Obligation and Contracts FInal

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Obligations and contracts

The course will cover

INTRODUCTION To The Law on Obligations
Philippine Legal System
PHILIPPINES Law on Contracts

Philippine legal system


“Ignorance of the Law excuses no one”

What is the law?

▣ Product of social life, and is a creation of human nature.

▣ It regulates the relations of human beings

▣ Compilation of obligatory rules established for the purpose of

governing the relations of persons in society

Classification of Philippine Laws

Public Private

International Law – relations Civil Law - relations of one

between nations individual to another
Constitutional Law – relations Commercial Law - regulates
between the state and its people commercial transactions
Administrative Law – relations Remedial Law – regulates the
between the government officials method of enforcing the rights or
and employees of the government obtaining redress
Criminal Law – Guarantees the
enforcing power of the state

Laws, where do they come from?


Executive Judiciary Legislature

Laws, how made

Legislature Executive Judiciary

Legislative branch is Acts of the President providing for rules Judicial Decisions shall form
authorized to make laws, alter, of a general or permanent character in part of the law of the land
and repeal them through the implementation or execution of
power vested in the Philippine constitutional or statutory powers shall
Congress. be promulgated in executive orders

Civil code of the Philippines
Republic Act no. 386

Civil Code : Important articles
▣ Article 2 – Laws shall take effect after fifteen days following
the completion of their publication.
▣ Article 3 – Ignorance of the law excuses no one
▣ Article 13 – Legal Periods ( 365 days, 30 days per month; 24
hours a day; night from sunset to sunrise)
▣ Article 21 – Persons who willfully causes loss or injury to
another in a manner that is contrary to law
▣ Article 22 – Unjust Enrichment at the expense of others

Civil Code : Important articles
▣ Article 37 – Juridical capacity is the fitness to be the subject
of legal relations; it is inherent in every natural person ;
Capacity to act is the power to do acts with legal effect
▣ Article 40 – Natural Persons
▣ Article 44 – Juridical Persons

Law on Obligations
Article 1156 - 1304

Concept map




General Provisions
Article 1156
An obligation is Jurical Necessity to give, to do,
or not to do.



▣ Person who can demand the ▣ The person required to fulfill

fulfillment of the obligation the obligation
▣ Can be natural or juridical ▣ Can be natural or juridical
person person

Prestation of an obligation

Kinds of Prestation Requisites of a prestation

1. To give 1. Must be possible
2. To do 2. Must be determinate or at
3. Not to do least determinable
3. Must have pecuniary value

Juridical Tie

It is the tie that binds or connects the parties of the obligation.

Established by:

1. Law
2. Bilateral acts
3. Unilateral Acts


Article 1157
Obligations arise from
1. Law
2. Contracts
3. Quasi-Contracts
4. Acts or omissions punishable by law
5. Quasi-delicts


Article 1158
Obligations derived from law are not presumed.
Only those expressly determined in this Code or
in special laws are demandable, and shall be
regulated by the precepts of the law which
establishes them; and as to what has not been
foreseen, by the provisions of this Book.

Law as a source of an obligation

When the law establishes the E.G

obligation and the act or condition Tax Laws mandates the duty
upon which it is based nothing to pay taxes
more than a factor for determining
the moment it becomes
demandable Duty to support children under
the Family Code

Duty of an Agent to its



Article 1159
Obligations arising from contracts have the
force of law between the contracting parties and
should be complied with in good faith.

Contracts as a source of an obligation

What is a contract? Elements of a contract

A contract is a meeting of 1. Consent of the parties
minds between two persons to
2. Object of the contract
give or render something
3. Cause or consideration of the
Kinds of Contracts
1. Implied- exists based on the
actions involved
2. Expressed – Stipulation stated


Article 1160
Obligations derived from quasi-contracts shall
be subject to the provisions of Chapter 1, Title
XVII, of this Book
(Extra-Contractual obligations)

Quasi-Contracts as a source of obligation

Certain lawful, voluntary and Kinds of Quasi Contract

unilateral acts give rise to the 1. Negotiorum Gestio – A person
juridical relation of quasicontract voluntarily takes charge of another’s
to the end that no one shall be abandoned business or property
unjustly enriched or benefited at without consent
the expense of another
2. Solutio Indebiti – Something is
received when there is no right
demanding it.


Article 1161
Civil obligations arising from criminal offenses
shall be governed by the penal laws,

A person acquitted of a criminal charge is not necessarily civilly
free because the quantum of proof required in criminal prosecution
is greater than that required for civil liability—in order to be
completely free from civil liability, a person’s acquittal must be
based on the fact that he did not commit the offense, and if the
acquittal is based merely on reasonable doubt, the accused may
still be held civilly liable since this does not mean that he did not
commit the act complained of. Nuguid vs. Nicdao, 502 SCRA 93,
G.R. No. 150785 September 15, 2006


Article 1162
Obligations derived from quasi-delicts shall be
governed by the provisions of Chapter 2, Title
XVII of this Book, and by special laws

Quasi-Delicts as a source of an obligation

It is a fault or act of Requisites Definition of negligence

negligence which causes 1. There is damage
damage to another there suffered by the Negligence is the
being no pre-existing defendant omission of diligence
contractual relations which is required by
between the parties 2. Fault or Negligence of
the Defendant the circumstances.

3. Connection of Cause
and effect between the
fault or negligence

Quasi-Delicts as a source of an obligation

Delicts vs Quasi-Delicts
Delicts affect the public interest Quasi Delicts affect the public
Penal Code provides for the Civil code provides repairs the
punishment damage through indemnity

Quasi-Delicts as a source of an obligation

Kinds of Quasi-Delicts Culpa Aquilana Culpa Contractual

Characteristics Characteristics
1. Culpa Aquilana ▣ Source of obligation ▣ Source of obligation
2. Culpa ▣ Independent
Contractual ▣ Accident in the performance
▣ No Legal Tie of a contract
▣ Negligence should be ▣ Has a Legal tie
established ▣ There is a proof of existence
of a contract
e.g. Parking Violations
e.g Contract of Carriage

Safeguard security agency v. lauro tangco et. Al
g.r no. 165732 December 14, 2006

Facts of the Case:

Evangeline Tangco (Evangeline) went to Ecology Bank, Katipunan Branch, Quezon
City, to renew her time deposit per advise of the bank's cashier as she would sign a
specimen card. Evangeline, a duly licensed firearm holder with corresponding permit to
carry the same outside her residence, approached security guard Pajarillo, who was
stationed outside the bank, and pulled out her firearm from her bag to deposit the same
for safekeeping. Suddenly, Pajarillo shot Evangeline with his service shotgun hitting her
in the abdomen instantly causing her death.


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