W5 - Distributed Naming Service
W5 - Distributed Naming Service
W5 - Distributed Naming Service
If the domain has any subdomains, there will be further records of type NS
specifying their name servers, which will also have individual A entries. For
example, at one point the database for qmul.ac.uk contained the following
records for the name servers in its subdomain dcs.qmul.ac.uk:
The BIND implementation of the DNS
The Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) is an
implementation of the DNS for computers running
UNIX. Client programs link in library software as the
resolver. DNS name server computers run the named
BIND allows for three categories of name server:
primary servers, secondary servers and caching-only
servers. The named program implements just one of
these types, according to the contents of a
configuration file. The first two categories are as
described above. Caching-only servers read in from a
configuration file sufficient names and addresses of
authoritative servers to resolve any name. Thereafter,
they only store this data and data that they learn by
resolving names for clients.
Directory services