GE4 Chapter3

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Unit 3:
Learning 1. Use different types of
reasoning to justify
Objectives: statements and arguments
made about
mathematics and
mathematical concepts.
2. Write clear and logical
3. Organize one’s methods
and approaches for proving
and solving problems.
4. Use the concept of solving
word problems in real-life
Problem Solving
According to Reisberg (2013), Problem Solving refers
to cognitive processing directed at achieving a goal
when a problem solver does not initially know a solution
method. Problem solving solution methods, ways and
techniques differ. But here’s one of the suggested step-
by-step procedure in dealing with problems.
Problem Solving

But here’s one of the suggested step-by-step

procedure in dealing with problems.

Polya’s Four-Step
Problem Solving

George Polya (1887-1985) was

born in Hungary and moved to
United States in 1940 to study in
Standford University. He published
10 books and a number of articles
for Mathematics journals. How to
solve it (1945) is one of his best
known. In this book, he outlined a
strategy for solving problems.
Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

The diagram shows the two types of reasoning, Inductive

and Deductive. Inductive Reasoning is the process of
reaching a general conclusion by examining specific
examples while Deductive Reasoning is the process of
narrowing down the general conclusion by providing
specific examples and assumptions. Take into
consideration that in dealing with problem solving, these
two types of reasoning can go simultaneously.
Consider the following problems:

1. Predict the next number in the list: 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, …?

Answer: 21
The first two numbers, 1 & 3 differ by 2. The second
and the third numbers differ by 3 (3 and 6). The third
and the fourth numbers (6 and 10) differ by 4. It
appears that the difference between any two numbers
is always 1 more than the preceding difference. Since
10 and 15 differ by 5, we can now predict that the
next number exceeds 15 by 6, which is 21.
Consider the following problems:

2. Predict the next number in the list: 80, 70, 61, 53,
46, 40 …?
Answer: 35
The first two numbers, 80 & 70 differ by 10. The
second and the third numbers differ by 9 (70 and 61).
The third and the fourth numbers (61 and 53) differ by
8. It appears that the difference between any two
numbers is always 1 less than the preceding
difference. Since 46 and 40 differ by 6, we can now
predict that the next number is less than 40 by 5,
which is 35.
Consider the following problems:

3. In a line of people, Joshua is fifth from either end.

How many people are they in the line?

Answer: 9
Consider the following problems:

4. All the seats of a bus is occupied and six are standing. At the
next bus stop, 13 persons got off and 3 got in. How many seats
are empty on the next bus stop?

Answer: 4
Consider the following problems:

5. Three kids, (Angelo, Emmanuel, and Erika) have three

different favorite superheroes, (Batman, Spiderman, and
Superman). Their ages are 6, 8, and 10. From the clues below,
find who is who.
 Angelo likes Spiderman.
 Emmanuel doesn’t like Superman.
 The youngest kid likes Spiderman.
 The age of the kid who likes Superman is 8.


After constructing the table, let’s now refer to the information

given in the problem. The first step is to consider those
information from the problem which gives direct answer.
Angelo likes Spiderman
The statement directly tells us that Angelo likes Spiderman. So just put
“Spiderman” under the column “Favorite Superhero” for Angelo.
Emmanuel doesn’t like Superman.
Since Angelo likes Spiderman, there are two remaining
superheroes, Batman and Superman, for Emmanuel and Erika.
Since Emmanuel doesn’t like Superman, therefore his favorite
Superhero is Batman. Then, the remaining hero, which is
Superman is for Erika.
The youngest kid likes Spiderman.
The youngest kid likes Spiderman.
The ages are 6, 8, and 10. The kid who likes Spiderman is the
youngest. Angelo likes Spiderman. Angelo is the 6-year old kid.
The age of the kid who likes Superman is 8.
Erika likes Superman. Erika is the 8-year old kid and Emmanuel
is the 10-year old kid.
Consider the following problems:

6. Six fishes (Pirena, Alena, Ibrahim,

Akil, Danaya, and Amihan) always swim
together. From the following clues
provided, find who is who.
 Pirena thinks her stripes are the most beautiful.
 Alena always swims between her two spotted friends, Ibrahim and Akil.
 Danaya is helping Akil remember the routine and swims in front of him.
 Amihan is upset because she doesn’t have any dots or stripes.

Consider the following problems:
7. Solve for the weight of each shape shown in the

The total weight is 80. As shown in the figure,

the distribution of the shapes is balance. If it is
balance, we need to divide the 80 by 2 to
determine the equal weight of both sides. So
that would be 40. This is the left side, if it weighs
40, to get the weight of each star, divide 40 by 5.

The weight of each star is 8.

• The other half also weighs by 40. But it
has two equal divisions with equal
weights. The total weight of this part is
40, so we need to divide 40 by 2 to get
the weight of each side.

• The measure of each side is 20. So for

us to get the weight of each diamond,
just divide 20 by 4 because we have 4

The weight of each diamond is 5.


• The total weight of this part is 20. We

know that the weight of the star is 8.
Subtract 8 from 20 and that would be
12. There are two hearts, so divide 12
by 2 to get the weight of each heart.

The weight of each heart is 6.

Activity 4: Answer the following problems

1. Predict the next number in the list: 3, 7, 5, 10, 7,______

2. Predict the next letter in the list: O, T, T, F, F, S, S, E, _______
3. One cut of a string produces two pieces. Two cuts produce
three pieces. Three cuts produce four pieces. How many pieces
are produced by five cuts and by twenty-one cuts?
4. A light bulb inspector found an alarmingly high number of
defective bulbs in a recent shipment. Of the 30 bulbs
she selected to test, she found 12 bulbs to be
defective. How many might she expect to be
defective out of a shipment of 420 bulbs?
Activity 4: Answer the following problems

5. John’s age is below the retirement age (under the Philippine

law). When you add the digits of his age, the sum is 9. His age
lies between two prime numbers. If his age is a multiple of 6, how
old is he?
6. Adam, Adele, Taylor, and Prince were recently elected as the
new class officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, and
Treasurer) of the Supreme Student Council at PLV.
From the following clues, determine which position each holds.
 Prince is younger than the President but older than the Treasurer.
 Adam and the Secretary are both the same age, and they are the
youngest members of the group.
 Taylor and the secretary are next-door neighbors.
Activity 4: Answer the following problems

7. Last week, three students (Sam, Shawn, and Sean) all lost
their backpacks (colored green, blue, and purple) during the
school day (while third period, lunch, and fifth period). From the
clues provided, determine who among them have a green
backpack, a blue backpack, and a purple backpack and who
among them lost his backpack during the third period, during
lunch, and during the fifth period.
 Sam did not lose his backpack before lunch.
 Shawn’s backpack which was not green was lost during the
third period.
 Sean lost sight of his purple backpack during lunch.
Activity 4: Answer the following problems

8. How many squares are there in the figure?

“Mathematics may
not teach us how
to add LOVE and
subtract HATE but
it gives us every
reason to HOPE
that every problem
has a solution.”

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