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1. Recommendation

“Recommendation is an official suggestion about the best thing to do, or the act of telling somebody
that something is good or useful or that somebody would be suitable for sa particular things, etc”.
From the above understanding it can be concluded that recommendations are a form of appeal made
by one person to another to do the best or useful and beneficial for that person.
In other words, what is meant by recommendation in this article is not much different from advice.
So that makes a difference in the person who is given a recommendation for the better.
Recommendations Expressions

In English sentences, the form of recommendation

expressions that are commonly found are marked by the
use of words such as should and keep away.Consider the
example sentences that state the expression of
recommendation or recommendation below.You should
try that new computer. (You should try that new
computer)They should run faster because time is running
out. (They have to run faster because time is running
out)Keep away from the dog. They are wild and insane.
(Stay away from dogs. They are wild and crazy animals)
2. Suggestion

Phrases or expressions to give suggestions in English using the word marker Could or Might. Both of them have the meaning
maybe / may.
The sentence patterns used are as follows.
1. Subject + could / might + Verb 1
2. Subject + should + Verb 1
3. Why don't you + Verb 1
4. How about + Verb -ing / Noun
5. What about + Verb -ing / Noun
6. If I were you, I would + Verb 1
7. Let's + Verb 1
For example:
• You could start to do your final examination. (Kamu bisa memulai ujian akhir)
• They could find a new office. (Mereka dapat mencari kantor baru)

Defenition Of Formal Invitation

Formal invitations are invitations that are usually made or issued by a person, company or agency.

This formal invitation does not have to be in a very official form such as a business letter or other letter that seems very
However, this formal invitation can be made in the usual form without having to leave the formal impression of an official
invitation, rules, and grammatical rules such as the intent and purpose of the invitation, standard language, the contents of the
letter which must be effective and clear, and made according to the needs.

Formal invitations are usually invitations given for various events such as independence day celebrations, product or company
inauguration, farewell events, graduations, inauguration, congresses, seminars, training, and other formal events.
Therefore, the purpose of a formal invitation is to invite or invite someone to attend a certain event that has been written on the
invitation in a formal or official situation.
Formal Invitation Format and Structure

Standard and straightforward language is usually a sign of an official formal invitation. The following is the format of the
formal invitation, namely:

• Address (address)

• Greetings (greetings)

• The body of the letter consists of:

1. To whom the letter is addressed (For who and whom)

2. Purpose of the invitation (reason of invitation)

3. date (date)

4. Time and place (time and place)

5. Request to reply (RSVP)

Phrases or Sentences Often Used in Invitations

In making or writing invitations, there are phrases or sentences that are often used. For example, for a formal invitation, the
following sentences are phrases that are quite commonly used, namely:

1. Opening expression. For example:

I am very pleased to inform you that our company are successful in running the program

2. Making invitations. For example:

We cordially invite you to join

3. To state the date, time and place. For example:

The anniversary will be held on Sunday, 13 August 2022 at 7.00 pm – 8.00 pm at Sun Hotel Majalengka.

4. Closing. For example:

Thank you for your attention.

How To Make A Formal Invitation

Here’s how to make a formal invitation and also important points that must be considered, namely:

1. Use polite greetings on the invitation.

2. Choose and use polite, straightforward sentences, and standard language to invite.
3. State clearly the main information such as the purpose of the invitation or activity, the name of the invitee, the
place, day and date of the event.
4. Pay attention to the choice of words that are formal or use formal and standard language.
5. Choose and use a closing sentence in the form of a sincere request.
6. Put your signature and name at the end of the invitation.
7. And add RSVP and clear information related to the event being held.


Analytical exposition is a type of text that describes the author’s opinion in detail about an issue or issue without
intending to invite or influence the reader to do something.

The purpose of analytical exposition text is to provide an understanding that the topics presented are urgent
topics to be discussed or discussed.

The difference between analytical exposition text and other examples of text is that it is presented in a clear
perspective from credible research results. In an effort to strengthen his argument, the author also includes
pictures, info graphics, or other elements as data reinforcement.

1. Using The Simple Present Tense.

Analytical exposition text uses the simple present tense because the results of the author’s thoughts contained in the text are the
results of current thoughts.
2. Using Causal Conjunctions
Causal conjunctions are conjunctions whose purpose is to explain the cause of something and its effects. Examples of causal
conjunctions such as although, in case, as a result, in order, because, because of, despite, and so on.
3. Using Internal Conjunctions
Internal conjunctions are words that connect two arguments. Examples such as further, first, second, henceforth, and so on.
4. Using Evaluative Words
Evaluative words are used in analytical expositions because they aim to emphasize the issue being discussed so that the reader
feels the urgency of the issue. Examples of evaluative words are important, crucial, threatened, and so on.

• Thesis
In this text, usually in the first paragraph the reader can find out what issue is being discussed. In addition,
readers can also find out the author’s views on the issue.

• Arguments
This section contains the author’s argument against the issue or event being discussed by him. Usually there are
two or more opinions that serve to support the main topic.

• Conclusion
If you’re at this point, it means you’re almost done reading the text. Usually this section contains a recap of the
topic and argument written by the author.


Passive voice or passive English sentences are types of sentences that are seen based on the subject. An example
of passive voice is a magazine was read by my mom yesterday.

Passive voice is also known as passive sentence. Anyway, English passive sentences can usually be found in
various examples of English texts such as explanation text and also news item text.

Oh yes, before, we also discussed the difference between passive voice and active voice, remember? If you
forget, you can re-access the material through the article Getting to Know Active Voice (Active Sentence) and
Passive Voice (Passive Sentence).
Passive Voice Formula

Passive voice sentences can be formulated as follows:

Present: To be (is/am/are) + V3
Past: To be (was/were) + V3
Future: To be (will be) + V3
V3 is verb 3 or the third form of verb in English.
Examples Of Passive Voice Sentences

1. Present Tense
Father visits grandmother. (active)Grandmother is (to be) visited (verb 3) by father.
2. Past Tense
Father visited grandmother. (active)Grandmother was (to be) visited (verb 3) by
3. Future Tense
Father will visit grandmother. (active)Grandmother will be (to be) visited (verb 3)
by father. (passive)

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