Parents Workshop

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Parents Workshop

By: Zakir Ullah

Workshop Objectives

• Educational Standards
• Children Psychological
• School+Students+Parents
Research Found:
• All the children reflect their families.
• Most of the parents lack the abilities of good
• Most parents are the hurdles in their
children’s future.
• Most parents are problematic because they
don’t know their children’s intelligence.
• Every child is born with unique intelligence from the
same parents. Two brothers will different in
2. Children are very innocent. They learn from their
outer world.
3. They express their inner world in behaviors.
4. A child is like a white page, and the parents and
the teachers are a Photostat machines, what the
machine can draw, they can draw.
• Khalil Jebran: “ Parents must remember,
children are through you, they don’t belong to
They belong to God, you are only instruments
through which they came, you can only help
them to reach their destiny but you are not
maker of their destiny”
Children are arrows….. Parents are bows
Don’t let them to follow your path.
Behavioral Disorders in children

• CD
(ODD) Oppositional Defiant Disorder
A child with ODD may:
• Become easily angered, annoyed or irritated
• Have frequent temper tantrums
• Argue frequently with adults, particularly the most familiar 
adults in their lives such as parents
• Refuse to obey rules
• Seem to deliberately try to annoy or aggravate others
• Have low self-esteem
• Have a low frustration threshold
• Seek to blame others for any accidents or bad behavior.
The characteristics of conduct disorder (CD)

• Some of the typical behaviors of a child with CD may include:
• Refusal to obey parents or other authority figures
• Truancy
• Tendency to use drugs, including tobacco and alcohol, at a very early age
• Lack of empathy for others
• Spiteful and vengeful behavior
• Being aggressive to animals
• Being aggressive to people, including bullying and physical or sexual abuse
• Tendency to hang out in gangs
• Keenness to start physical fights
• Using weapons in physical fights
• Lying
• Law breaking behavior such as stealing, deliberately lighting fires, breaking into houses,
• shoplifting, sexual abuse and vandalism
• A tendency to run away
• Learning difficulties
• Low self-esteem
• Suicidal tendencies.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

• Inattention – 
• Impulsive Talking (over the top of others)
• Forgetting
• Can’t sit for long time.
• Interrupting others
• Moving from one task to other without completing the first one.
• Fail to give close attention to details, or make careless mistakes, in school work or other
• Have difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities
• Not seem to listen when spoken to directly
• Not follow through on instructions
• Lose things needed for tasks or activities (such as toys, school assignments, pencils, books
or tools)
• Be easily distracted
• Be forgetful in daily activities.
(ASD) Attention Spectrum Disorder
• Weak in social interaction.
• Isolated
• Fed up with world.
• Blaming time.
• Want to go to jungle to live
• Repetitive
• Expressing mourns
• Cant use good words,.
CAPS Cadets,Batkhela Campus
Parents Types:
• Independent parents
• Permissive parents
• Authoritarian parents
• Rigid parents
• Aggressive parents
• Bad guider parents
What are Educational Standards?
Educational Standards
Educational Standards

Common Core Standards

Grade 1 standards
• Make Questions
• Central Theme
National Islamic Studies Standards
Islamic Studies Standards

Aqidah, Fiqh and

Quranic Studies
Sirah and Hadith
Islamic History

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