Life Below Water
Life Below Water
Life Below Water
Need for Conservation & Sustainable Use of
Marine Resources
Issues and Challenges – India & The World
Global & National Initiatives
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable
14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9
Reduce Marine Protect & Ocean Sustainable Conserve End Subsidies Increase economic Increase Scientific Support Small-
benefits from Knowledge, Research
Pollution Restore Acidification Fishing Coastal & Contributing to Scale Fishers
sustainable use of & Technology for
Ecosystems Marine Areas Overfishing marine resources Ocean Health
• By 2025,
• Minimize and • By 2020,
significantly address the • Increase
effectively • By 2020, •
reduce • By 2020, impacts of • By 2020, By 2030, scientific • Provide access
regulate prohibit certain increase the
marine sustainably ocean harvesting and
conserve at
forms of knowledge, for small-scale
pollution. manage and acidification. least 10 per economic develop artisanal
end fisheries benefits to
protect cent of coastal research fishers to
overfishing, subsidies which small island
• 8 Million marine and • Ocean and marine capacity and marine
illegal, contribute to developing
coastal absorbs areas. transfer marine resources and
Tonnes of unreported overfishing, States and
ecosystems. almost 1/3 of technology, in markets
plastic enters and eliminate least
the carbon • Marine- order to
ocean every unregulated subsidies that developed
• Promotes use dioxide we protected Areas improve ocean • Important for
year fishing (IUUF) contribute to countries
of ecosystem produce. expanded from health and to development
IUUF. from the
based 1.7% (2000) of enhance the & survival of
• Based on sustainable
• 70% of all approach for • Ocean – all marine contribution of the poor in the
estimates, we • This is a major use of marine
debris end up conservation. More acidic areas to 13.2% marine coastal regions.
can run out of issue at WTO for resources
in the ocean. by 30% since (2017). biodiversity
seafood by India.
1800s. 2048.
Need for Conservation of Marine Resources
Accounts for 16% of all animal protein Fish & Fish farming support almost
consumed globally 12% of global population
Source: Global Biodiversity Outlook
Pressure on resources and the By 2030, ocean-based industries will
environment have led to calls for food employ more than 40 million people
production and for people’s diets to worldwide.
Issues and Challenges – India & the World
Marine Pollution & Ocean Acidification Sustainable Fishing & Fishing Subsidies Conservation & Scientific Development
• 31% of fish population are • Preservation of
World over-exploitated ecosystems in oceans–
The Great Fisheries • 58% of fish stocks reached Marine planned management
Pacific Situation max potential Conservation • Can be achieved via global
Garbage • 26 mn ton illegally fished conventions and treaties
UN Convention On
One Ocean Summit Wildlife Protection
Biological Diversity Deep Ocean Mission
Act (1972)
GloLitter Partnership
Blue Nature Alliance Coastal Regulation Biological Diversity
Zone (CRZ) Act of India (2002)
Thank You