Mhike - Financial Education Policy of DEPED
Mhike - Financial Education Policy of DEPED
Mhike - Financial Education Policy of DEPED
22, s2021
dated June 03, 2021
DEPED issues Financial Education Policy
pursuant to the provisions of:
c. Financial Education
Systematic process of teaching and
learning to acquire and improve financial
d. Financial Capability
Ability of consumers to use the acquired
financial literacy to make better in their
finances formed decisions about
e. Financial Health
Condition in which a leaner/consumer can:
- balance income and expenses
- build and maintain reserves
- manage existing debts
- plan and prioritize
- manage and recover from financial shock
- use an effective range of financial tools
f. Financial Inclusion
Effective use by financial consumers of
suitable financial services that are safely
delivered through digital and traditional
channels that can empower them to
achieve their
g. Financial Literacy
Level of knowledge of a learner about
financial concepts and principles
h. Learners
Those who undertake Financial Education
I. Consumers
Students, teachers and stakeholders that
would benefit from Financial Education
IV: Policy Statement
DEPED institutionalizes and intensifies the
integration of Financial Education in support of
national and international development goals.
It targets to enhance the financial literacy and
capability of learners, teachers, and personnel
to make sound financial decisions leading to
financial health and financial inclusion.
It also sets the principles and guidelines for:
a) efficient and effective teaching and
learning of Financial Education
Concepts and Core Messages
aligned with
competencies in all learning areas across all
grade levels.
b) it anchors on the use of
pedagogical approach that are:
2. inquiry-
3. reflective
4. collaborative
5. integrative
This policy also aims to make
Financial Education an integral part of:
1. lesson
2. instructional
3. classroom and school activities
4. professional development
for learners in particular, this policy aims to :
for private schools’ teachers, school heads and
administrators, this policy aims to :
for public schools teachers, heads and concerned
supervisors from ROs/DOs this policy aims to :
for DEPED non-teaching personnel in
particular, this policy provides guidance to :
V: Procedures
c. Lesson Exemplars in each learning area shall be
provided as resources and/or reference for lesson
delivery. These exemplars with relevant supplemental
tools shall be used by teachers to guide the integration
of relevant Financial Education Concepts and Core
Messages in the lessons which could be
contextualized whenever applicable.
1. understand the value of money and resources
2. understand how money and resources are
3. plan and manage the use of money and resources
4. save and share money and resources
5. apply classroom lessons through
financial inclusion mechanism
To achieve the vision of a financially literate nation,
DEPED may enter into partnership with external organizations
from the public/private sectors in coordination with the Office
of Eternal Partnership and subject to a Financial Education
Partnership Framework. DEPED shall collaborate to develop;
1. Financial Education Partnership Framework indicating the:
a. Criteria for selection of partner organizations
b. Key areas requiring external support
c. Procedure into entering partnership
2. The Framework shall be anchored on:
a. Shared objectives and responsibilities
b. Devoid of conflict of interest and commercial gains
c. Provision of technical and logistic in the
development of learning tools and materials on the
implementation of capacity building, deployment of
measurement, and evaluation mechanism
VI: Roles and Responsibilities
DEPED Central Office CO
2. Accredit Financial Education training programs,
trainers and training providers that that may be
tapped by DEPED Offices at the national, regional
and division levels to provide relevant trainings on
Financial Education. This includes the development
of the necessary accreditation criteria and
3. Link and manage partnership with external
organizations in developing and implementing
relevant training programs on Financial Education
for teachers, school heads, and supervisors
DEPED Regional Office RO
Schools Division Offices SDOs
DEPED Schools
VII: Activities and Timelines
VIII: Monitoring and Evaluation
DEPED Central Office
DEPED Regional Office
DEPED Schools Division Office
IX: Effectivity
Financial Education
Core Messages for
1. General – 17 CM 5. Budget – 10 CM
2. Earn – 4 CM 6. Donate – 6 CM
3. Save – 18 CM 7. Invest – 4 CM
4. Spend – 16 CM 8. Protect – 2 CM
Total = 77 Core Messages for Integration
GENERAL – 17 Core Messages for Integration