Pumps and Turbines

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UNIT EECQ - 3232 : IB 60 hours 1.25 Units

Pumps and Turbines
Centrifugal and reciprocating: types, classifications, construction features, operation and
efficiencies, Performance characteristics, selection criteria, cavitation, maximum suction lifts.
Types, basic design principles, and performance characteristics, selection criteria.
Basic equation of wave motion, small amplitude wave theory and wave transformations.
Power transmission by pipelines.
• Definitions: PUMPS
• A pump is a device that is used for lifting liquid from ground sources to the upper top surface
or from one place to another place. It draws a liquid through an inlet and forces the liquid
through an outlet.
• Turbines:- A hydraulic machine for producing a rotary mechanical power from the energy of
falling stream of water. It used to generate electrical power.
• The working principle of a pump is the opposite of that of a Turbine.
• Pumps are operated by the mechanism that is rotary, reciprocating and it consumes energy
while performing mechanical work which is moving fluid from one place to another.
• This can be operated by many energy resources which include manual operation, electricity,
engine, wind power and many more, day to day life to industrial applications.
• Types of Pumps:
• A pump can broadly be classified into two broad categories:
• 1. Positive Displacement Pumps
• 2. Roto Dynamic Pumps
• 3. Special effect pumps
• Positive Displacement Pump;
• There are two types of Positive Displacement Pump, and these are:
• Rotary Pumps
• 1. Single Rotor Pump (For example, Piston Pump, Vane Pump, Screw Pump)
• 2. Multiple Rotor Pump (For example, Gear pump, Lobe pumps)
• Reciprocating Pumps
• 1. Diaphragm Pump (For example, Fluid Operated Pump, Mechanically Operated Pump)
• 2. Piston Plunger Type Pump- Single acting, double acting, Multicylinder
• 3. Suction pumps
• 4. Force pump – Similar to suction pump
• Types of pumps: PUMPS
• Also, there are two types of Positive Displacement Pump, and those are:
• Rotary Pump
• 1. Single Rotor Pump (For example, Piston Pump, Vane Pump, Screw Pump)
• 2. Multiple Rotor Pump (For example, Gear pump, Lube pump)
• Reciprocating Pump
• 1. Diaphragm Pump (For example, Fluid Operated Pump, Mechanically Operated Pump)
• 2. Piston Plunger Type Pump
• And again Roto Dynamic Pumps can be classified into two types:
• 1. Centrifugal Pump
• 2. Other Pumps – Axial flow pumps, Radial flow pumps and Mixed flow pumps
• Special effect pumps
• 1. Jet pumps
• 2. Airlift pumps
• 3. Hydraulic Rams(Hydram)
• Pump Definition:
• A pump is a device that is used for lifting the liquid from ground sources to the upper top
surface or from one place to another place.
• Pumps are operated by the mechanism that is rotary, reciprocating and it consumes energy
while performing mechanical work which is moving fluid from one place to another.
• This can be operated by many energy resources which include manual operation, electricity,
engine, wind power and many more, day to day life to industrial applications.
• Types of Pumps:
• A pump can broadly be classified into two broad categories:
• 1. Positive Displacement Pumps
• 2. Roto Dynamic Pumps
• Also, there are two types of Positive Displacement Pump, and those are:
• Rotary Pump
• 1. Single Rotor Pump (For example, Piston Pump, Vane Pump, Screw Pump)
• 2. Multiple Rotor Pump (For example, Gear pump, Lobe pump)
• Rotodynamic pumps;
• In this case a rotating element called the Impeller imparts energy to the liquid and then there is a pressure rise.
• They are in the class of Turbomachines in which there is a change of momentum in a moving fluid
• Force is exerted on the vanes (blades, runner) and work is done by displacement of the vanes.
• Example: good examples are centrifugal pumps- called centrifugal because centrifugal force is responsible for variation of pressure due to
rotation when they are operating.
• Most important components of centrifugal pumps:
• 1. Impellers- also known as a rotor. On it a series of curved vanes. Forces water into a rotating motion.
• 2. Casing – provided for housing the impeller – can be; diffuser casing;Volute casing and Vortex casing.
• 3. Suction pipe – a pipe whose upper end is connected to the pump.- It has a footvalve and strainer unit
• 4. Delivery pipe – Lower end of this is connected to the pump.
• 5. Delivery valve- connected between pump outlet and lower end of the delivery pipe.
• 6. Prime mover – Used to rotate the impeller.- Diesel engine, electric motor i.e DC and AC motors etc…..Pump is coupled to the prime
• They can be; -axial flow pumps; - Radial flow pumps; - Mixed flow pumps. This depends on action of water on entering the casing into
the impeller.
• On basis of Impellers –may be classified as (a) closed or shrouded(b) semi-open impeller;(c)open impellers.
• On basis of casing – Volute casing; Diffuser casing; vortex casing(Whirlpool)
Pump cont.…
• Reciprocating Pump :
• A reciprocating pump is a hydraulic machine which converts the mechanical energy into
hydraulic energy.
• Here a certain volume of liquid is collected in the enclosed volume and is discharged using
pressure to the required application.
• Reciprocating pumps are more suitable for low volumes of flow at high pressures.
• The reciprocating pump having two types: 
• Single-acting reciprocating pump
• Double acting reciprocating pump
Reciprocating pumps
• Parts of Reciprocating Pump:
• These are the main parts of a Reciprocating Pump:
• Suction Pipe
• Suction Valve
• Delivery Pipe
• Delivery Valve
• Cylinder
• Piston and Piston Rod
• Crank and Connecting Rod
• Strainer
• Air Vessel
Reciprocating pumps
• Suction Pipe:
• It is used to suck the water from the water reservoir to the cylinder.
• It connects the inlet of the pump with the water tank.
• Suction Valve:
• The suction valve is a non-return valve which means the only one-directional flow is possible
in this type of valve.
• This is placed between the suction pipe inlet and the cylinder.
• During suction of liquid, it is opened and during discharge, it is closed.
• Delivery Pipe:
• It is a pipe that is used to deliver the water from the cylinder to the desired location.
• It connects the outlet of the pump to the tank where the water is to be delivered.
• Delivery Valve:
• Delivery valve also non-return valve placed between the cylinder and delivery pipe outlet.
• It is in a closed position during suction and opened position during the discharging of liquid.
Working of a R-Pump
• Working of a Reciprocating Pump:
• The reciprocating pump consists of a piston that moves forward and backward in a close-fitting
cylinder. The movement of the piston is obtained by connecting the piston rod to crank through
a connecting rod. The crank is rotated using an electric motor. 
• Suction and Delivery Pipes with a suction valve and a delivery valve are connected to
the cylinder. The suction and delivery valves are non return valves, which allow the water to
flow in one direction only. 
• The suction valve allows water from the suction pipe to the cylinder and where the delivery
valve allows water from the cylinder to the delivery pipe only.
Working of a R-Pump
Working of a R-Pump
• Reciprocating Pump When the crank starts rotating, the piston moves in the cylinder. when a
crank is at A, the piston is at the extreme left position in the cylinder. As the crank is rotating
from A to C,(θ=0º to 180º) the piston is moving towards the right in the cylinder. The movement
of the piston towards the right creates a partial vacuum in the cylinder. But on the surface of the
liquid in the sump atmospheric pressure is acting, which is more than the pressure inside the
• Thus the liquid is forced into the suction pipe from the sump. This liquid opens the suction
valve and enters into the cylinder.
• When a crank is rotating from C to A (θ=180º to 360º), the piston from the extreme right
position starts moving toward left in the cylinder. 
• The movement of the piston towards the left increases the pressure of the liquid inside the
cylinder more than the atmospheric pressure. 
• Hence the Suction valve closes and the delivery valve opens. The liquid is forced into the
delivery pipe and is raised to a Required Height.
Reciprocating pumps
• Piston and Piston Rod:
• A piston is a solid type cylinder part which moves backward and forwards inside the hollow
cylinder, to perform suction and delivery of liquid.
• Piston rod helps the piston to its linear motion.
• Crank and Connecting Rod:
• Crank is a solid circular disc which is connected to the power source like motor, engine, etc,
for its rotation.
• Connecting rod connects the crank to the piston, as a result, the rotational motion of the crank
gets converted into linear motion of the piston.
• Strainer:
• A strainer is provided at the end of the suction pipe to prevent the entrance of solids from a
water source into the cylinder.
• Air Vessel:
• Air vessels are connected to both suction and delivery pipes to eliminate the frictional head
 and to give a uniform discharge rate.
Centrifugal pumps
• Centrifugal Pump:
• The hydraulic machine which converts the mechanical energy into hydraulic energy is
called Pumps.
• The hydraulic energy is in the form of pressure energy if the mechanical energy is
converted into pressure energy by means of a centrifugal force acting on the fluid,
the hydraulic machine is called a Centrifugal Pump.
• Materials for centrifugal pumps:
• 1. Stainless steel - 0 – 3.5 pH
• 2, Completely bronze - 3.5 – 6.0 pH
• 3,Bronze, C.I or both - 6 – 8 pH
• 4. Cast Iron or steel 8 – 14 pH
Centrifugal pumps
• Main Parts of Centrifugal Pump:
• Impeller
• Casing
• Suction pipe with a foot valve
• strainer and
• Delivery pipe
• Impeller:
• An impeller is a rotating component of a centrifugal pump which transfers energy from the motor that
drives the pump to the fluid being pumped by accelerating the fluid outwards from the center of
• Casing:
• The Casing that receives the fluid being pumped by the impeller, slowing down the fluid’s rate of flow.
• A volute is a curved funnel that increases in area as it approaches the discharge port.
• Suction pipe with a foot valve and Strainer: A pipe whose one end is connected to the inlet of the
pump and another end dips into the water in a sump is known as a suction pipe.
Centrifugal pumps
• Suction pipe with a foot valve and Strainer:
• A pipe whose one end is connected to the inlet of the pump and another end dips into the
water in a sump is known as a suction pipe.
• A foot valve is found at the end of a pipeline in a suction lift application.
• They function as a check valve, but they also have a strainer affixed to their open end.
• Delivery pipe:
• A pipe whose one end is connected to the outlet of the pump and other ends delivers the
water at a required height is known as a Delivery pipe.
Working of a centrifugal pump
• Working Principle of Centrifugal Pump:
• The Centrifugal pump acts as a reversed of an inward radial flow reaction turbine. This means
that flow in a centrifugal pump is in the radial outward directions.
• The centrifugal pump works on the principle of forced vortex flow which means that when a
certain mass of liquid is rotated by an external torque, the rise in pressure head of the rotating
liquid takes place.
• The rise in pressure head at any point of the rotating liquid is proportional to the square of the
tangential velocity of the liquid at that point.
• Therefore the rise in pressure head   =
• Thus at the outlet of the impeller, where the radius is more, the rise in pressure head will be
more and the liquid will be discharged at the outlet with a high-pressure head.
• Due to this high-pressure head, the liquid can be lifted to a high level.
Working of centrifugal pumps

• Applications of Centrifugal Pumps are:

• Centrifugal pumps are used in buildings for pumping the general water supply, as a booster and
for domestic water supplies.
• The design of a centrifugal pump makes them useful for pumping sewage and slurries.
• They are also used in fire protection systems and for heating and cooling applications.
• Beverage industry: Used to transfer juice, bottled water, etc.
• Dairy industry: Used to transfer dairy products such as milk, buttermilk, flavored milk, etc.
• Various industries (Manufacturing, Industrial, Chemicals, Pharmaceutical, Food Production,
Aerospace, etc.) for the purposes of cryogenics and refrigerants.
• Oil Energy: pumping crude oil, slurry, mud; used by refineries, power generation plants
Working of centrifugal pumps
• Advantages of centrifugal Pumps:
• These are some advantages of Pump:
• As there is no drive seal so there is no leakage in the pump.
• There are very less frictional losses.
• The construction of the pump is Simple.
• Almost no noise.
• Minimum wear as compared to others.
• Disadvantages of Pump:
• These are some disadvantages of Pump:
• Produces cavitation.
• Corrosion.
• Cannot be able to work at high speed.

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