CH 3 Yoga and Lifestyle

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Yoga and Lifestyle

Asana as Preventive Measures

Asana-Asana means pose or postures or position of body.
It is holding the body in a particular position or pose or
posture. There are three types of asana-
a. Meditative asanas- These kind of asanas increase
concentration power e.g. Padamasana, Sukhasana,
Siddhasana, Vajarasana etc.
b. Relaxative asanas- These kind of asanas provide
relaxation from physically and mentally tiredness e.g.
Shavasana, Makarasana, Shashankasana etc.
c. Corrective asanas- These kind of asanas helps the person
to prevent and cure so many diseases and deformities
and includes almost all asanas.
Obesity and important asanas to
cure and prevent
Obesity- Obesity is defined as the excessive fat in the
body that may impair health. It is a medical condition
when the body of a person contain 20% or more fat as
compare to ideal weight. It can be access by BMI i.e
* BMI= Weight in Kilograms/ (Height in meters)²
Under weight= <18.5
Normal weight= 18.5-24.9
Over weight= 25-29.9
Obesity= BMI of 30 or greater
Causes of obesity- The main cause of obesity is excess
calories intake and less burn. It may be due to increased
intake of energy dense foods that are high in fat,
excessive eating, lack of physical activities, excessive use
of modern facilities like car, lift, laptop etc.
Effect on health-
1. Heart problems like hypertension or high BP, stroke or
attack etc.
2. Back pain or back problems
3. Arthritis
4. High risk of fractures
6. Diabetes
7. Breathing problems and fatigue
Various Asana to Prevent and Cure
1. Vajrasana 2. Hastottanasana

3.Trikonasana 4. Ardhmatsyendrasana
1. Vajrasana- This is also a meditative
asana. It is the only asana which can be
practiced immediately after eating meals.
1. Sit on a carpet with extended legs.
2. Fold the left leg at the knee and place
the foot under the left buttock.
3. Repeat same as right leg.
4. Place one toe on the other.
5. Sit in between the heels.
6. Keep the hands on thighs in relaxed
7. Keep the back and neck straight.
8. Close the eyes and hold the position for
10 to 15 seconds.
9. In starting there is difficulty to hold the position so 10-15
seconds are enough and increase the duration day by
10. While returning to original position, bend a little
towards right side, take out your left leg and extend it.
11. Repeat same for the right leg.

Benefits of Vajrasana-
1. It improves digestive system.
2. It also strengthen the thigh and calf muscles.
3. It is a meditative posture and helps to improve
Contraindications- Those are suffering from knee
problem like knee pain should not practice Vajrasana.
2. Trikonasana- Trikon means ‘triangle’. In this asana
the body makes shape of a triangle, so, it is called
1. Stand erect, keep your legs together and hands by
the side of the thighs.
2. Spread the legs 2-3 feet apart.
3. Raise the arms sideways at shoulder level. The arms
should be parallel to the floor in one straight line.
4. Bend to the left side from the waist towards the
floor and place the left hand on the left foot or on
the floor.
6. Stretch the right arm upward and bring the both
arms and shoulders in straight line.
7. Hold this for 10-15 seconds.
8. To come back, straighten your upper body.
9. Bring down your arms and keep hands by the sides of
10. Bring your feet together and relax.
11. Repeat the same procedure an the other side .
Benefits of Trikonasana-
1. Helps in stretching up muscles of trunk, legs and hips.
2. Helps improving the flexibility of spine.
3. It helps to increase the height of growing children.
4. It helps in relieving the pain in the neck and back.
Contraindications – Avoid performing this asana in case
of severe backache.
Hastottanasana or Hastuttanasana-
Hastottanasana is made up of three words
– hast, uttan and asana. Hast means
‘arms’ ; uttana means ‘stretched up’ and
asana means ‘posture’.
Procedure –
1. Stand erect on the ground with both the
feet together.
2. Inhale slowly and raise both arms over
3. With palms facing up, interlock your
4. Exhale and bend from the waist towards
the right side as much as possible.
Maintain this position comfortably for 5-10
5. Inhale and come to the centre.
6. Repeat this from left side as well.
Benefits –
1. It relaxes the whole body.
2. It relieves the muscle pain in neck, shoulders and
3. It helps in increasing the height of growing child.
4. It increases the flexibility of spine.
Contraindications – During hernia, abdominal
inflammation, this asana should be avoided.
Ardha Matsyendrasana –Ardh means ‘half’, mastsya
means ‘fish’, indra means ‘king’, asana means ‘posture’.
Procedure –
1. Sit on the carpet with extended legs .
2. Bend the left leg, place left foot under the right
buttock, heel should touch the side of the hip and the
left knee should touch the ground.
3. Bend the right leg and place the right foot on the
ground near outside of the left knee. Toe of the right
foot should face forward.
4. Hold the right foot or ankle with left hand over the
right knee and the right knee should be close to the left
5. Slowly twist the upper body right side, place the right
hand on floor (backside of body) or on the back with
palm facing outward and look behind straight over the
6. Stay in this position for 5-10 seconds.
6. Stay in this position for 5-10 seconds.
7. To come back, bring upper body to the centre. Bring the arms in normal
position. Extend right leg and left leg for normal position. Repeat it on
the other side.
Benefits –
1. It stimulates liver, spleen and pancreas and helps regulate their
2. It is beneficial for intestines too.
3. It is beneficial for free movement of the shoulders.
4. It strengthen the nerves around the naval.
5. It is helpful for the person suffering from diabetes and lower back pain.
6. It strengthens the spinal column and muscles of the back.
Contraindications -
7. Person suffering from peptic ulcer, hernia and severe arthritis should
not perform this asana.
8. Person with sciatica or slipped disk should be cautious and seek expert
Diabetes and Important Asana to Cure and
Diabetes- Diabetes is the disease in which sugar level or glucose level
increases in the blood. The food we eat gets broken into glucose. Our
cells use glucose for energy and growth but glucose cannot enter to our
cells without insulin. Insulin is the hormone produce by the pancreas
after eating. If there is no production of insulin or pancreas dose not
produce enough insulin then glucose cannot enter the cells and remain
into our bloodstream which increase the glucose or sugar level in blood
and called diabetes.
Types of diabetes-
1.Type 1 diabetes- It is due to weak immune system which cannot fight
against harmful bacteria or virus which destroys insulin producing cells
in pancreas. So there is no or very less production of insulin.
2. Type 2 diabetes- Our cells become resistant to the action of insulin and
our pancreas unable to make enough insulin to overcome resistance.
3. Gestational Diabetes- It occurs during pregnancy and may resolve
after the baby delivered.
Causes of diabetes-
Type 1 diabetes- It is due to weak immune system which cannot fight
against harmful bacteria or virus which destroys insulin producing cells
in pancreas.
Type 2 diabetes- Our cells become resistant to the action of insulin and
our pancreas unable to make enough insulin to overcome resistance.
Gestational diabetes- During pregnancy, the placenta produce
hormones to sustain pregnancy. These hormones makes cells more
resistant to insulin. Pancreas produce extra insulin to overcome
resistance but sometimes pancreas can’t keep up due to some weakness.
Some common causes-
Eating high calories food like soft drinks, chocolates, sugar etc.
Excessive eating
Lack of exercises
Effects of diabetes- Heart problems like high blood
pressure, stroke etc., kidney problems like kidney
failure, pancreas dysfunction infections, damage in
blood vessels, dry or creaked skin, unconsciousness,
extreme thirst and urination.
Various Asana to Prevent and Cure
1. Bhujangasana 2. Paschimottanasana

3. Pavanmuktanasana 4. Ardhmatsyendrasana
Bhujngasana – In Sanskrit, bhujang means
cobra(snake) and asana means posture.
Procedure –
1. Lie down on the stomach on a carpet with
both legs together, forehead touching the
floor, hands by the side of thighs.
2. Fold the arms at elbows, place hands near
the shoulders and the finger tips should
not crossing the shoulder line.
3. Raise the upper body with the support of
arms i.e. head, neck and trunk up to the
naval region.
4. Raise the chin as high as possible and
look upward.
5. Maintain this position for 5-10 seconds or
as long as comfortable
6. Maintain this position for 5-10 seconds or as long as comfortable.
7. To come back, slowly bring down the upper body on carpet for
normal position
8. Place the forehead on the ground and bring hands by sides of the
thighs. Relax.
Benefits of Bhujangasana –
1. It helps to make spinal column flexible.
2. It solves digestive problems.
3. It increases intra-abdominal pressure benefitting the internal
organs especially the liver and kidneys.
4. It relaxes both body and mind.
Contraindications – Those suffering from hernia, peptic ulcer,
intestinal tuberculosis and acute abdominal pain should avoid
practicing this asana.
Paschimottanasana - Paschima
means ‘posterior or back of body’,
uttan means ‘stretch or extend’,
asana means ‘posture’.
Procedure –
1. Sit on the carpet and extend legs.
2. Slowly bend the upper body
forward, touch the knees with
head without bending knees and
hold the toes.
3. Try placing the head between the
4. Maintain the position for 5-10
6. Raise the head slowly, release the
hold of toe hold and slowly bring
the upper body in normal
7. Place the hands on the respective sides of the body and
Benefits –
1. It gives a good posterior stretch to the spinal column.
2. It helps in increasing the flexibility of the spinal and
abdominal region.
3. It helps to improve the blood circulation in organs of
the abdominal region.
4. It helps to correct postural deformities.
Contraindications – Those suffering from heart diseases,
ulcer in abdomen, slipped disc, sciatica avoid practicing
Pavanmuktasana – In Sanskrit, the
word pawan means ‘air’ or ‘wind’ and
mukta ‘freedom’ or ‘release’ and asana
means ‘posture’.
Procedure –
1. Lie down with straight legs on a
carpet, arms on the sides of the body
with palms resting on the floor.
2. Inhale , bend both legs towards
abdomen and hold the knees with
the interlocked arms and press them
3. Exhaling, raise the head and let the
chin touch to the knees. Hold this
position for 5-10 second.
4. Inhaling, bring the head down
slowly, release the interlocked arms
and bring them on the floor.
5. Exhaling, unfold the legs, back on the floor.
6. Bring legs together, hands by the side of the body, palms
placed on floor and relax
Benefits –
1. This asana helps in increasing digestive power.
2. It helps to deal constipation by stimulating the
abdominal region
3. It helps in releasing trapped gas from the stomach.
4. It dissolves extra fat deposited in the abdominal region.
Contraindications – Avoid bending this asana if suffering
from severe back pain or abdominal injuries.
4. Ardhamatsyendra asana-
NOTE- Already in previous topic.
Asthma and important asana to prevent
and cure
Asthma- It is the disease of bronchial tubes in lungs. The bronchial
tube (air tube) allow the air to come in and out of lungs. In asthma
the bronchial become swollen and the muscles around bronchial
become tighten so there is difficulty to move air in and out of lungs.
Causes- It may be due to environmental and genetics factors.
Some common causes are airborne substances such as dust mites, pet
dander, particle of cockroach waste etc., air pollution, respiratory
infections such as cough, cold etc., smoking, sulfites and preservatives
added to some types of foods, regular use of medicines such as beta
blockers, aspirin, ibuprofen, occupational environment such as in
cotton, sugar cane, chemicals, lead, iron industries etc.
Effects of asthma- Difficulty or shortness of breath, cough, wheezing,
chest tightness, chest pain, allergy, acute asthma attack may cause of
death etc.
Some asana to cure and prevent
1. Suhkasana 2. Chakrasana 3. Gomukhasana

4. Parvatasana 5. Bhujangasana 6. Matsyasana

7. Paschimottanasana
Some asana to cure and prevent
Sukhasana - ‘Sukh’ means ‘delight’ or
‘bliss’ and ‘asana’ means ‘posture’. This
asana is basically a relaxing pose.
Procedure –
1. Sit on the mat with straight legs.
2. Bend the right leg at the knee and place
the foot under the left thigh.
3. Now bend the left leg and place the left
foot under the right leg.
4. Keep the body balanced and erect.
5. Place the wrists on the knees in relaxed
position with palm facing upward.
6. The tips of the thumbs should touch the
tips of the index fingers, with other
fingers lying straight.
Benefits –
1 In this posture deep breathing and other breathing exercises
strengthen lungs and increase the capacity of lungs.
2. It stretches , lengthens and strengthen your spine.
3. Broadens your collarbones and chest.
4. It calms your mind and enhance peacefulness.
5. Kick out anxiety, stress and mental tiredness.
6. It helps in improving body posture.
7. It helps in reducing fatigue.
8. It strengthen knees, tone up calf and thigh muscles.
Contraindications –
1. People who have experienced the knee injury are advised
not to sit in this position for long time.
2. Avoid this in case of joint or knee related problems.
Chakrasana – The word chakra means ‘wheel’,
asana means ‘posture’. In this asana, the body
assumes the shape of a wheel, so it is called
Procedure –
1. Lie down with bend knees on a carpet.
2. Raise the arms, bend them at the elbows and
place the palms on the floor near the head
with fingers pointing towards the shoulders.
3. Gradually, raise the body and make a arch of
4. Move the hands towards the feet as near as
you feel comfortable.
5. Raise the heels and maintain the position for
5-10 seconds.
6. To come in nomal position, bring the heels
down, slowly lower the body on floor and
1. It strengthen lungs and improve lungs capacity.
2. Improves concentration and inner peace.
3. Helps to correct postural deformities like round
shoulders, kyphosis etc.
4. Helpful in arthritis.
5. Helps to relives backache, stiffness etc.
Contraindications- Those who are suffering from piles
should avoid this asana.
Parvatasana- Parvat means mountain and
asana means pose.
1. Sit on a carpet in sukhasana or padamasana.
2. Bring the arms in front parallel to the
shoulders and interlock the fingers with
palm facing towards you.
3. Exhale and move the hands over the head,
keep the fingers interlocked with palm
facing upward.
4. Stretch the whole body upward as much as
5. Hold the position for little longer and
breath normally.
6. Relax, bring the arms down, unlock the
fingers, stretch your legs and relax.
7. Repeat all the steps for 8 to 10 times .
1. It strengthen respiratory system which reduce respiratory
problems like asthma.
2. It gives full stretch to body which improves blood circulation of
whole body.
3. It reduce mental fatigue, improves concentration and memory.
4. It strengthen weak muscles.
5. It helps to reduce muscle pain and stiffness especially back and
Contraindications- The persons who is suffering from knee pain
should not perform this asana.
Gomukhasana- The word ‘Go’ means
cow, ‘Mukh’ means mouth and asana
means pose.
Procedure –
1. Sit on a mat with straight legs.
2. Bend the right leg at the knee, place
the right foot close to the left buttock.
3. Fold the left leg at the knee and place
the left foot close to the right buttock.
4. Take the left arm over the left
shoulder and right arm behind the
back. Hook the fingers of both hands
at the back.
5. Sit in this position comfortably for 10-
15 seconds.
6. Release the fingers, bring the arms on
the side of the body, extend legs and
1. It increases concentration and induces inner peace.
2. It helps in correcting postural deformities like
drooping shoulders.
3. It helps in improving lung capacities.
4. It is helpful in arthritis.
5. It relieves backache, sciatica and general stiffness in
shoulders and neck.
Contraindications– Those who are suffering from
bleeding piles should avoid this asana.
Matsyasana – In Sanskrit, the word Matsya
means ‘fish’. In this the body takes shape of a
floating fish. The folded legs resemble the tail
of a fish; hence, it is called Matsyasana.
Procedure –
1. Sit on a mat in Padmasana.
2. Lie on the back with support of the elbows.
3. Lift your neck and chest slightly up; our
back should be arched and raised from the
4. Bend your head backward and place the
crown of the head on the floor.
5. Make hooks with the index fingers of both
hands; and clasp the big toes with hooks of
opposite hands.
6. Maintain this position for 10-15 seconds or as
long as comfortable.
7. To come back, leave the toes; place hands on
the ground; lift the head up with the support
of hands. Sit with the help of the elbows.
1. It helps strengthen respiratory organs and removes respiratory
2. Improves blood supply to brain.
3. Improves the functioning of thyroid glands.
4. Improves immune system.
5. Strengthen back muscles and abdominal muscles.
Contraindications- Not to perform this in case of cardiovascular
disease, hernia, arthritis, knee and spinal problems.
NOTE– Bhujangasana and Paschimottanasana are already in
previous topic
Hypertension and asana to prevent and cure
Hypertension- It is the force of blood against the walls of
arteries or blood vessels. At each beat heart pumps the
blood into arteries or blood vessels and this is called
systolic blood pressure. When the heart is at rest between
beats, blood pressure falls and called diastolic blood
pressure. So there are two numbers systolic and diastolic.
Systolic comes before the diastolic and
120/80 is the normal blood
Between 120 to 139 for the systolic and between 80 to
89 for the diastolic is pre-hypertension.
140/90 or above is high blood pressure and called
Causes- No specific identifiable cause for
hypertension. Heart problems, kidney problems,
thyroid problems, sleeping disorders, obesity,
weakness, stress and tension may cause of
Effects- Heart problems like stroke, heart failure, kidney
failure, headache, breathing problems, sweating etc.
Some Asana to Prevent and Cure
1. Tadasana 2. Vajrasana 3. Pavanmukasana

4. Ardhchakrasana 4. Bhujangasana 5. Shavasana

Some Asana to Prevent and Cure
Tadasana- Tad is palm tree.
1.Stand straight with both feet
2. Interlocked the fingers, stretch
arms upward with palm facing
3. Slowly raise the heels as much as
possible and stretch the body
upward as much as possible.
5. Hold the position for 10-15 second.
6. To come in normal position,
slowly bring the heels down, bring
the hands down and relax.
1. It helps to improve blood circulation of all body.
2. It gives good stretch to whole body muscles.
3. Helps to increase strength of thighs, knees and ankles
3. Helps to increase height.
4. Helps to remove laziness.
Contraindications- Those having vertigo problem should
Ardhchakrasana- Ardh means half,
chakra means circle and asana means
1. Stand straight with both feet together
and arms relax on side.
2. Inhale and extend arms upward with
palm facing each other.
3. Exhale and slowly bend backward,
push the pelvic forward, chest towards
ceiling and knee should be straight.
4. Hold the position for few seconds.
5. Inhale, come back slowly in standing
6. Exhale, bring the arms down and
relax .
Benefits of Ardhachakrasana-
1. Helps to improve blood circulation and regulates high
blood pressure.
2. Good stretching all body parts especially upper body.
3. Tone up upper body muscles.
4. Also effective for nervous system.
Contradictions- Those who have spinal problem, brain
ailments, peptic ulcer, hernia, pregnant women should
not perform ardhchakrasana.
Shavasana- It is a relaxing
posture. Shav means dead
body and asana means pose.
1. Lie down on a carpet, head
should be straight, keeps
the legs apart at a
comfortable distance.
2. Hands on the side with
about six inches away from
body with palm facing
upward and in relaxed
3. Close your eyes and breath
Benefits of Shavasana-
1. Provide good relaxation for body, heart and mind.
2. Helps to reduce stress, tension, anxiety and fatigue.
3. Relaxes tensed nerves, boost energy level.
4. Provide calmness and develops harmony.
5. The person feels fresh.
NOTE- Vajrasana is already under obesity and Pavan
Muktasana in diabetes
Back Pain and Asana to Prevent and Cure
Back Pain- It is the pain felt in the back or in the that usually
originates from muscles, nerves, bones, joints or in spine and
may be due to sitting or standing for long hours, incorrect
postures, obesity, weak back muscles etc. Back pain includes
lower back pain, middle back pain and upper back pain due
to nerve problems, muscle problem and spinal cord problem.
Causes- Spinal problems like slip disc or disease, over
stretching of muscles or nerves, arthritis, osteoporosis, weak
back muscles, obesity, sitting and standing for long hours,
incorrect postures, lack of flexibility, lack of exercises,
improper loading, overload or excessive pressure on back etc.
Effects- The person suffering from back pain cannot move his
body properly so he can’t perform any activity properly.
Some Asana to Prevent and Cure
1. Tadasana 2. Ardhamatsyendrasana 3. Vakrasana

4. Shalabhasana 5. Bhujangasana
Vakrasana- Vakra mean twisted, asana
means pose.
1. Sit on the carpet with straight legs.
2. Fold the right leg and place the foot on
lift side near the left knee.
3. Slowly twist the body at right side from
waist and keep the right hand on carpet
(at back).
4. Hold the right ankle with left hand
from upper side of right leg if ankle
hold is not possible, keep the hand on
right knee.
5. Twist the shoulders and neck right side
and look straight towards right
6. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds
with normal breathing.
7. Slowly turn the upper body for normal position, release holding
of left hand, extend right leg for normal position and relax for 10
8. Follow the same procedure for left side.
Benefits of Vakrasana-
1. Helps to reduce belly fat.
2. Reduce back pain and waist pain.
3. Increase the strength, flexibility back bone and improve the
4. Improve the functions of nervous system.
5. Helps kidney and adrenal gland to function properly.
6. Prevents and control diabetes.
Contraindictions- Those who are suffering from ulcer and
enlargement of liver should not perform.
Obese persons may feel difficulty to place hand on knee so they
keep the hand on ground or wherever they comfortable.
Shalabhasana- Shalabh means
‘Grasshopper’ and asana means
1. Lie flat on stomach with legs
together and hands on side near the
thighs (on a carpet).
2. Place both hands under the thighs
with palm facing upward.
3. Stretch the chin forward.
4. Raise the both legs as high as
possible with support of hands.
5. Hold the position for few seconds
with normal breathing.
6. To come back, slowly brings the
legs and neck down, take out the
hands from thighs and relax.
Benefits of Shalabhasana-
1. It strengthen the lower back, pelvic and reduce back
2. Helps to reduce fat from abdomen and lower body.
3. Increase flexibility of spine.
4. Stimulates nervous system.
5. Improves blood circulation in pelvic region.
Contraindications- Those are suffering from high blood
pressure, asthma, lungs problems, cardiac problems,
hernia, peptic ulcer and intestine problems should not to
perform this asana.
NOTE- Ardha Matsyendrasana in obesity,
Bhujangasana in diabetes and Tadasana in

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