Instructional Materials in Teaching Geography

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Materials In
Week 17

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Learning Outcome(s)

• Create an instructional material in

application to geography

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Visual material
• such as picture, diagrams buildings,
projectors, teachers themselves, chart, real
objects (realia) studies etc. these materials
such as books, newspapers journals,
magazines, pamphlets, handout or modules
were also involved.

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Audio materials

• such as tape recording, cassette,

radio, teleconferencing, language
laboratories, teachers voice. They
appeal to the sense of hearing.

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Audio-visual materials
which include the television, video recording
motion pictures with sound tracks, slide and
films strips projection with sound tapes, films
and multimedia. They appeal to both sense of
hearing and sight.

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• include graphic materials, printed

materials, slide, filmstrips, overhead
transparency, cassette tapes, and
motion pictures.

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examples include: black boards, tape

recorders, projectors and video
recorders. They are used in
presenting materials, static or display
such as chalkboard, flannel graph,
flip charts, magnetic board are also
used in presenting materials or
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• this comprises of radio, computer, e-

mail, multimedia. These teaching
materials makes teaching and learning
process easier and concrete.

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Non-projected media

• include books and other printed

materials, objects, specimens. Models
mock-up graphical materials, bulletin
boards that exhibits, black boards, field
trips, simulation and games.

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Two-dimensional instructional
materials in teaching
• Include flat pictures, graphs, chart, diagrams
posters, comics, cartoons, slides, films trips.
They are also non-projected materials with
characteristics of being flat and light and may be
either in opaque or transparent form.

• They have length but no height, hence they are 2

dimensional aids.

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Three-dimensional institutional
• Include models, mock up objects,
specimens, laboratories, simulation and
games (toys). They are non-projected
materials. Characteristically, they have
length, width, height, hence they are
called 3 dimensional.

Instructional materials in teaching generally make the teaching process
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However, title
in order tostyle
appreciate the importance of
instructional materials in teaching -learning process, Rhert Heinich – et
al (2001) consider the reasons for using them. They include to
1. Gain and hold the attention of the learner
2. Provide visual aspects to a process or techniques
3. Focus attention on highlight of key points
4. Create impact
5. Facilitates the understanding of abstract explanations.
6. Provide a common experience to a large number of learners
7. Stimulate reality

In effect,
Click the type
to edit of instructional
Master title style materials in teaching used depends
on what the teacher wants to demonstrate; for instance, the reasons
for media are to create clear idea of something e.g. real object (realia)
models as follows:

1. To give visual access to something which may be inaccessible to

clarity abstract information which may be difficult to
communicate verbally. Examples are model picture, photo,
posters and diagrams.
2. To condense large qualities of information e.g. diagram
and handout
3. To promote mental activities of students; examples are
handout, textbooks, films and picture
4. To teach language pronouncement e.g. audiotapes.
5. To support work of the teachers e.g. sound recordings

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Characteristics of a Good
Instructional Materials

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The size it is a must that the material is big enough to be
seen by the farthest students in the classroom. Consider also
the font size and font style to be use.

The color - students are more interested to those

materials which are colorful and beautiful. "remember
that most students are more attracted to bright colors
because it is easily catch the students attention and
facilitate learning process.

The durability
Click to edit Master title style materials are not made for one
- Instructional
session only they must last if possible until lifetime so that it
can be reuse. See to it that it can stand for longer duration of
time so that the effort and money you render to have it will not
lost in just one glimpse or snap.

The economy - Consider also the salary of the teacher%

his expenses in making that instructional materials. They
can use their resourcefulness and creativity to produce
their own material. If possible use the cheaper things or
make your own materials so that it is not a burden on your
part. 1717
It’s portability
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- our style must be easy to handle and
carry so that it is more convenient for your part to carry it
wherever you will teach.

The relativity - of course it must be related to the

topic or lesson you are into. "remember that teacher
uses instructional materials to at ease the burden of
teaching and so that student will understand the subject

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Last it must be unique! - Students want to have things

which makes them curious about it. Let them manipulate
the material to evaluate how they learn through their own.

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Thank you for listening everyone


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