Two Dimensional Force System

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Engineering Mechanics (KME 402)

Unit-1: Two Dimensional Force System

Dr. Umesh Kumar Vishwakarma

Course Curriculum
• Two-dimensional force systems: Basic concepts, Laws of motion, Principle of
transmissibility of forces, transfer of a force to parallel position, resultant of a force
system, simplest resultant of two dimensional concurrent and non-concurrent force
systems, distribution of force systems, free body diagrams, equilibrium and equations
of equilibrium.
• Friction: Friction force – Laws of sliding friction – equilibrium analysis of simple
systems with sliding friction – wedge friction.
• Beam: Introduction, shear force and bending moment, different equations of
equilibrium, shear force and bending moment diagram for statically determined beams.
• Trusses: Introduction, simple truss and solution of simple truss, methods of F-joint and
methods of sections.
Course Curriculum
• Centroid and moment of inertia: Centroid of plane, curve, area, volume and composite bodies, moment
of inertia of plane area, parallel axis theorem, perpendicular axis theorem, principle moment of inertia,
mass moment of inertia of circular ring, disc, cylinder, sphere, and cone about their axis of symmetry.
• Kinematics of rigid body: Introduction, plane motion of rigid body, velocity and acceleration under
translational and rotational motion, relative velocity.
• Kinetics of rigid body: Introduction, force, mass and acceleration, work and energy, impulse and
momentum, D’Alembert’s principle and dynamic equilibrium.
• Simple stress and strain: Introduction, normal and shear stresses, stress-strain diagrams for ductile and
brittle material, elastic constants, one-dimensional loading of members of varying cross sections, strain
• Pure bending of beams: Introduction, simple bending theory, stress in beams of different cross
• Torsion: Introduction, torsion of shafts of circular cross sections, torque and twist, shear stress due to
• Course Outcomes
• After completing this course, the students should be able to understand the various
effect of force and motion on the engineering design structures.
• Books and References:
1. Beer, F.P and Johnston Jr. E.R., “Vector Mechanics for Engineers (In SI Units): Statics
and Dynamics”, 8th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing company, New Delhi (2004).
2. Vela Murali, “Engineering Mechanics”, Oxford University Press (2010).
3. A Textbook of Engineering Mechanics, R.K. Bansal, Laxmi Publications.
4. Engineering Mechanics, R.S. Khurmi, S.Chand Publishing.
5. Meriam J.L. and Kraige L.G., “Engineering Mechanics- Statics - Volume 1,
Dynamics- Volume 2”, Third Edition, John Wiley & Sons (1993).
6. Rajasekaran S and Sankarasubramanian G., “Engineering Mechanics Statics and
Dynamics”, 3 rd Edition, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., (2005).
7. Bhavikatti, S.S and Rajashekarappa, K.G., “Engineering Mechanics”, New Age
International (P) Limited Publishers, (1998).
8. Engineering mechanics by Irving H. Shames, Prentice-Hall
• You have to design a car, which can run at a speed of 140 km/hr on an
expressway. In order to do this, you have to find engine power and the
forces acting on the car body. Forces will come due to wind resistance,
rolling resistance and inertia.

• A nozzle issues a jet of water with a high velocity,

which impinges upon the blades of turbine.
The blades deflect the jet of water through an angle.
You have to find out the force exerted by the jet upon
the turbine. 
• Engineering mechanics is a basic subject which describes and predicts
the effect of forces on rigid bodies. “Mechanics is the branch of
science which deals with the physical state of rest or motion of bodies
under the action of forces”.
Some fundamental Definitions:
• Space: It is a geometric region occupied by bodies whose positions
are described by linear and angular measurements relative to
coordinate system.
• Time: It is a measure of the succession of events and is a basic
quantity in dynamics.
• Mass: It is a measure of the inertia of a body, which is its resistance to
a change of velocity.
• Force : Force is the action of one body on another. A force tends to
move the body in the direction of its action. The action of a force is
characterized by its magnitude, by the direction of its action and by its
points of application.
Some fundamental Definitions:
• Particle: A particle is a body of negligible dimensions.
• Scalar quantities : These are the quantities characterized by
only magnitude, such as mass, temperature.
• Vector quantities : These are the quantities characterized by
magnitude and direction, such as velocity, force. We will
indicate vector quantities by boldfaced letters.
• Concurrent forces: Two or more forces are said to be
concurrent at a point if their lines of action intersect at that
Laws of Mechanics:
• Newton's three laws form a part of foundation of mechanics. These are:
• First law: Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that
state motion unless an external force is applied to it.
• This law is also called “law of inertia”.
• Second law: The change of motion is proportional to the natural force
impressed and is made in a direction of the straight line in which the force is
• Mathematically, this law is stated as:
• F = m a
• where F is the applied force, m is the mass and a is the acceleration. Note,
that force and acceleration are vectors and are indicated in boldface letters.
Laws of Mechanics:
• Third law : For every action, there is an equal and opposite
• Law of gravitational attraction : Two particles will be attracted
towards each other along their connecting line with a force
whose magnitude is directly proportional to the product of the
masses and inversely proportional to the distance squared
between the particles.

• where G is called the universal gravitational constant.

Parallelogram law
• Stevinus (1548-1620) was the first to demonstrate that forces
could be combined by representing them by arrows to some
suitable scale, and then forming a parallelogram in which the
diagonal represents the sum of the two forces. In fact, all
vectors must combine in this manner.
• For example if P and Q are two forces, the resultant can be
found by constructing the parallelogram.
Problem: Parallelogram Law
• Two forces of equal magnitude P, act at an angle θ to each other. What will
be their resultant?
• Resultant of two equal forces is equal to either of them. Determine the
angle between the forces.
• Determine the horizontal force and a force inclined at an angle of 60° with
the vertical whose resultant equals a vertical force of 60 kN.
• The resultant of two forces, one of which is double the other is 260 N. If
the direction of the larger force is reversed and the other remains unaltered,
the resultant reduces to 180 N. Determine the magnitude of forces and the
angle between the forces. [Ans. F1 = 100 N, F2 = 200 N, θ = 63.8961°]
Triangle law:
• If the two forces acting simultaneously on a body are represented
by the sides of a triangle taken in order, then their resultant is
represented by the closing side of the triangle in the opposite
• To understand this , see the previous parallelogram. If we
represent force A and B , the resultant will be represented by R.
Thus, you can add two forces either by parallelogram law or by
tringle law.
Principle of transmissibility
• The state of rest or of motion of a rigid body is unaltered if a
force acting on the body is replaced by another force of the
same magnitude and direction but acting anywhere on the body
along the line of action of the applied forces. In the following
animation, two rigid blocks A and B are joined by a rigid rod. If
the system is moving on a frictionless surface, the acceleration
of the system in both the cases is given by,
• Acceleration=Applied force/total mass
• It is independent of the point of application
Type of Forces
• Collinear forces: In this system, line of action of all the forces act along the same line.
• Coplanar parallel force: In this system, all forces are parallel to each other and lie in a
single plane. 
• Coplanar concurrent point: In this system, line of action of all forces pass through a
single point and forces lie in the same plane. 
• Coplanar non-concurrent forces: All forces do not meet at a point, but lie in a single
• Non coplanar parallel forces: In this case, all the forces are parallel to each other, but
not in the same plane. 
• Non-coplanar concurrent forces: In this system, all forces do not lie in the same
plane, but their line of action passes through a single point. 
Composition of Forces by Method of Resolution
Equilibrium of Coplanar Concurrent
• The resultant R of a system of forces is zero if and only if it's resolved
components in two orthogonal directions x and y are zero. Moment
about the common point of forces is obviously zero.
Types of forces on a body
• Applied forces-applied forces are forces applied externally to a body.
• Non-applied forces:
• Self-weight-Every body subjected to gravitational acceleration and hence has
got a self weight.
• Reactions- These are self adjusting forces developed by the other bodies
which come in contact with the body under consideration.

Free Body Diagram : In many case it is essential to isolate the body

under consideration from the other in contact and draw all the forces
acting on the body.
Lami's theorem:
• If three forces coplanar and concurrent forces acting on a
particle keep it in equilibrium, then each force is proportional to
the sine of the angle between the other two and the constant of
proportionality is the same.
• For the system shown in figure 2,

Coplanar Non-concurrent Forces
• If all the forces in a system lie in the same plane and the line of action
of all the forces do not pass through a single point, the system is said
to be coplanar nonconcurrent force system.
Moment of a force
• It is a turning effect produced by a force on the body on which it acts. Moment of a force
is equal to the product of the force and the perpendicular distance of the point, from the
line of action of force, about which the moment is required.
• Moments are considered as positive or negative depending upon its tendency to rotate
the body in the clockwise (assuming (+) ve) or anticlockwise (assuming (–) ve)
• Point about which moment is calculated is called moment centre and the perpendicular
distance of the force from the point about which moment is calculated is termed as
moment arm.
Verignon’s Theorem
• It states that the algebraic sum of moments due to all forces acting on an object about any point is
equal to the moment because of their resultant about the same point.
• Two unlike parallel, non-collinear forces having same magnitude form
a couple.
• Moment of a couple = Force x Distance between the forces,
M = P . d.
• Moment of a couple is independent of the moment centre. It can be
understand by following description.
Properties of a Couple
• Two unlike parallel, non-collinear and same magnitude of forces form a
• Resultant force of a couple is zero.
• A couple can not be balanced by a single force.
• The moment of couple is independent of moment centre.
• The translating effect of a couple in a body is zero.
• The effect of couple on a body remains unchanged if the couple is
(i) rotated through an angle
(ii) shifted to any other position
(iii) replaced by another pair of forces whose rotational effect is same
• Two locomotives on opposite bank of a canal pull a vessel moving parallel to the banks by means of two
horizontal ropes. The tensions in these ropes have been measured to be 20 kN and 24 kN while the angle
between them is 60°. Find the resultant pull on the vessel and the angle between each of the ropes and the
sides of the canal.[Ans. P=24KN, α=27o, β=33]
• Find the resultant of the force system shown in Fig., acting on a Lamina of equilateral triangular shape. [Ans.
R = 91.19N, θ =39.84, x=317mm]
• A system of loads is shown in fig. find the magnitude and location of
resultant. [R=68kN, θ=81.55, x=3.326m]
Equivalent Force Couple System
• A force F is applied to a rigid body at any point M can be replaced by an equal force applied at
another point N together with a couple without changing the effect.
• Consider a force F acting at point M on a rigid body shown in.
• Now apply two equal and opposite forces of magnitude same as F, at point N.
• Effect of forces remains same in case (a) and (b).
• Now two equal and opposite forces, one is at M and other is at N, will form a couple of moment
• Therefore a force F and a couple having moment F.d. is acted at point N, having the same effect
as it was in the previous two cases.
Equilibrium Condition

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