English Teaching Material
English Teaching Material
English Teaching Material
Beginners from an L2
User Perspective
By. Vivian Cook
I am Novyko Dwi Aulliah
I am here because I love to give
[email protected]
3 Asumssions about language teaching
materials for adults:
1. Adult students have adult mind and interests
Adult ≠ Children
L2 user outside the classroom
2. Second language users are people in their own right
Use L2 for their own purposes
3. Language teaching has been held back by unquestioning
acceptance of traditional nineteenth-century principles
Priority of speech
Adult students
have adult mind
1 and interests
Course book which must keep up the intrigued
of individuals who have specific reasons for
studying a new language, their interests, social
connections and level of intelligence.
a. The types of students aimed at
Visualize the types of students the course-books are intended for, one needs
to look at the characters they feature and the topics they are about
b. The topics discussed.
the course topics can interest the students during the lesson and allow them
to use a second language for their final purpose
Sugesstion by Vivian Cook, how to choose the materials?
1. Materials should be adult in theme, teaching
method and language.
Second language
users are people
2 in their own right
⊹ Adoption of the native speaker goal
With an achievable goal in mind, the atmosphere in teaching can be more
⊹ Native speaker language
The forms and pronunciation is native speakers
Sugesstion by Vivian Cook, how to choose the materials?
Language teaching has
been held back by
acceptance of
3 traditional nineteenth-
century principles
⊹ Reliance on the first language
⊹ Emphasis on the spoken language
Suggestion by Vivian Cook, how to choose the method?