Safety and Hazard Analysis Project

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Safety and Hazard

Project topic:
“Application of data science and safety models in the distillation column
in a beverage (alcohol) industry.”
Team Members:

• Ria Lodha • Bhavesh Sharma

20BCM0064 20BCM0113
• Sreyas TS • Gautham Krishna K B
20BCM0058 20BCM0135

• Abstract
• Objective based questions
• Literature Review Table
• Event Tree Analysis
• Fault Tree Analysis
• Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
• Layer Of Protection Analysis

One major process involved in the production of alcoholic beverages such as rum, whisky and brandy is the distillation of
the brewed wine or fermented fruits and vegetables or other starchy materials to increase the alcoholic content of the drink.
Alcoholic distillation is based upon the difference in boiling points of alcohol (78.37 °C) and water (100 °C).Safety
assessment in the distillation column is important when working with a flammable liquid such as ethyl alcohol for the safety
of workers and to prevent damage to plant and prevent any financial losses in addition to complying with the general legal
requirements. This paper aims at reviewing potential hazards and identifying possible trouble areas in the distillation column
(one of the high-risk processes) by applying safety models (like HAZOP table, bowtie safety model, Fault tree analysis,
Event Tree analysis, regression model etc)and data science to avoid danger and curb any effects. Applying safety models in
distillation column helps in identifying hazards and discover turbulent regions prone to malfunction. By analyzing large
amount of cases of past malfunction through data science and using different risk assessment models danger can be avoided.
The application of data science to occupational health and safety (OHS) information helps in identification of relevant
scenarios, effective collection of data from a multitude of sources and translation of the results obtained into solutions so
systematic interventions can be made and serious injuries and environmental damage can be prevented.
Objective based questions

1. Investigate the safety gains from various possible system modifications and improvisions made to the system keeping
in mind their economic feasibility.
2. An explosion may occur in the distillation column if ethanol condenses within wash boiler section of the column,
how can this be dealt with?
3. What are the potential scenarios which could result in the release of excess flammable ethyl alcohol vapors out the
vent of the distillation column and create the risk of a major fire and what are the safety measures can be taken to
prevent this hazard?
4. How can excess pressure build up in the condensers be prevented and how does the risk of ignition and fire depend
on pressure, temperature conditions and concentration of feed?
What-If LOPA
HAZOP table
Guide word Deviation Possible consequences Detection and Suggested/required actions
causes safeguards
NO No flow of feed to 1.Blocked pipe 1.Dangerous concentration of alcohol is -Regular inspection -Install low level alarm
column 2.valves failure possible -Visible leakage -Add bypass stream
3.Control valve 2.No evaporation occurs -Emergency plant shut down
shutdown -regular checks and maintenance
4.pump failure -Maintaining pump efficiency
5.leakage from pipe
LESS less flow rate of 1.Blocked pipe 1.Pressure decreases and thus -Regular inspection -Install low level alarm
feed to column 2.valves failure operation terminates -Visible leakage -Add bypass stream
3.Control valve 2.coumn dry out -Emergency plant shut down
shutdown 3.product quality affected -regular checks and maintenance
4.pump failure   -Maintaining pump efficiency
5.leakage from pipe  
MORE More flow of feed •Control valve is fully 1.flooding in the column -sharp increases in -Install high level alarm
opened 2.change in product quality column differential -Regular Checking and maintenance 
•Increased pumping 3.increase in hydrostatic pressure of the pressure -Install control valves
Efficiency liquid and temperature decrease -significant decrease in -Maintaining pump efficiency
•failure of Control valves 4.Rise in bottom level separation efficiency.
  5.overloading can occur(vapour rising
up the column is hindered by the liquid
flowing down the column.)

LESS Ethanol/H20 ratio 1.incomplete Product quality affected pH and concentration -Install devices to monitor pH and
too low fermentation monitoring concentration
HAZOP table
LESS less flow of 1.Blockage in pipes Release of excess Use of -Provision of monitoring of flow rate
coolant into the 2.leakage or valve flammable vapours of venturimeter
heat exchanger failure ethyl alcohol into the
of the distillation column
condenser part
of distillation
MORE Higher -appropriate Release of excess -Temperature Monitoring of inlet and outlet temperature of the cooling
temperature of temperature water flammable vapours of ethyl monitoring water
cooling water coolant not used alcohol into the distillation -use of appropriate -ethanol vapor detectors
used in heat column coolant -safety relief valves that vent excess ethanol vapours to
exchanger of   safe areas
  Mechanical Stress/load on column Leakage of ethanol -load on tower -regular upkeep of walls of tower
damage vapours -weather conditions -coating towers with anti-corrosion substances
Fire/explosion hazard
Equipment/facility damage
MORE Over Pressure in -Relief valve blocked Fire/explosion hazard Installing explosion -Installing explosion relief venting
column -Vapour concentration -expose workers to relief venting -Ensuring that ventilation systems are installed and
buildup concentrations above function properly.
permissible ethanol level
MORE Salt in feed corrosion / Erosion of -cracks in tower Leakage of Ethyl Monitoring feed constituents
tower -thinning of walls of alcohol from
condenser distillation column
MORE excess salt -fermentation tank not Scaling of heat exchanger Feed should be Scheduled cleaning and descaling of the heat
concentration in sterilised well in condenser section which checked before exchanger of the condenser
feed   in turn causes release of being fed to column
  excess flammable vapours
of ethyl alcohol into the
distillation column
HAZOP table
MORE increase of air - failure of steam -creates explosive -steam supply must -provision of vacuum relief valve
percent into the supply. atmosphere inside the be maintained
system -condensation of column thus causing risk
ethanol vapour of explosion

MORE Higher -Human error -Release of excess -temperature -Monitoring of steam temperature/pressure
temperature of -Excess supply of heat flammable vapours of ethyl monitoring -ethanol vapor detectors
steam used for alcohol into the distillation
boiling of ethyl column

PART OF Ethyl alcohol -contact of ethanol -Fire in vent of condenser -utilizing electrical Provision of flame arrestor to prevent prevent flashback of
interacts with vapour with electric spark equipment/wiring that the flame.
ignition source or ignition source is safe for hazardous
-Prohibit smoking
-implement bonding
and grounding
Event Tree Analysis
Fault Tree Analysis
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis cont.
Layer Of Protection Analysis

Freq. Risk Description

Scenario Excess flow of super heated steam to the distillation
column, resulting in overpressure. Failure of equipment.
consequence Onsite injury, Rupture of distillation column and an
auxiliary equipment.
Initiating event Failure of steam inflow control system.
Enabling condition Absence of pressure check sensor and operator at the
Independent protection Pressure relief system for excess steam pressure.
layer (IPL)
Ignition 100% (because of the material inside the column)
Injury Injury is guaranteed to occur (100%)
Calculated frequency

Freq. Risk Description

Scenario Failure of equipment, product pipe rupture, resulting in

Consequence Fire and explosion.

Initial event Storage tank filled and no diversion of product flow to

another tank.
Enabling condition Operator error

Independent protection Volume check system in individual storage tank.

layer Back up storage tank.

Ignition 100%

Injury 100%

Calculated frequency

What-if Analysis
What-if Hazardous scenarios Likelihood Consequences Hazard controls
What if the energy input Too fast heat up of the content likely High temperature causes ignition, Design limitations, like smaller
controller fails, causing in distillation column. High fire breaks out. inflow pipes to reduce the
uncontrollable energy input to temperature. steam inflow volume.
the column.
Temperature check system
inside the column, to
immediately shutdown
everything if temperature
exceeds a specific value.
What if we have excessive There is a plug in the system likely Equipment rupture, explosion, fire Pressure relief and control on
pressure in the Distillation and we continue to pump outbreak. pump. Pump high pressure set
Column? (normal operation), point.
challenging the pressure
boundary of the system
What if there is a leak Failure of connection. Open likely Flammable atmosphere. Pressure test Procedure.
downstream of Distillation? drain. Spill of flammable Flammable vapors or liquid in Design of distillation skid
liquid/vapors) to enclosure. components. Enclosure
containment and/or to Ventilation System

What if there is a flame Catastrophic failure of the Extremely unlikely Design of distillation skid
impingement due to a vessel. components pressure
flammable liquid fire? components. Flame
detection inside enclosure.
Flammable vapor monitor
on skid. Fire suppression
system in enclosure.
Operator response and
emergency stop.

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