CS526 1 Intro

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Parallel and

(CS 326)

Muhammad Yasir,

Department of Computer Science & IT,

The University of Lahore, Lahore Campus
Lecture Outline
• About me…
• Class Introduction
• Policies and Guidelines
• Contents and Organization
• Grading Policy
• Course Motivation, Aims, and CLOs
• Literature and Acknowledgements
• Project
• Miscellaneous
1. About me…

• Masters from National University of computer and

Emerging Sciences Islamabad, Pakistan (2021).

• Specialization: Computer Networks and Security,

Thesis title: “Short-term load Forecasting in Smart
Grids using Machine Learning Techniques”
(a) Contac Information

Contact Information:
– Office:226 (2nd Floor, Block C)
– Email: [email protected]

Consultation Hours:
• Wednesday: Office Hour 02:30 – 03:30
(b) Research Interests
• Research Interests:
» Cloud and Fog Computing
» Application Scheduling:
» Parallel programming environments
» Multi/-Many-core computing (CPUs, GPUs)
» Computer Security: Malware/Ransomware Analysis
» Fault-tolerant Systems
» Energy-ware Computing
» Review/Benchmarking of Parallel Frameworks
» Applied Parallel Computing:
• Parallelization of real scientific applications (application from
2. Class Introduction
• Name
• Previous degree (+Year)
• Current status (employed?, where, etc.)
3. Class Policies and Guidelines
• Attendance policy: marking at start/end
• Plagiarism policy: as per outline

• Don’ts
– Use of cell phones
– Discussion with fellows during class (unless told otherwise)
– Early leave (may result in absent)
– Frequent movement In-out of the class

• Do’s
– Be interactive, ask questions
– Participate in the lecture
– Relax and learn
4. Contents and Organization
1. Course topics:
Will be uploaded on university portal.

2. Main Focus Areas:

1. Parallel architectures and programming models
2. Dependence analysis
3. Shared memory programming
4. Distributed memory programming
5. Optimizing parallel programs
6. Performance measurements of parallel programs
6. Course Motivations
• Why study Parallel Systems?
– Today, serial computers do not exists.
– Even, your mobile phone is a parallel machine.
– CPU’s Clock frequencies are getting lower.
– Number of processors are increasing.
– We, cannot ignore parallel aspect of hardware, if
we want good performances.
7. Course Aims
• Introduction to parallel architectures

• Difference between conventional and parallel systems

• Learning fundamental concepts of parallel program

• Programming parallel machines using:
– OpenMP
– OpenCL
– MPI, etc.
7. Course Aims
• Understanding performance aspects of parallel
programs and analyzing it

• Dependence analysis, and developing parallel


• Optimizing parallel codes

• Exposure to the state-of-the-art research issues in

parallel computing
8. Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
• After completion of the course, the students shall be able to:
1. Understand the concepts related to parallel computing
parallelization strategies, and other aspects related to the parallelization.

2. Perform dependence analysis to identify the parallelizable

application segments.

3. Optimize performance of serial and parallel applications

and performance analysis.

4. Program parallel applications using OpenMP, MPI, and OpenCL.

5. Explore state-of-the-art research related to parallel and

distributed computing and related domains
9. Literature & Acknowledgement
• Randy Ken Kennedy, Compilers for Modern
Allen, “Optimizing A Approach”, 1st Edition,

• William Gropp, Ewing Lusk, Anthony Skjellum, “Using MPI: Portable

Parallel Programming with the Message--‐Passing Interface”, The MIT
Press; ISBN: 0262571323, 2nd Edition

• Barbara Chapman, Gabriele Jost, Ruud van der Pas, “Using OpenMP:
Portable Shared Memory Parallel Programming (Scientific and Engineering
Computation)” Kindle Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0262533027, The MIT Press

• Aaftab Munshi, Benedict Gaster, Timothy G. Mattson, James Fung, Dan

Ginsburg, OpenCL Programming Guide, 1st Edition, Publisher: Addison-
Wesley Professional; 1 edition (July 23, 2011)
9. Literature & Acknowledgement

• University of Innsbruck
• And several other internet resources…
Any Questions ?

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