Lec (3) Part 2 Combined Footing

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University of Gondar

Department of Civil Engineering

Foundation Engineering-I

Lecture 3 part 2
Design of shallow foundation
Combined footing

Design of combined footing

Geotechnical and structural Design of combined footing

• When a footing supports a line of two or more columns, it is

called a combined footing.
• A combined footing may have either rectangular or
trapezoidal shape
Geotechnical and structural Design of combined footing
Combined footings are used when: 
A. Columns are closely spaced and design/proportioning of
isolated footings results in an overlap of footing areas and/or,
B. When there is a property line/boundary line/restriction and
there exists a column along the boundary line and use of
isolated footing is not possible.
Rectangular Combined footings are used:
• When case(a) is encountered and the spacing between the columns is
less than 6m-7m and/or,
• When case (b) is encountered and the outer column, which is the one
along the boundary line, carries a larger load as compared to the inner
column (the one to be combined with the outer column).

Trapezoidal combined footings: are used

when case (b) is encountered and the inner column carries a larger load
as compared to the load carried by the column along the boundary line.
Design concepts for Combined Footing
• If possible, the base is arranged so that its center line coincides with
the center of gravity of the loads because this will give a uniform
pressure on the soil.
• In a general case with an eccentric arrangement of loads, moments
of forces are taken about the center of the base and the maximum
soil pressure is determined from the total vertical load and moment
at the underside of the base.
• The pressure is assumed to vary uniformly along the length of the
Design Procedure for Rectangular Combined Footing

Figure Rectangular shaped

combined footing. For
uniform q, the resultant of
the applied load is collinear
with that of the soil
pressure q.
Design Procedure for Rectangular Combined Footing
• Procedure: The design is predicated on the assumption that the
footing is rigid and that the soil pressure is uniform. The following
explanation may illustrate the procedure:
• Step 1: Determine the footing length (L) and width (B).
• First determine the area of the footing based on appropriate
method ( direct method or prescriptive method)
• Second determine the location of the load resultant distance (X).
This point coincides with the midpoint of L, thus yielding the
value for L.
• To determine the location of the resultant load take moment at the
property line
𝑃 2 × 𝐿2
𝑃 1+ 𝑃 2
Design Procedure for Rectangular Combined Footing
Step 2: Draw shear and moment diagrams under ultimate loads.
• The footing is treated as a beam, loaded with a uniform soil
pressure (upward) and column loads (downward), which are
treated as concentrated loads.
B. Structural Design of combined footing - Step 3. Design for bending
Step 3: Determine the flexural reinforcing steel based on reasonable
assumption of footing depth.
• The longitudinal (flexural) steel is designed using the critical
moments (negative and positive) from the moment diagram.
Thus, typically, combined footings will have longitudinal steel
at both top and bottom of the footing.
Reinforcement detail for moment
Design Procedure for Rectangular Combined Footing

• Step 4: Check footing depth based on shear.

• Critical sections are at column perimeter and at 2d for punching
shear and at the d for a wide beam, the same as for spread footings.
• The critical section for wide-beam shear is investigated only at one
point (max. shear).

Critical shear2d
at 2.0d from face of column: 2d
2dthe average for d;
Take 2d
𝑑 𝑥 + 𝑑 𝑦 2d
540 +5 20 2d B
𝑑= 2d
= =530 𝑚𝑚
2 2 2d

Example Geotechnical and structural Design of combined footing

 Two 300 300 mm square columns spaced at a distance of 2.45m c/c are
loaded as shown in the figure below. The foundation is to be founded on
a soil of bearing capacity 125kpa. It is desired to design the footing to
satisfy all requirements using fyk = 500MPa and fck = 30MPa and the
concrete cover is 50mm .

Column 1 Column 2

Geotechnical combined footing

A. Geotechnical design
Step 1 Determine the base area A of the footing
Step 2 Determine the Projection lengths of the footing
A. Geotechnical Design of Combined footing
Step 1 Determine the base area of the footing
• The footing is proportioned using prescriptive method.
• The required area is found from the service loads (characteristic loads)
including the weight of the footing.
Design Action
The service axial load of the footing,
i.e 1.0DL +1.0 LL
The total service load on column 1

The total service load on column 2

The total loads on both columns

The weight of the footing is assumed to be 10% of the service axial load

Total service load is given as

A. Geotechnical Design of combined footing
Step 1 Determine the base area of the footing
The footing is proportioned using prescriptive method
Design Action Design Resistance
From the above equation the area of the footing can be determined as

Adopt a rectangular base area of . Area provided


A. Geotechnical Design of combined footing
Step 2. Determine the Projection lengths of the footing (Locate the centroid of
the footing )

𝑃 1=787 𝑘𝑁 𝑃 2=970 𝑘𝑁
Column 1 Column 2

𝐿1 𝐿2 𝐿3

To locate the centroid of the footing take moment about column 1
A. Geotechnical Design of combined footing
Step 2 Determine the Projection lengths of the footing (Locate the centroid of the footing )

𝑃 1=787 𝑘𝑁 R 𝑃 2=970 𝑘𝑁
Column 2
Column 1 1.352m

𝐿1 𝐿2 𝐿3

Therefore, solving for

A. Geotechnical Design of combined footing

The final disposition of the footing is given below Assuming a trial depth of
footing 600mm

Column 1 Column 2


1.9 𝑚 2.45m 2.15𝑚

B. Structural design
Step 1 Determine the contact pressure distribution for ULS
Step 2. Draw the shear force and bending moment diagram
Step 3. Design for bending moment
Step 4. Design for punching shear
Step 5. Design for wide beam shear
B. Structural Design of combined footing

Step 1. Determine the material properties for RC footing


B. Structural Design of combined footing

Step 2 Determine the contact pressure distribution for ULS

For ultimate limit state the factored loads will be used to determine the
contact pressures.

At ultimate limit state

The total ultimate load

Contact pressure distribution at ULS

For the width of 2.5m

B. Structural Design of combined footing

Step 3 Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams

The shear force diagram
1080.7 kN 1331.25kN



B. Structural Design of combined footing

Step 3 Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams

The bending moment
1080.7 kN 1331.25 kN



B. Structural Design of combined footing

Step 3 Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams

The maximum bending moment in the span

• The maximum bending moment in the span will occur at the point of
zero shear.
• The point of zero shear can be determined by taking the first derivative
of the moment equation in the span to zero.

solving for x
B. Structural Design of combined footing
Step 3 Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams


𝜎 =371
B. Structural Design of combined footing - Step 4. Design for bending
Step 4-3 Determine the effective depths


∅ 𝑏𝑎𝑟 20
𝑑 𝑥 =D −c − =600 −50 − =540𝑚𝑚
2 2
3 3
𝑑 𝑦 = D− c − ∅𝑏𝑎𝑟 =650 −50 − × 20=520 𝑚𝑚
2 2
B. Structural Design of combined footing
Step 4. Design for bending
Step 4-1 Design for longitudinal reinforcement

Bottom reinforcement
We are supposed to take maximum moment from the column face
which can be easily determined from the bending moment diagram as
shown below

Effective depth
B. Structural Design of combined footing - Step 4. Design for bending
Step 4-3 Determine longitudinal reinforcement area
Determine K
If the concrete class is K can be determined from the following

No need for compression reinforcement

Determine the lever arm z
𝑧= [ 1+ √ 1− 3.53 𝑘 ] ≤ 0.95 𝑑 𝑥

B. Structural Design of combined footing - Step 4. Design for bending
Step 4-3 Determine longitudinal reinforcement area
If the concrete class is K can be determined from the following equation

Determine minimum reinforcement area


Determine maximum reinforcement area

B. Structural Design of combined footing - Step 4. Design for bending
Step 4-3 Determine longitudinal reinforcement area
Therefore, use
Area of bar = = 314

Number of bar =
Provide 13 ϕ20 (As = 4082 mm2)
Spacing =

Top reinforcement
There is no hogging moment on the footing as shown in the BMD.
However we can provide minimum reinforcement at the top.

Number of bar = Provide 16 ϕ12

B. Structural Design of combined footing - Step 4. Design for bending

Step 4-4 Determine the Transverse reinforcement area

Determine the applied design bending moment at critical section


Design per unit strip

B. Structural Design of combined footing - Step 4. Design for bending
Step 4-4 Determine transverse reinforcement area
Determine K
If the concrete class is K can be determined from the following equation

No need for compression reinforcement

Determine the lever arm z

𝑧= [ 1+ √ 1 −3.53 𝑘] ≤ 0.95 𝑑 𝑦

B. Structural Design of combined footing - Step 4. Design for bending
Step 4-4 Determine transverse reinforcement area
If the concrete class is K can be determined from the following

Determine minimum reinforcement area


Determine maximum reinforcement area

B. Structural Design of combined footing - Step 4. Design for bending
Step 4-4 Determine transverse reinforcement area
Therefore, use

Area of bar = = 113.1

Number of bar =
Provide 45 (As provided = 45113.1= 5089.5

Spacing of bars =

Note: that same reinforcement is provided at top and bottom faces

in transverse direction
B. Structural Design of combined footing - Step 4. Design for bending
Reinforcement detail for moment



13H20-200mm 45H12-150mm
B. Structural Design of combined footing - Step 5. Design for punching shear
a. Check for punching at the column perimeter
Step 5-1a Determine punching shear force
Critical section for punching at column perimeter

Take the average for d;

𝑑𝑥+ 𝑑 𝑦 540 +5 20
𝑑= = =530 𝑚
2 2

Critical perimeter () = column perimeter

= 1200mm
The applied punching shear stress at the column perimeter is determined
by considering column 2 bearing the maximum axial load
B. Structural Design of combined footing - Step 5. Design for punching
a. Check for punching at the column perimeter
Step 5-2a Determine maximum shear resistance

The maximum shear resistance, at the column perimeter

( in Mpa)

Step 5-3 compare the punching shear resistance and the applied
punching shear
…….. The depth of the footing is adequate
B. Structural Design of combined footing - Step 5. Design for punching shear
b. Check for punching at 2d from the face of column
Step 5-1b Determine punching shear force
Critical section for punching

Critical shear at 2.0d from face of column:

Take the average for d;

𝑑𝑥+ 𝑑 𝑦 540 +5 20
𝑑= = =530
2 2
2 𝑑= 2 𝑥 530 =1 060 𝑚𝑚

Critical perimeter (u) = column perimeter + 4πd

= 7860.18mm = 7.86m
Area with in Critical perimeter
B. Structural Design of combined footing - Step 5. Design for punching shear
Check for punching at 2d from the face of column
Step 5-1b Determine punching shear force…cont.

The check for punching shear is done considering the maximum axial
column load. i.e column 2. The punching shear stress at 2d is Determined
as follows. The load is concentric column load.
𝑉 𝐸𝑑
𝑣 𝐸𝑑 =
The punching shear force at 2d is determined as follows

The punching shear stress is calculated as

B. Structural Design of combined footing - Step 5. Design for punching shear
b. Check for punching at 2d from the face of column
Step 5-2b Determine punching shear resistance
is calculated from the following equation

The value of

The value of
𝜌 1= √ 𝜌 1 𝑥 𝜌 1 𝑦 ≤ 0.02

take =0.0021
B. Structural Design of combined footing - Step 5. Design for punching shear
b. Check for punching at 2d from the face of column

The punching shear resistance at 2d is


Step 5-3b Compare the punching shear stress and the punching shear
………it is ok!
B. Structural Design of combined footing
Step 6. Design for wide beam shear
Step 6-1. Determine the wide beam shear


2.45m 𝟏.𝟒𝟔𝒎
B. Structural Design of combined footing - Step 6. Design for wide beam
Step 6-1. Determine the wide beam shear force
Developed (designed) shear force

Step 6-2. Determine the wide beam shear resistance

The shear resistance of the concrete can be obtained from the punching
shear resistance of by multiplying with the area of application as follows

( 13 ) ≥ 𝑣
𝑣 𝑅𝑑 , 𝑐 =𝐶 𝑅𝑑 , 𝑐 𝑘 ( 100 𝜌 1 𝑓 𝑐𝑘 ) , 𝑣 𝑚𝑖𝑛 =0.035 𝑘 1.5 𝑓 𝑐𝑘0.5

B. Structural Design of combined footing Step 6. Design for wide beam

Step 6-2. Determine the wide beam shear resistance….cont..


Step 6-3. compare applied wide beam shear force with the wide beam shear

The footing is safe to resist the shear!!!

End of Lecture


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