Module 2
Module 2
Module 2
• Structuralism, a systematic movement founded in Germany
• Highly developed introspective psychology
• In 1898, in order to differentiate his perspective from the others, Titchener came
up with the name structural psychology or structuralism .
• Structuralism had the following aims:
• To describe the components of consciousness in terms of basic elements.
• To describe how these basic elements are combined.
• To explain the connections of the elements of consciousness to the nervous
system (i.e., physical processes).
The definition of psychology, according to structuralism is as
follows -
“psychology is the analytic study of the generalized adult normal
human mind through introspection.”
Antecedents of
• German physiologist Hermann von Helmholtz (1821–
1894) measured the speed of the neural impulses and
explored the physiology of hearing and vision.
• His work indicated that our senses can deceive us and
are not a mirror of the external world.
• Helmholtz developed two major theories in
• transduction of physical stimuli into nervous
• how qualitative, stimulus information is coded into
neural signals.
Wundtian psychology has its roots in natural science
as it is adopts the methodology and analytic goals
common to physics, chemistry, and biology.
Affective states
Sensations: are the basic elements of perception and can occur in
the smells, sights, sounds, and other experiences that arise from
physical objects presentin the natural world.
• Images: are the elements of ideas that can be found in the process
that reflects past experiences,
• Affective states: or affections, are the elements of emotion and are found
in experiences like love, anger hate, happiness, sadness etc
In his book, An Outline of Psychology (1896), Titchener gave a list of all
the elements of sensation that he had discovered through his extensive
The list included approximately 44,500 individual sensation qualities
11,600 were identified as auditory sensations, whereas the rest Structuralism
32,820 were identified as visual sensations