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The key takeaways are that this course is an introduction to Java programming, covering basic syntax, control flow, methods, classes and objects. It aims to prepare students for further learning in software development.

The course is structured into modules covering Java basics over 2 months. It includes lectures, exercises, teamwork and a practical exam. The timeline shows the progression from programming fundamentals to object-oriented programming.

The course requires basic coding skills and computer literacy in English, but is aimed at beginners. Previous exposure to programming concepts is recommended to fully benefit from the material.

Java Fundamentals

Course Program,
Evaluation, Exams

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SoftUni Team
Technical Trainers
Software University
Table of Contents
1. Course Objectives
2. Course Program
3. Trainers Team
4. Examination
5. Learning Resources

SoftUni Diamond Partners
SoftUni: Levels, Modules, Schedule
Programming Basics 6 credits 2 months

Programming Fundamentals 36 credits

Object-Oriented High-Quality Java Teamwork and 6 months

Advanced C#
Programming Code Fundamentals Personal Skills

36 credits 36 credits
Web Front-End Back-End
HTML + CSS JavaScript Advanced Database Web Services
+ WordPress Basics JavaScript Applications and Cloud 6 months
JavaScript JavaScript PHP Web ASP.NET MVC Web
Applications Frameworks Development Development
Warning: Not for Absolute Beginners
 The "Java Fundamentals" course is NOT for absolute beginners
 Take the “Programming Basics" course at SoftUni first: https://
 The course is for beginners, but with previous coding skills

 Requirements
 Coding skills – entry level

 Computer English – entry level

coding skills
 Logical thinking required!
Java Fundamentals Course
Course Objecti ves & Program
Course Objectives
 The "Java Basics" course:
 First steps in Java programming:
 Compiler, IDE, variables, control-flow logic, console I/O, loops
 Methods, arrays, lists, sets, maps, strings
 Develop algorithmic thinking and problems solving skills
 Prepare for learning other languages and software technologies
 HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, …
 Databases & SQL, high-quality code
 Web development technologies & mobile platforms
Java Basics – Course Topics
1. Course Introduction. Introduction to Java, JDK and Eclipse
2. Java Syntax – Data types, Expressions, Condtitionals
3. Loops (while, do-while, for, foreach)
Methods. Basic Exception Handling
Using Built-In Java Classes. Defining Own Classes
4. Arrays, Strings, Lists, Dictionaries, Sets
5. Java OOP
6. Java Best Practices
7. Team work + Labs + Workshops
8. Practical Exam
The Trainers Team
Trainers Team
 Ivan Yonkov
 Rated in the top 7% at Stack Overflow
 4 years of programming experience
mainly with Java and PHP
 Solid experience as QA engineer
 Top performing student from the
Software University (2014)
 GitHub:

Trainers Team (1)
 Bogomil Dimitrov
 Part-time trainer @ SoftUni
 Top performing student from the
Software University (2014)
 Studying IT in NBU

Volunteer Teaching Assistants
 15+ volunteer teaching assistants
 Scholarship students from SoftUni

 Top students from SoftUni

Java Fundamentals: More Details
Durati on, Languages, Technologies
Training Duration – Java Basics
 Lectures: ~ 30-40 hours (onsite + YouTube videos)
 Practical exercises (in class): ~ 20-30 hours
 Homework: ~ 30-50 hours
 Team project: ~10-20 hours
 Exam preparation: ~ 20 hours
 Exam: 6 hours
 Schedule: October-November 2015
 Exam date: 15 November 2015 14
Why Java?
 The Java platform is very popular
 Free and open-source software (see OpenJDK)
 Runs everywhere, on millions of devices
 Supported by big players: Oracle, IBM, Google, SAP
 Runs many languages: Java, Python, Ruby, Groovy, Closure, …

 The Java language

 Modern object-oriented language
 7-10 millions Java developers in 2012 (source)
Why English?
 Why the slides are in English?
 English is the native language
of the software engineers
 Specific terminology should be in English

 Translations are inaccurate and funny

 Just learn English!
 No excuses

Java Fundamentals
Evaluati on Criteria
Scoring System "Java Fundamentals" Course
 Exam – 80%
 Labs – 10% (added to the exam results)
 Homework + evaluation – 5% + 5%
 Team work – 10%
 Bonuses – up to 10%
 Presence in class – 5% (onsite students only)

The Java Basics Exam
 Practical programming exam
 4 practical problems for 6 hours
 1 easy, 1 text processing , 1 with loops,
1 with arrays / sets / maps
 You should code in Java
 Automated judge system with real-time feedback
 Solutions are evaluated for correctness only
 Code quality is still not measured 19
Homework Assignments
 Doing your homework is very important!
 Programming can only be learned through a lot of practice!

 You should write code every day!

 Each lecture is followed by a few exercises

 Try to solve them in class

 The rest are your homework

 Homework assignments are due in 1 week after each lecture

 Submission will be accepted through our web site:
Homework Peer Reviews
 Give feedback to a few random homework submissions
 Students submit homework anonymously
 Please exclude your name from the submissions!
 For each homework submitted
 Students evaluate 3 random homeworks
 From the same topic, after the deadline
 Give written feedback, at least 200 characters
 Low-quality feedback  report for punishment
 Everyone will get feedback for their homework
What We Need Additionally?
Course Web Site & Forums
 The Java Basics official web site:

 Register for the "Software University Forum":

 Discuss the course exercises with your colleagues

 Find solutions for all course exercises

 Share source code / discuss ideas / help each other
The Java Programming Slides and Videos
 All lecture slides, videos, homework assignments, projects and
other resources are open content, available for free
 Visit the course web site to access the course resources

Free Java Fundamentals Textbook
 The official textbook for the Java Fundamentals course
 “Fundamentals of Computer Programming with Java”, by
Svetlin Nakov & Co., 2009, ISBN 9789544000554
 Bulgarian version only available (as PDF, ePub, …)
 Freely downloadable from:
 Read chapters 1…13 (up to Strings), optionally all others

 The official Java Tutorial from Oracle:


Software University Learning System (SULS)
 Software University Learning System (SULS)

 Important resource for students

 Homework submissions

 Homework check-up

 Exams and results

 Reports about your progress

Required Software
 Recommended software for the Java Basics course:
 Linux (your favorite distribution), e.g. Xubuntu 14.04
 Optionally you can use Windows or other OS
 JDK 8 (Java SE Development Kit 8)
 Install JDK (not JRE!) –
 IntelliJ IDEA –
 Any other Java IDE may also be used: Eclipse, Netbeans, …

 The "Java Basics" course provides
 The first steps in Java programming
 Training program
 Java platform, using Eclipse, variables,
control-flow logic, loops, advanced topics
 Practical exams
 Automated judge system + score system
 Learning resources
 Lectures, videos, software, books, forum
Java Fundamentals – Course Introduction

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 This course (slides, examples, demos, videos, homework, etc.)
is licensed under the "Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International"

 Attribution: this work may contain portions from

 "Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#" book by Svetlin Nakov & Co. under CC-BY-SA license
 "C# Part I" course by Telerik Academy under CC-BY-NC-SA license 30
Free Trainings @ Software University
 Software University Foundation –
 Software University – High-Quality Education,
Profession and Job for Software Developers
 Software University @ Facebook
 Software University @ YouTube
 Software University Forums –

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