Software Project Management: Session 11: Final Stages

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Software Project Management

Session 11: Final Stages

Principle of Project Management Fall 1

• Migration
• Roll-out
• Post Project Reviews (Post-mortems)
• Defining project success
– And failure
• Success tips

Principle of Project Management Fall 2

• Moving users from existing system to your
new one

Principle of Project Management Fall 3

Migration Plan
• Includes
– Description of environment (computers, DBs,
– Description of existing data needed
– Description of operational constraints (ex:
when can we move to the new system?
Weekends only? Last week of month only?)
– List of affected organizations and contacts
– Plan of steps to be taken

Principle of Project Management Fall 4

Migration Plan
• Does it require a service interruption?
• If so, when does this happen? A weekend?
• Training?
• Is there a helpdesk?
• If do, do they have “scripts” or new material?

Principle of Project Management Fall 5

Migration Strategies
• Communication with customers is crucial
• What is happening, when, and why
• “Why” should remind them of the benefits
• Not too much detail or too little
• Where do customers go for more information?
• Minimize intrusiveness
• Find-out about customer’s key dates
• When does the system absolutely need to be stable?
• Know about their important deadline dates
• They must buy-into the approach!

Principle of Project Management Fall 6

Migration Strategies
• 1. Flash-Cut
– Straight-move from old system to new
– A) Immediate Replacement
– Fastest approach
– Still want a back-out plan
– Requires strong planning and testing
– B) Parallel Operation
– Mitigates risk
– Parallel to either existing manual or system process
– Cut occurs once new system “burned-in”
• 2. Staged
• Replace one part of existing system at a time

Principle of Project Management Fall 7

Migration Strategies
• Considerations:
– Level of business disruption
– Degree of latitude in “production” date
– How much internal opposition to system is
• If higher, perhaps a longer ‘adjustment’ period
– Your comfort level of system quality
• If questionable, may want to mitigate risk

Principle of Project Management Fall 8

• Criteria: What conditions must be met
• Responsibility: Who decides?
• Operations: Who ‘owns’ it once it’s live?
• Rehearsals: Sometimes used.

Principle of Project Management Fall 9

• Immediate Replacement
– Ex: new corporate-wide calendaring system
• Requires very careful planning & testing
• Still try to get some users to “try” it first if
• Develop a back-out plan

Principle of Project Management Fall 10

Back-Out Plan
• Especially important for “conversions”
• Customers already have expectations and needs as defined by
their existing system
• Must be able to restore customer’s service ASAP
• May mean running both simultaneously “just in
• Leave it in place for awhile (more than a day!)
• When to fall-back?
• Mgmt: sooner, Tech: one-more-fix
• Set a time limit (ex: 3 hours of start)

Principle of Project Management Fall 11

Data Conversion
• Quote:
– If you add a cup of champagne to a barrel of sewage,
you’ll have a barrel of sewage
– If you add a cup of sewage to a barrel of champagne,
you’ll have a barrel of sewage
• Most systems need this step
• Most PMs forget this
• Impacts both completely new and replacement
• The “data” often more valuable than the “system”
Principle of Project Management Fall 12
Data Conversion Areas
• Data Sources:
• Where does it come from?
• Do you need to modify data on the way in?
• Is it accurate?
• Process Controls:
• Does it happen all at once?
• How do you guarantee it’s been done correctly?
• Completion:
• How do you handle any ‘exceptions’?
• Do you make backups? Can you restart?

Principle of Project Management Fall 13

Parallel Operation
• Multiple variations of this method
• An “adoption” period
– See telephone industry w/new area codes
– Both work for a period of time
• Strategies
– Avoid flash-cuts if possible
• Start with test subjects

Principle of Project Management Fall 14

• Create a “Release Checklist”
– Avoid activities falling through the cracks
– Example
– Activities by Group:
• Engineering, QA, Documentation, Operations
– Possibly sign-off signatures
• Roll-out: Must have a plan for the process
– Often on a given day (ex: a Sat.)
– Must be a very detailed plan
Principle of Project Management Fall 15
• Often more than just end-users
– Users
– Sales & Marketing staff
– System operators
– Maintenance engineers (possibly)
– Sales engineers (possibly)

Principle of Project Management Fall 16

• Must be ready by ship-date
• Final user documentation
• Updates to other
– Operations documentation
– Development documentation
– Sales and marketing material
– Wed site
– Test reports
Principle of Project Management Fall 17
Shipping Details
• Packaging (if commercial product)
• Marketing collateral
• Security mechanisms (if commercial
• Licensing
• Plan
• Mechanism

Principle of Project Management Fall 18

• Scripts
• Uninstall (if not Web-based)
• If you need to install your software (as on
– Don’t underestimate:
• Time this takes to develop
• Importance of a “first impression”
• Or, if “custom” software you’re reselling
– Installation at site is often a “mini-project”
Principle of Project Management Fall 19
Project Recovery
• How to save a “drowning project”
• 3 Approaches
– 1. Cut the size of the software
– 2. Increase process productivity
– 3. Slip the schedule, proceed with damage control
• Opportunity for decisive leadership action
• Not a time to ‘just cut corners’
– Be realistic (not foolish)
• Timing: politically important
– Not too early, not “too” late
Principle of Project Management Fall 20
Project Recovery
• Steps
• Assess situation
– Is there a hard deadline, what’s negotiable, etc.
• Don’t do what’s been done already
• Ask team what needs to be done
– People Steps
• Restore morale
– Sacrifice a sacred cow
» Dress code, off-site, catered meals, etc
– Cleanup personnel problems
• Focus people’s time
– Remove non-essential work

Principle of Project Management Fall 21

Project Recovery
• Process Steps
– Fix classic mistakes
• Inadequate design, shortchanged activities, etc?
– Create “Miniature Milestones”
• Small (in day(s)), binary, exhaustive
• Boosts morale: getting things done!
– Track progress meticulously
– Recalibrate after a short time
– Manage risk painstakingly

Principle of Project Management Fall 22

Project Recovery
• Product Steps
– Stabilize the requirements
– Raise the bar on change requests
– Trim the feature set
• Determine priorities, cut the low ones
– “Take out the garbage”
• Find error-prone modules; re-design
– Get to a known, stable state & build from there

Principle of Project Management Fall 23

Post Project Reviews (PPR)
• a.k.a.
– Lessons Learned Review
– Postmortem
– Post Project Analysis (PPA)
– Post Performance Analysis

• Focused on: Process not People!

– Potentially a finger-pointing, blame-game

Principle of Project Management Fall 24

PPR Steps
• Email team to schedule meeting
• Use a Survey Form to gather initial feedback
• Ask them to collect all potentially relevant data
– Dimensional project data work products: size, qty, etc
– Change requests
– Time and effort data

• Conduct meeting
• Collect data and feedback, discuss
• Summarize in a PPR report

Principle of Project Management Fall 25

Concluding Software Projects
• Seems simple, often isn’t
• Potential Issues
– Last-minute change requests
• “One more feature”
– Disputes of fulfillment of all requirements
• Often “interpretation” issues
– Keeping the team motivated
– Difficult transition to maintenance

Principle of Project Management Fall 26

Maintenance Phase
• The “No respect” phase
• Less “glamorous”
– Lack of enthusiasm
• Pressure to make fixes quickly
– For “production” problems
• Software can become “hacked” “patchwork” over
• Finding a support & test platform can be difficult
– Often the forgotten child until fixes are needed
Principle of Project Management Fall 27
Maintenance Phase
• Compare to hardware maintenance
– Not to keep state same; but changes to state
– Fixes and enhancements
• Configuration control is very important
– Fixing the “right” version; tracking branches
• Project management not always carried over
• Smaller team
– Often not a ‘dedicated team’
– Drawn from developer with other main tasks
Principle of Project Management Fall 28
Maintenance Phase
• Contracts, remember those?
– Always consider the maintenance phase here
– Often via a “labor hours” contract
• Time & materials in a “direct” scenario
– Otherwise via “maintenance contract”
• Percentage of software license fee
• Ex: 20% of original cost per year
• Corp. budget if internal/IS projects
– Often annual/monthly “maintenance” allocations

Principle of Project Management Fall 29

Success Metrics
• 1. On schedule
– Requires good: plan; estimation; control
• 2. Within budget
– Again: planning, estimation & control
• 3. According to requirements
– Importance of good requirements
– Perception & negotiation critical

Principle of Project Management Fall 30

You are not Santa Claus
• Learn to say “No”
– Be polite but firm
• The Value of Versions
– “We will put that in phase 2”
• An Ounce of Prevention

Principle of Project Management Fall 31

Think Small
• Keep requirements tight & focused
• One milestone at a time
• Smaller, incremental chunks
• As simple as possible but no simpler

Principle of Project Management Fall 32

Process Spectrum
• Too much medicine can kill the patient

Chaos Bureauracracy

• Balance is crucial

Principle of Project Management Fall 33

Success Rates
• By Industry
– Best: Retail
• Tight cost controls in general
– Worst: Government
• Least cost controls
• By Size
– Smaller is better: cost, duration, team
• Stats
Principle of Project Management Fall 34

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