Session - 3 (Vertical Format)

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Session 3 – Vertical Financial Statements

Types of Expenses in General

• Purchases of Stock-in-trade
• Manufacturing expenses
• Selling and Distribution expenses
• Administrative and Establishment expenses
Specific issues in statement of P&L
• Other Operating Revenue
• Other Income: Non Operating
• Exceptional Items
Other operating revenue
• Revenue arising from a company’s operating activities and incidental
thereto, i.e. either its principal or ancillary revenue-generating
activities, but which is not revenue arising from sale of products or
rendering of services.

• E.g. Sale of Manufacturing scrap, Annual service fee, export

incentives, government grants and technical know-how fee earned.
Other Income: Non-Operating
E.g. – Gain on sale of Investments (in a non-finance company)
Profit on sale of property, Plant and Equipment
Dividend and interest from investing activities etc.
Exceptional Items
• Those items that in management’s judgement are material items which derive
from events or transactions that fall within the ordinary activities of the business
of a company and,
• Which individually or, if of a similar type, in aggregate, need to be disclosed by
virtue of their size or incidence.

• Exceptional items are not expected to be recurring.

• They are separately disclosed on the face of the statement of Profit and Loss.

• E.g – VRS Spending, gains/loss on sale of a business unit, loss due to fire or natural
calamities, loss due to pandemic like COVID, insurance claims, impact of major
litigations etc.
Vertical Balance Sheet
Vertical Statement of Profit and Loss
Few changes in Vertical format
• Non-convertible part of Redeemable preference share capital now be treated as

• Miscellaneous expenditure not w/o and debit balance in “Statement of Profit and Loss”
have now to be shown as deductions from RE/general reserves/other reserves under the
head other equity. Thus, other equity can be negative due to these figures.

• Dividend on non-convertible preference shares will be treated as a part of finance cost.

• Allocations and appropriations of profit now be shown under the head “Retained
Earnings” and other relevant sub-heads of “Reserves and surpluses”.

• Ind AS do not allow to treat the proposed final dividend as a liability in the Balance Sheet
as a payment thereof is contingent on shareholder’s approval.

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