Body Language - Self Introd..pps

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Body Language: How to

Introduce Yourself
Ms. Maysoon Shehadah
LNCTU- Communication Skills

 Body Language:
 Introducing Oneself
 Tips of Introducing Oneself
 How to Use Body Language Effectively to Show Confidence
 Tips for maintaining good body language during an interview
 Types of Interviews
 Common Body Language Mistakes
 Practices
• Body language is a type
of nonverbal
communication in which
physical behaviors, as
Body Language
opposed to words, are
used to express or
convey the information.
Such behavior includes
facial expressions, body
posture, gestures, eye
movement, touch and
the use of space.
Importance of Body Language:

 Depending on statistical studies, Prof. Mehrabian came up

with the findings that: Communication is only 7% verbal
and 93% is non-verbal: Body Language gets 55% & Tone of
the voice has 38%.
 Body Language helps in decoding and interpreting what
the person is saying to avoid miscommunication>
 It helps you to better introduce yourself to people and
create intimacy with them.
 Remember: The first impression is the last impression.
Introducing Oneself:
Tips of Introducing Oneself:

1. State your purpose

2. Control your body language
3. Explain why you are valuable
4. Understand the culture
How to Use Body Language
Effectively to Show Confidence:

1. Prepare in private.
2. Be aware in the waiting room.
3. Maintain good posture.
4. Keep your palms open.
5. Use effective eye contact.
6. Be responsive.
Tips for maintaining good body
language during an interview
1. Handshake
2. Posture
3. Leg position
4. Rest
5. Hand position
6. Eye contact
7. Where to sit
8. Your personal items
9. Mirror
10. Walking
11. Breathe deeply
12. Responsiveness
Types of Interviews:
Tell me about yourself:
Common Body Language
1.Rubbing your hands together
2.Leaning back
3.Crossing arms
4.Not making eyes contact
5.Making too much eye contact

- “Smile is the key to the hearts”

- Eyes are the entrance of the minds.

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