Periodontal Ligament
Periodontal Ligament
Periodontal Ligament
Soft, specialized
connective tissue
Situated between
Width : 0.15 mm to 0.38
Function Anchorage
Purpose of PDL
Attach teeth to bone Extremely strong and
resistant. Transmit occlusal forces to the bone. Resist impact of occlusal forces. Protect vessels and nerves from mechanical injury (pulp). Maintain gingival tissue in proper relationship to the teeth. Acts as sensory receptor
Osteoblasts, Osteoclasts Fibroblasts Cementoblasts, Cementoclasts Undifferenciated mesenchymal cells Epithelial rests of Malassez Macrophages Mast cells
Collagen fiber bundles Variants of elastic fibers, elaunin and oxytalan Ground substance
Principal cells of PDL Characteristic ability to achieve exceptionally
Frequent cell to cell contact of both adherens
numerous fibronexi.
Aligned along general direction of fiber
bundles and with extensive processes thats wrap around the fiber bundles.
Responsible for simultaneous synthesis and
degrading collagen.
Remodelling occurs across the entire width of
the ligament.
epithelial root sheath. Occur as lacy strands close to cementum surface. No known function
Found on periodontal surface of alveolar
Distributed on root surface in various stages
of differenciation.
Large and multi-nucleated. Formed by fusion of circulating monocytes. Howships lacunae. Numerous cytoplasmic oragnelles
Exhibit lysosomes that contain fragments of
Appear under certain circumstances. No remodelling of cementum otherwise.
Small, closed faced nucleus and little
Found in highest concentration close to blood
Mast Cells
Small, round or oval having diameter of 12 to
15 m. Numerous cytoplasmic granules measuring 0.2 to 1m in dia containing heparin and histamine. Role in inflammatory reaction. Degranulates in response to antigen-antibody formation.
Predominantly located near blood vessels. Histologically similar to fibroblast. May have horse-shoe shape or kidney
Phagocytosing dead cells. Secreting growth factor to regulate proliferation of adjacent fibroblasts.
Collagen Fiber
Predominantly Type I and Type III collagen.
Collagen Fiber
In light microscope, collagen fibers are
gathered in bundles seen running between cementum and alveolar bone proper PRINCIPAL FIBERS OF PERIODONTAL LIGAMENT.
Collagen Fiber
Collagen fibers are embedded into cementum
Collagen Fiber
Fiber inserted in primary acellular cementum
Collagen Fiber
Run a wavy course May apper as fibers arise from cementum
and alveolar bone to meet in center to form distinct zone Intermediate Plexus
Collagen Fiber
Believed to be site of rapid remodelling. Ultramicrosopic studies revealed it to be an
Attached to cementum just below CEJ and running downwards and outwards to insert into rim of alveolus.
Horizontal Group
Just apical to alveolar crest group and running at right angles to long axis of tooth from cementum to bone just below alveolar crest.
Most numerous in PDL and running from cementum in an oblique direction to insert into bone coronally.
Apical Group
Radiating from cementum around the apex of the root to the bone, forming the base of the socket.
Found only between the roots of multi-rooted teeth running from cementum into bone, forming the crest of interradicular septum.
Oxytalan Fiber
Immature elastic fiber Visualized with special
Oxytalan Fiber
One end embedded possibly
Elaunin Fiber
Represent another form of elastic tissue