Financial Asset at Fair Value
Financial Asset at Fair Value
Financial Asset at Fair Value
Definition: INVESTMENT
-assets not directly identified with the operating activities of an entity AND occupy only an auxiliary relationship to the central revenue producing activities of the entity
c. d. e.
Examples of investments
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Trading securities Investment in equity securities Investment in bonds Investment in associate Investment in subsidiary Investment property Investment in fund Investment in joint venture
Statement classification
by their very nature are readily realizable
AND are intended to be held for not more than one year Noncurrent /long term =
investments are intended to be held for more than one year
OR are not expected to be realized within twelve months after the end of the reporting period.
Noncurrent investments
-accumulation of funds for such purposes as plant expansion or liquidation of foreign debt -shareholdings acquired for the purpose of controlling another firm or creating good customer or supplier relationship -investment of land and buildings acquired for capital appreciation which are intended to be held for a number of years to generate income and capital gain
Financial instruments
Characteristics: -there must be a contract -at least two parties to the contract -contract shall give rise to a financial asset of one party AND financial liability or equity instrument of another party.
Equity security
-any instrument represent an ownership interest in an entity -includes : ordinary shares preference share and other share capital rights, warrants or options -it does not include: redeemable preference shares treasury shares convertible debt
Debt security
-any security that represents a creditor relationship with an entity -has maturity date and maturity value -includes: corporate bonds BSP treasury bills government securities commercial papers preference share with mandatory redemption date at the option of the holder
transfer taxed and duties Pro-forma entry: Trading securities----------------xx Commission expenses---------xx Cash--------------------------------------xx
Subsequent measurement
Depends on the business model for managing financial assets, if financial assets are to be measured subsequently : at fair value or at amortized cost
business model for managing financial assets determined by key management personnel
-to hold investments in order to collect contractual cash flows (only principal and interest)
(subsequently measured at AMORTIZED COST)
FAIR VALUE-price in an arms length transaction Quoted price: pesos/share = equity security
percentage of the fair value of the bond= debt security Bid price= quoted market price for an asset held = price which a willing buyer wants to pay Asking price=quoted market price for an asset to be acquired =price which a willing seller wants to receive Use the most recent transaction price if bid and asking prices are not available
Presented in profit and loss, hence, shown in INCOME STATEMENT as OTHER INCOME; OTHER EXPENSE
For more than one securities: Get the net amount of the unrealized gain or loss of the individual securities.
RECLASSIFICATION from fair value to amortized cost The fair value at the reclassification date becomes the new carrying amount of the financial asset at amortized cost.
New carrying amount of the financial asset at amortized cost
face value of the financial asset amount is amortized over profit or loss over the remaining life of the financial asset using the effective interest method
RECLASSIFICATION from amortized cost to fair value Fair value is determined at reclassification date;
previous carrying amount
Proforma entry:
Financial assets at fair value: not necessary Financial assets at amortized cost: