Department of Education Computer System Servicing: Using Hand Tools (Uht) Quarter 2 - Week 2 & 3 Module

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Department of

Computer System
Quarter 2 – Week 2 & 3 Module
The module is divided into three lessons:

– Preparing hand tools

– Using appropriate hand tools and

test equipment

– Maintaining hand tools.


•A tool is a handheld device that aids

in accomplishing a task.
• Tools range from a traditional metal
cutting part of a machine to an
element of a computer program that
activates and controls a particular
Preparing for the task to be undertaken includes proper
tool selection
• How do you select the best tool for the job?
- First, know and understand in detail the scope of work to be
- Second, plan for the scope taking into account the sequence
of tasks.
• Selecting the best tool for each task requires training
in the proper use of the tools.
• When obtaining the tool all the associated tooling
and consumable parts, as recommended by the
manufacturer, must be included.
- E.g. Glue, welding rod, tape, glove, bandage , etc.
Safe Use of tools
• Use the tool for the purpose for which it was
• Not all tools come with detailed
instructions, but there are those that do
spell out the safety
• Do’s and Don’ts‖ for your safety.
• If there are set-up/use options, operator
judgment must always be based on what is
the safest way to use the tool.
Environmental Safety and Health
Program requires the following
• All tools be kept in good condition with regular
• The right tool be used for the job
• Each tool be examined before use AND
damaged or defective tools NOT to be used
• Tools be operated according to manufacturer’s
• The right protective equipment for the tool and
activity be used
•Electro-Static Discharge (ESD) tools

•Hand tools

•Cleaning tools

•Diagnostic tools
Electro- Static Discharge (ESD) Tools
• Static electricity is easily generated
by friction on carpets, tile flooring,
clothing, hair, fabric, and etc. The
friction of moving air alone will charge
suspended particles and cause the build-
up of static electrical charges on people
and objects in the environment
wrist strap
Hand Tools
A device for performing work on a material or a physical
system using only hands.
Cleaning Tools
Having the appropriate cleaning tools is essential when
maintaining or repairing computers
Diagnostic Tools
Computers are easier to use and more dependable with
each new generation of hardware and operating system
update, but that doesn't mean they're problem-free
Use appropriate
hand tools and
test equipment
Proper Use Electro- Static Discharge
(ESD) Tools
The purpose of an antistatic wrist strap is
to equalize the electrical charge between
you and the equipment. The antistatic wrist
strap is a conductor that connects your body
to the equipment that you are working on.
An antistatic mat is slightly conductive. It
works by drawing static electricity away from
a component and transferring it safely from
equipment to a grounding point
Proper Use of Hand Tools
• Screws - Match each screw with the proper screwdriver.
Place the tip of the screwdriver on the head of the screw.
Turn the screwdriver clockwise to tighten the screw and
counter clockwise to loosen the screw.
• Flat head screwdriver - Use a flat head screwdriver when you
are working with a slotted screw. Do not use a flat head
screwdriver to remove a Phillips head screw
• Phillips head screwdriver - Use a Phillips head screwdriver
with crosshead screws.
- CAUTION: If excessive force is needed to remove or add a
component, something is probably wrong.
Proper Use of Hand Tools
• Hex driver - Use a hex driver to loosen and tighten bolts that
have a hexagonal (six-sided) head. Hex bolts should not be
over-tightened because the threads of the bolts can be
- CAUTION: Some tools maybe magnetized, always check if its
magnetize because it can harm your data stored.
• Part retriever, Needle-nose pliers, or tweezers - can be
used to place and retrieve parts that may be hard to reach
with your fingers
- CAUTION: Pencils should not be used inside the computer to
change the setting of switches, it can may lead to short your
circuits inside your component. Pencils are a good conductor.
Proper Use of Cleaning Materials
• Keeping computers clean inside and out is a vital part of a
maintenance program. Dirt can cause problems with the
physical operation of fans, buttons, and other mechanical
components. an excessive build-up of dust will act like an
insulator and trap the heat.

• CAUTION: When compressed air is used to clean inside the

computer, the air should be blown around the components
with a minimum distance of four inches from the nozzle.

• CAUTION: Before cleaning any device, turn it off and unplug

the device from the power source.
Proper Use of Cleaning Materials
• Computer Cases and Monitors - Clean computer cases
and the outside of monitors with a mild cleaning
solution on a damp, lint-free cloth
• LCD Screens - Do not use ammoniated glass cleaners
or any other solution on an LCD screen, unless the
cleaner is specifically designed for the purpose
• CRT Screens -To clean the screens of CRT monitors,
dampen a soft, clean, lint-free cloth with distilled
water and wipe the screen from top to bottom. Then
use a soft, dry cloth to wipe the screen and remove
any streaking after you have cleaned the monitor
Proper Use of Cleaning Materials
• Component Contacts - Clean the contacts on
components with isopropyl alcohol, not with
rubbing alcohol.

• Keyboard - Clean a desktop keyboard with

compressed air or a small, hand-held vacuum
cleaner with a brush attachment.

• Mouse - Use glass cleaner and a soft cloth to

clean the outside of the mouse.
• The degree of maintenance will depend on the kinds of
tools/equipment used.
• Electronic equipment may have different
maintenance requirements.
• Hand tools may require only basic maintenance.
• Power tools should be maintained in good working
order. This may be limited to ensuring that blades/bits
are replaced when needed and those guards.
- Damaged or defective equipment/tools should be
tagged and removed from service.
• All tools and equipment must be properly maintained
so that workers are not endangered
• Preventive maintenance is the systematic care and
protection of tools, equipment and machines in order
to keep them in a safe, usable condition, limit
downtime and extend productivity.
• The successful maintenance program is:
- well organized and scheduled,
- controls hazards,
- defines operational procedures, and  trains key
• To ensure that tools and equipment remain in good condition
and last for a long time, store them properly.

• Tools and parts are kept in good condition are easy to find Costs
are reduced.
• Productivity is increased because time is not wasted looking for
tools, parts and equipment.

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