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Structure of Heart

and Cardiac Cycle

(Human Anatomy)
Work Assigned by – Bibin Mathew
Presentation created by – Aditya
Singh Chauhan
What is heart?
Heart is a vital organ. It is a hollow muscular
structurethat pumps blood to all parts of your body.
The blood pumped by your heart provides your body
with the oxygen and nutrients it needs to function.
Some basic Features-
• Size of a Human fist.
• It weigh about 300g to 450g
• Conical or pyramidal form with upper broad part
called the base and lower narrow part called apex.
• Mammalian heart is four chamber i.e. it have four
hollow differentiated space within it.
Location -
The heart is present in the centre between two lungs
in the ventral thoracic cavity just above the
Medical position- Mediastinum
an anatomical region that extends
from sternum to the vertebral
column, from the first rib to the
diaphragm,and between the lungs.

Note – The Upper base part is

slightly towards right side and
the lower apex part is slightly
towards left side . The lower
apex part contract and relax
more , so the heart feels to be
at the left side.
Heart is mainly protected by two structures-:
#By the rib cage(Thoracic cage)
# By double layered sac called pericardium
Pericardium –
Pericardium is further divided into following
parts(outer to inner)-:
1. Fibrous pericardium
2. Parietal pericardium
3. Pericardial cavity filled with pericardial fluid
4. Visceral pericardium
Funtion -: Prevents the heart from being
overstretched or over filled
with blood or any rupturing.
Function of pericardial fluid-:
1.It protects the heart from any kind of
mechanical injury or shock.
2. It keeps the tissue of the heart
moist for proper functioning.
3. It acts as a lubricant and reduce
the friction for the beating of heart .
Layers of Heart Wall-
Three layers of heart are(outer to inner)-
1.Epicardium(External layer)
This layer composed of mesothelium
and adipose tissue and is delicate connective
tissue that imparts smooth slippery texture to
the outermost surface of the heart .
2.Myocardium(Middle layer)
Myocardium which is a cardiac muscle
tissue makes up the bulk of the heart
and is responsible for its pumping function .
3.Endocardium(Inner layer)
Endocardium is a thin layer of endothelium
or overlying a thin layer of connective tissue it
provides a smooth lining for the inside of the
heart and covers the valves of Heart .
Structural components of Heart
Human heart if four chambered , consisting of two atria and two ventricles.
(1). Sulci-: basically mean groove on outer walls of heart . Sulcus contain coronary
blood vessels and fat . Two sulcus –:
(i)Coronary sulcus – deep groove encircles most of the heart and mark the external
boundary of between superior atria and inferior ventricles.
(ii) Interventricular sulcus- shallow groove on the anterior and posterior side of heart
that marks the external boundary between two ventricles.
(2).Atria-:These are thin walled upper chambers(left atrium and right atrium) as they
only have to push blood to ventricles which are just below them. Present on or towards
the base of the heart. Each atrium has an appendage(muscular pouches) called an
auricle( auris-ear).
Left Atrium-:
Receives oxygenated blood from the lungs through two pairs of pulmonary veins.
Pass oxygenated blood to left ventricle.
Right Atrium-:
The superior vena cava, inferior vena cava and coronary sinus open into the right atrium
and pour deoxygenated blood into it.
1.Superior vena cava-carries deoxygenated blood from the body’s upper region.
2.Inferior vena cava- carries deoxygenated blood from the body’s lower region.
3.Coronary sinus – carries back blood from cardiac muscle.
(3).Ventricles-: These are thick walled chambers as they have to pump blood to
greater distance. These are present near the apex of heart .They have broad at upper part
& taper at bottom.
Note-left ventricles is the thickest walled chamber as it has to pump the blood with great
pressure to remotest parts of the body.
Left ventricles
Receives oxygenated blood from upper left atrium and pump oxygenated blood in aorta.
Right ventricles
Receives deoxygenated blood from upper right atrium and pump deoxygenated blood to
pulmonary trunk.
(4). Valves-:Structures which help in the unidirectional flow of blood during heart
contraction or relaxation.
1. Atrial valves –
i. Eustachian valve is present at the opening of inferior vena cava and Right atrium.
ii. Thebasian valve or coronary valve at the opening of coronary sinus.
2.Atrio-Ventricular Valves-
i. Bicuspid(two flaps)/ Mitral valve guards the atrioventricular opening between left
atrium and left ventricle .
ii. Tricuspid ( three flaps ) guards the atrioventricular opening between Right atrium
and right ventricles.
3.Semilunar Valves ( 3 semilunar shaped flaps) -
i. Aortic semilunar Valve- guards the opening between upper
aorta and lower left ventricle.
ii. Pulmonary semilunar Valve- guards the opening between
upper pulmonary trunk and lower right ventricle.
Chordae tendineae are fibrous chords which are joined to the flaps of valves and
other ends with the special muscles of the ventricular wall the papillary muscles the
chordae tendineae prevent the bicuspid and tricuspid walls from collapsing back into
the atria during the powerful ventricular contractions.

(5).Pulmonary Trunk-:The pulmonary trunk arises from the right

ventricle it divides into left and right pulmonary arteries that carry deoxygenated
blood to the lungs .
(6). Aorta-:The aorta arises from the left ventricle. It is divisble into the
ascending aorta,arch of aorta and descending aorta.Left and Right coronary arteries
arises from the base of aorta.
Heartbeat( Cardiac Cycle)
Time Taken by one systole(contraction phase) followed by
immediate diastole(relaxation phase) of heart is called 1 Cardiac

Heart Rate – Speed of beating of heart in 1 min . Measured from

the site of heart.(72 times in 1min means takes 0.85 sec for 1 beat)

Pulse rate (value same as Heart rate) – Speed of flowing of

blood in arteries in 1 min .Measured from other places on our
body such as:
#Wrists(radial artery)
#side of your neck
#inside of your elbow
# Even the top of the foot.
Regulation of Cardic Cycle
1. Neural Regulation
2.Hormonal Regulation
Adrenaline and Noradrenaline secreted by medulla of Adrenal gland acclerates the
heart beat and directly influence the SA node.
Thyroxine also increases heartbeat indirectly.

3.Myogenic Regulation
Myogenic means originating in or produced by muscle cells. The contractions of
cardiac muscle fibres are described as myogenic, since they are produced
spontaneously, without requiring stimulation from nerve cells ( pacemaker). 
Myogenic cardiac muscles are-

S.A. Node( Sinoatrial node) / node of Keith flack

:- Small horse shoe shaped mass having specialized myocardial fibre for passing
electrical Impulses.
Location-: present inside the wall of Right atrium near the opening of superior vena
Function-: generates impulses about 70/ min .Called as pacemaker of heart as it initiate
the heartbeat.
A.V node(Atrio-ventricular)/ Node of Tawara
:-Smaller than the S.A node.
Location-: present near the coronary sinus or the opening of tricuspid valve.
Function-:It passes impulses to ventricles and help them in ventricular systole at a rate
of 60/min.
Bundle of His
Location -: It begins within the A.V node . Crosses the A.V ring and run along inferior
part of the interventricular septum where it divides into the left and Right bundle of
Function-: Taking impulses originated by A.V node to apex of heart.Papilary muscles
contract to tighten the chordae tendianae.
Purkinjie Fibres
They are terminal branches of the Right and left branches his and spread endocardially
over the septum and ventricular wall.
S.A node

A.V node

Bundle of his

Left BOH Right BOH

Left Purkinji Right Purkinji

fibers fibres
Phases of Cardiac Cycle
One heartbeat or cardiac cycle mainly consist of three phases:-
1.Auricular / Atrial Systole (0.15 sec)
2.Ventricular Systole(0.30 sec)
3.Joint diastole(0.40 sec)
1.Auricular / Atrial Systole
-: The atria contract due to a wave of contraction ,stimulated by S.A node.
-: The blood is forced into the ventricles.
-: Bicuspid and Tricuspid valve open.
-: Ventricles are in diastole.
2.Ventricular Systole
A. Beginning of Ventricular Systole
-:The ventricles begin to contract from bottom to up due to wave of contraction
stimulated by A.V node.
-: Bicuspid and Tricuspid valve close immediately producing First hear sound(lubb).
B. Complete Ventricular Systole
-:Ventricles complete their contraction and push the blood into pulmonary trunk and
-: Semilunar Valves open.
-: Atria in diastole.
3.Joint diastole
A . Beginning of Ventricular diastole
-: Ventricles relax and semilunar valves are closed.
-: This produce the second heart sound(dup).
B. Complete Ventricular diastole
-: Bicuspid and Tricuspid valve open and
blood flows in.
Note-: blood flows in not due to atrial
contraction but due to difference in the
pressure of the Auricles and Ventricles.

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