Caring For The Reproductive System

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Caring for the Reproductive

Proper Care of the Reproductive
• 1.The external parts of your reproductive
system need proper care and hygiene.Keep
them clean at all times through frequent
washing with soap and water.
• 2.Use clean and comfortable underwear.
• 3.Maintain an ideal body weight and get
enough physical exercise to allow your
reproductive organs to develop normally.
• 4.Refrain from indulging in physical activities that
may cause direct physical injury to your
reproductive organs.
• 5.Girls must practice proper care and good personal
hygiene during menstruation. Sanitary napkins
should be comfortable and changed often during
heavy menstrual flow.
• 6.Eat the right food and take sufficient vitamins and
minerals to keep your reproductive system healthy.
• Vulvovaginitis
–Inflammation or infection of the
–Caused when irritating substances
enter the vulva or vagina
• Yeast Infections
– Caused by the yeast fungus
Candida albicans
– Candida is found in every woman,
but when too much accumulates it
leads to yeast infections
– Easily treated with creams and
• Endometriosis
–When tissue normally found on
the endometrium starts to grow
on other parts of pelvic cavity
(ie fallopian tubes, ovaries, etc.)
–Very painful
–Can cause sterility if left
• Ovarian cysts
– Non-cancerous sacs filled with fluid
– Can become painful if they grow
large enough
– Usually go away on their own, but
may have to be removed if they
become too large
• Ovarian Cancer
– Causes are unknown
– Early symptoms are mild and often
• Cervical cancer
– Women who have intercourse
before eighteen are at more risk
– Can be detected through a regular
Pap test
• Breast Cancer
–Most frequently diagnosed
cancer in Canadian women
–Heredity is a big risk factor
–Other possible causes are
smoking, diet or a possible
• Hernia
–A bulge in the groin area
–A portion of the intestine pushes
through an opening in the
abdominal wall
–Requires surgery
• Testicular injury
–Usually from an accidental hit
to the testicles
–Also occurs when one testicle
twists around the other cutting
off the blood supply
• Steroid use
–Can cause sex organs to shrink
–Can cause decrease in sex drive
–Can cause liver and heart
–As well may cause breast
• Testicular cancer
– When cells inside the testicle divide
abnormally and form a tumor
– It can be cured if detected early
– Testicular self evaluations should be done
regularly and men should start as early as
15 years of age.
• Clues to look for:
– Change in size, shape, or tenderness
– Swelling of testicles
– Pain in testicles or scrotum
– Dull ache in lower abdomen
• Prostate cancer
– Most frequently diagnosed cancer in
Canadian men
– Regular check ups by a physician for prostate
cancer should begin in your late 30s
• Symptoms of prostate cancer
– Frequent, difficult, or painful urination
– Blood or pus in urine
– Pain in the lower back, pelvic, or upper thighs
– Painful ejaculation

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