpose
     → for
     ☻We must study hard for our own future.
9. In the capacity of
     → as
     ☻I can share my knowledge as great teachers can do.
10. By reason of
     → for
     ☻I always go to school for I know, it can also help to improve my
(Group Activity)
Directions: Read and analyze the
following safety precautions.
Write all the prepositions used
then identify the relationships
they are expressing.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3 Safety Precautions
Group 4
SELECT and COMPLETE (Individual Activity).

 I. Identify whether it is a command or a request. Write C

if it is a command and R if it is a request.

___1. Close the door, please.

___2. Clean the backyard.
___3. May you please give this form to the principal?
___4. Kindly fetch me a gallon of water.
___5. Write a simple poem about bringing peace to earth.
II. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate
1. _____ the table
2. _____ (penetrate) the thick clouds
3. _____ San Pedro Street
4. _____ the center
5. _____ (secret) two friends
6. _____ March 8, 2011
7. _____ the rooftop
8. _____ March
9. _____ 3 Jade Street, 4 Ecoland
10. _____ Rizal Park
III. Use the following prepositions in
a sentence. (on, at, above, beside, in)

1. on
2. at
3. above
4. beside
5. in
Additional Activities
(Differentiated Activities).

Note: 8 minutes to accomplish the task

4 minutes to present
output/performance (1 minute per group)
3 minutes to give the rating and
After 8 minutes of preparation of the
learners, each group is given 1 minute to
present the assigned task.
Teacher rates the performances.
Criteria 5 4 3 2

Correct use At least 4 At least 3 At least 2 At least 1

of prepositions prepositions prepositions prepositions l
preposition are correctly are correctly are correctly is correctly
in the used. used. used. used.
  Content and Content and Content and Content and
Content and structure are structure have structure have structure are
structure free from minimal errors. many errors. not correct.

  All members Almost all Majority of Only few

actively members the members members
participate in participate in participate in participate in
the activity. the activity. the activity. the activity.
Group A –
On a manila paper, write a paragraph with at least five
sentences persuading others on the importance of
developing a positive attitude on following

Group B – Enumerate safety health protocols to fight

against COVID-19 through at least a one-stanza jingle or

Group C - Make a poster that indicates a warning on

what not to do/do to avoid hazard during disaster. Choose a
representative to present and explain the poster.

Group D - Perform a three-step exercise that could

help everyone follow simple instructions and directions.
Then, explain why these exercises are recommended. Use
prepositions in the explanation.

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