Ict Skills II

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ICT Skills

• Difference between different operating systems

• Work with list and folders
• Applu basic skills for care and maintenance of a computer
Operating system

 It is a software program that manage the hardware and software resources of a

 It performs basic tasks
 Controlling and allocating memory
 Prioritizing the process of instructions
 Controlling input and output devices
Facilities provided by OS

 Scheduling programs
 Controlling input and output
 Program execution
 Manage the Use of main memory
 Manage and manipulating files
 Accounting resource usage
 Compressing data
 Detecting viruses
 Sending jobs to external devices
 Correcting errors
Types of OS

 There are three types of OS

 Interactive (GUI Based)
 Real time
 Distributed
GUI based
Real Time OS Distributed OS

A real-time operating system (RTOS) is an An OS that manages a group of

operating system (OS) for real-time independent computers and makes them
applications that processes data and events appear to be a single computer.
that have critically defined time The developed of netweok computers
constraints. A RTOS is distinct from a that could be linked and made to
communicate with each other and gave
time-sharing operating system, such as rise to distributed computing.
Unix, which manages the sharing of system
resources with a scheduler, data buffers, or
fixed task prioritization in a multitasking When computers in a group work
operation they make a distributed system
or multiprogramming environment. 
Windows 7-Glossary of icons

 My documents-  save all folders and files

 My Computer – contains the computer drives and which printers you have installed.Allows to
view,organise the files and folders
 Recycle Bin- Deleted files will be sent to the recycle bin and unwanted files could be saved in this
 Internet explorer-Search the information on the WWW. You can search the internet for people,
business and information about subjects that interest in downloading music, copy graphics 
Task bar-Windows

It has three main sections:

1. Start button – opens the start menu
2. Middle section – programs and files you have open and quickly switch
between them
3. Notification area- includes a clock and icons that communicate the satus of
certain programs and computer settings.
Working with files and folders

File Folder
It contains a part of the information It can hold collection of different
stored in the computer types of files
There are many type of file such as Folder don’t have extension
audio, video, text file etc which has
the extension

File have differentiate with many Folder can another folder in it. But
types of icons it is in yellow color
Create a file or folder

 Steps to create a file or folder

 Start  All Programs  Accessories  Wordpad
 Type the content in the wordpad window and click on Save As to save the file

 Steps to create folder Did you know?

 Right click on the desktop You cannot have two
files with same name
 Select New.A submenu appears in the same folder
 Click on the folder
 Type the name of the folder that you want
Rename a folder

 Rename means to change the name of any existing file or folder.

 Select the file/folder to be renamed
 Right click on it
 Select the Rename option and type the new name in it

Delete a folder
 Delete means to remove the file or folder
 Select the file/folder to be deleted
 Right click on it
 Select the delete option and the deleted files will move to the recycle bin
Copy a file/Folder
 To copy a file/folder
 Select the file/folder which is to be copied
 Click the organize and copy Did you know?
 Select the location which you want to place the folder Shortcut key for cut
 The folder will be copied to a new location
Move a file/Folder Paste=Ctrl+V
 To move a file/folder
 Select the file/folder which is to be moved
 Click the organize and Cut
 Select the location which you want to place the folder
 The folder will be moved to a new location
Threats that affect a computer system

 Generally we use the computer to do the lot of work. A set of instructions used to manipulate the data is
called programs. The program and data temporarily stored in memory of computer while the processing is
going on. The data is permanently stored in secondary storage media for future use.
 In case there is a lare deviation from the required conditions to operate a computer wisely or properly. Or
else the computer parts get damaged.
 There are two types of threats that can affect a computer system
 Natural threats
 Human threats
Natural threats

 Possible natural threats are

 Fire – Computer is made up of delicate components ,irreplaceable damage may be caused due
to exposure to fire of the computer.
 Flood – It is a kind of disaster that can destroy the computer. The computer should be placed
where it is safe from natural calamities like flood
 Lightning – It can cause a severe damage in voltage is the electrical connection to the
computer. Such a increase in voltage in an electric line called spike. It can damage the
Human threats

 Physical theft- Computer theft can lead to information leaks of stored data as

well as article damage. In particular, if important data, such as personal
information, etc., is stored in the computer, the damage can be serious.
 Virus, Trojan horse and worms- The user might have the habit of downloading
the files from internet or his mailbox without checking his credentials, he is
putting the computer at risk that can damage the computer easily. It can infect the
files in computer. So it is advised to install the antivirus to prevent presence of
any virus on the computer.
To protect the computer
 Setting up users and passwords – Set the list of authorized user on the computer, we
can limit how users can enter the computer
 Using secure passwords – Password is not easily guessable. It also contain mix of
different characters to make unique and do not share your password with anyone. You
can immediately change the password, if anyone guess it.
 Use of protective softwares – It is advised to use the software that will scan the drives
and downloading for presence of suspicious software in them.some antivirus such as
Mcafee, Kaspersky etc.
 Lock your computer – Tobe able to your lock account, when the computer left
unattended. The key combination that will allow to lock the computer depends on the
particular operating system.
Hardware and security
 Computers must be clean. – Avoid eating and drinking near the computer
 Kept at moderate temperature – High or low temperature may damage your motherboard
 All computers should be connected to surge protectors – The protectors will prevent
voltage surges from damaging the system
 Computers and disks must be kept clear of static electric – Static electricy can destroy
stored information. To avoid zapping your computer components with static electricity
other precaution to ground the static electricity before touching any of the internal
 Aware of keyloggers – it is a small piece of hardware tha tis manually attached to the
keyboard wiring plugged into the PC’s CPU. It is placed at an intermediate position
between at CPU plug and keyboard wire.

 IT is malicious program that attacks your computer system files.it spreads from
computer to computer and they replicate themselves.
Damage caused by virus
 decreasing the harddisk space
 Destroy the parts of the program and files.
 Hang the computer system
 Copying and deleting files causing a loss of integriy
 Slow the processor speed
Malware It is unwanted software that introduced to the system by a third person

Spyware It is a software that is installed to spy on your activities

Adware It is a program that display unwanted ads to your computer in pop up


Worms It is a self replicating program which consumes entire disk or space. It

keeps on creating the copies until all the disk space is filled

Trojan horse It is a program that appears harmless but actually performs malicious
functions such as deleting or damaging files. It spreads through emails

spam It is junk mail or junk postings. It can be sent to a large number of

Virus prevention

 Install an antivirus program on your computer

 Always keep antivirus software up to date
 Do not download the files or information from unauthorised access
 Never reply to unknown email
 Never use a ‘foreign’ disk without scanning it.
Utility tools in window

Disk cleanup-
Disk defragmenter
Antivirus software
Disk clean up

 It allows users to remove files that are no longer needed or that can be
safely deleted. Removing unnecessary files, including temporary files,
helps speed up and improve the performance of the hard drive and
computer. Running Disk Cleanup at least once a month is an excellent
maintenance task and frequency.
Disk defragmenter

 It helps you to rearrange the fragmented data so that your disk drives can work more efficiently. It
runs on a schedule, but you can defragment your disk manually.

1.Click the Start menu or Windows button

2.Select Control Panel, then System and Security
3.Under Administrative Tools, click Defragment your hard drive
4.Click Configure schedule…
5.Select the schedule you want. Pick a date and time that the computer will be
on but no one is typically using it. The computer can be asleep.
6.Click OK
Anti virus software

 An antivirus product is a program designed to detect and remove

viruses and other kinds of malicious software from your computer
or laptop.
 Ex: Norton, Kaspersky, McAfee, AVG etc

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